
Thursday 7 September 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-9-2023 — The International Criminal Police Organisation.

7th September, 2023: The International Criminal Police Organisation.

Yep: it’s Thursday.

Which means … it’s the day before I watch the next episode of Good Omens.

I’m looking forward to that.


If you’re in the UK, you’re possibly aware that there’s something of a scandal.

About buildings that have been built with concrete called ‘Reinforced Autoclave Aerated Concrete,’ or RAAC.

A form of concrete that’s turning out to be a lot weaker than it could be.

It’s causing something of a fuss: especially as many schools seem to have been built with it.

The government has released a list of the affected schools: that you can find, here.


I’m just grateful Jude’s school isn’t affected.

Although I suspect he isn’t!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        7th September, 1920, saw the founding of the International Criminal Police Organisation.   It’s better known, how?

Q2)        When founded, the organisation was called the International Criminal Police what: Commission, Committee or Conference?

Q3)        How many member nations does the Organisation have: 185, 195 or 205?

Q4)        At the time of writing, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi is the Organisation’s current president.   He’s from where: the USA, the UAE or the CIS?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Organisation’s headquarters are in which French city: Paris, Lyon or Marseille?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        6th of September is Independence Day in Eswatini.   It marks the country’s independence from where: the UK, France or Belgium?
A1)        The UK.

Q2)        What was Eswatini called, when it became independent?
A2)        Swaziland.

Q3)        The country is what: a constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy or federal republic?
A3)        An Absolute monarchy.   (The current king is King Mswati 3rd.)

Q4)        The Incwala is a traditional Eswatini ceremony.   It happens during what: the Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice or Vernal Equinox?
A4)        Summer Solstice.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Name either one of Eswatini’s two official languages.
A5)        Swazi or English.

Here’s a thought … 

“Its broad mandate covers virtually every kind of crime, including crimes against humanity, child pornography, drug trafficking and production, political corruption, intellectual property infringement, as well as white-collar crime.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the organisation.

And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I hope so, Olga.   Although I always feel odd about buying on Black Friday.   It’s the shopping day after a US holiday, after all.   (Remind me to look up Keanu Reeves movies, though, he likes Keanu Reeves.)

        Hello, Mum!

        Hopefully, he’ll get as used to it as you did, Debbi!   (I don’t know if you can access it, Debbi, but the first two episode of Lower Decks Series Four have been released.   It’s handy, if you want to see what Mariner and Boimler’s friends look like!)


  1. 1Interpol
    2 Congress
    3 195
    4 UAE
    5 Lyon

  2. Q1) Interpol

    Q2) Commission

    Q3) 195

    Q4) the UAE

    Q5) Lyon

    I always think of My Own Private Idaho when I think of Keanu Reeves, but I suspect your nephew might not appreciate that movie. Pretty weird, but River Phoenix was always worth watching.
    I've read that quite a few hospitals are also affected by the concrete problem. What a mess!

  3. Released where? For sale? General distribution? :)

    1. Interpol
    2. Commission
    3. 195
    4. the UAE
    5. Lyon

    I'll be in and out of a local conference this weekend. Should be ... interesting to see how well I hold up. :)


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