
Thursday 14 September 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th September 2023.

13th September, 2023.

Right … it’s Thursday.

Which is going to be quiet.

To deal with that … ?

I’m going to be doing some writing: quizzes do not write themselves.

Then?   For the sake of variety?

I’ll be doing some more writing.

I’ve managed to scan in some paperwork for my upcoming appeal against a decision by the Department of Work and Pensions.

And tried uploading it from Brentwood Library.

Which didn’t work, I should add.

At any rate … ?

I’ve got a lot to do … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Queen Elizabeth 2nd was lying in state: on 14th September, 2022.   Where was her lying in state: Westminster Hall, Westminster Palace or Buckingham Palace?

Q2)        Windows ME was released on 14th September, 2000.   The ‘ME’ stood for what: Millennium Edition, Major Edition or Massive Elephant?

Q3)        Joe Kittinger became the first person to fly a gas ballon across the the Atlantic.   At least, when he started his trip on 14th September.   14th September of which year of the 1980s?

Q4)        The first Dutch city to be liberated at the end of World War 2, was liberated on 14th September, 1944.   Which Dutch city was it: Maastricht, the Hague or Utrecht?

Q5)        Finally … ?   OPEC was founded on 14th September, 1960.   Members of OPEC export what: petroleum, uranium or silicon?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        13th September is the feast day of Saint John Chrysostom.   He’s a patron saint of where: Constantinople, Ankara or Bursa?
A1)        Constantinople.

Q2)        13th September, 2008, saw Hurricane Ike make landfall.   Where: Texas, Florida or Louisiana?
A2)        Texas.

Q3)        In non-leap years, 13th September is the Day of The Programmer.   The day was chosen as it’s which day of the year: the 64th, 128th or the 256th?
A3)        The 256th.   (256 is a significant number in programming.)

Q4)        13th September, 2022, saw the death of Jean-Luc Godard.   He was a Franco-Swiss what: film director, record producer or science fiction writer?
A4)        Film director.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Battle of Tel El Kebir was fought on 13th September, 1882.   Between forces from Egypt and where else: the UK, France or Portugal?
A5)        The UK.

Here’s a thought …
“We always have been, we are, and I hope that we always shall be, detested in France.”
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, 1 May 1769 – 14 September 1852.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you both, Olga.   Hopefully, it’s the heat that’s causing issues: but there’s always nasty possibilities!
        And cheers for the good wishes: the next few weeks are going to awkward … 

        I figured it might appeal, Debbi!   :D   (Is the film as bad as Martyrs?   That’s definitely one to miss.   Or get glued to … )


  1. 2 different dates shown in today's quiz.

    Go back to school on your binary 11111111 = 255 or FF in hex. clue the last 0 / 1 digit indicates an odd number.

    256 = 100000000

    There are 256 possible numbers in a byte 0 to 255.

    This 75 year old brain still remembers a load pf computer stuff,

  2. 1 Westminster Hall
    2 Millenium
    3 1962
    4 Eindhoven
    5 Petroleum

  3. Q1) Westminster Hall

    Q2) Millennium Edition

    Q3) 1984

    Q4) Maastricht

    Q5) petroleum
    Thanks, Paul, and good luck with the whole process.
    I was checking things out, and I did find that the side effects of one of the medications she is taking (which the doctor started not too long ago to help with her shaking, which is, thankfully, not related to Parkinson's Disease), can have as side effects confusion and memory problems. She seemed to be OK when she was only taking two tables, but the doctor told her to take three when we last saw her. I've told her to go back to 2, and depending on how I see her after the holiday, we might have to go and see them again, but let's see if the break has a good effect. I'm not very hopeful, but fingers crossed! (I am busy with radio business this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon as well, so less time to worry, I guess).

  4. Haven't seen that one. Sounds like I'm not missing much. Maybe. :)

    1. Westminster Hall
    2. Millennium Edition (They need to come out with a Massive Elephants edition now! That would be awesome! :) Or a Discworld Elephants edition? Oh, my!)
    3. 1984
    4. Maastricht
    5. petroleum


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