
Friday 8 September 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-9-2023 — Queen Elizabeth 2nd.

8th September, 2023.

Right … it’d Friday.

And another day that’s going to be quite, I think.

Bar heading into town to get my meds.

Which reminds me: I need to do something about that sharps bin!

I think I’ll be walking around a lot!


As you’re possibly aware … ?

I’m waiting to hear back from the Department of Work and Pensions: about whether I’m eligible for Personal Independence Payment.

The decision on my appeal, my Mandatory Reconsideration … ?

Is due by the 26th of this month.

OK … I can wait.

But … ?

The wait, the not knowing … ?

Is very frustrating … !


On other fronts … ?

I notice YouTube’s taken steps.

To combat online disinformation, that is.


They’ve introduced a scheme in the UK: to verify that healthcare professional in the UK, are genuine professionals.

I can’t help but think that’s a good thing.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Queen Elizabeth 2nd died on 8th September, 2022.   She acceded to the throne of the UK in which year of the 1950s?

Q2)        Where was she, when she died: Balmoral Castle, Windsor Castle or Osbourne House?

Q3)        She replaced her father as monarch.   He was whom: Edward 8th, George 6th or Michael 1st?

Q4)        Up until his death, Elizabeth 2nd was what: heir apparent, heir presumptive or heir conditioning?

Q5)        At the time of her death, she was queen of how many countries: fourteen, fifteen or sixteen?

Q6)        As queen, she was what: Queen Regnant, Queen Consort or Queen Dowager?

Q7)        She was ceremonial head of the what: Commonwealth, Imperial Council or International Olympic Committee?

Q8)        Her state funeral was held on 19th September.   It was the first state funeral in the UK, since whose: Winston Churchill’s, Margaret Thatcher’s or Princess Diana’s?

Q9)        Queen Elizabeth was the UK’s longest serving monarch.   Who was the second longest serving monarch?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Queen Elizabeth was the UK’s longest serving queen.   Who was the the UK’s longest serving king: George 3rd, George 4th or George 5th?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th September, 1920, saw the founding of the International Criminal Police Organisation.   It’s better known, how?
A1)        Interpol.

Q2)        When founded, the organisation was called the International Criminal Police what: Commission, Committee or Conference?
A2)        Commission.

Q3)        How many member nations does the Organisation have: 185, 195 or 205?
A3)        195.

Q4)        At the time of writing, Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi is the Organisation’s president.   He’s from where: the USA, the UAE or the CIS?
A4)        The UAE.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Organisation’s headquarters are in which French city: Paris, Lyon or Marseille?
A5)        Lyon.

Here’s a thought …
“I declare before you all, that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service and to the service of our great imperial family, to which we all belong.”
Elizabeth 2nd.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        I’ve got VAGUE mental images of him in a stetson, Olga: and not much else!   Wasn’t River Phoenix in that?   The one that died young?   (I don’t think Jude would go for it: not enough action!)
        It’s definitely a mess: there’s talk of theatres being affected, too.   I’m just wondering if that includes the National or the Barbican: there’s a lot of concrete in them!
        (Did I mention I’ve got Paul Hardcastle’s “19” on in the background: that’s the first and only song I can remember mentioning PTSD.)

        Well, OK … it’s out on streaming, Debbi: Paramount+/CBS All Access.   Or whatever it’s calling itself, this week!   Lord knows where copies could end up.
        Good luck with the conference.   Don’t go arse over tit, this time!!


  1. 1 1952
    2 Balmoral
    3 George 6th
    4 Heir Apparent
    5 15
    6 Queen Regnant
    7 Commonwealth
    8 Diana
    9 Queen Victoria
    10 George 4th

  2. Q1) 1952

    Q2) Balmoral Castle

    Q3) George 6th

    Q4) heir presumptive

    Q5) fifteen

    Q6) Queen Regnant

    Q7) Commonwealth

    Q8) Winston Churchill’s

    Q9) Queen Victoria

    Q10) George 3rd
    Yes, River Phoenix is the blond brother who died young. Worst still, he was with his brothers and sisters when he died. He was very talented. In My Own Private Idaho he plays a young man who suffers from narcolepsy, so he keeps falling asleep and waking up in strange places. Keanu's part comes from Shakespeare (Henry IV part 1), and he plays the son of a very rich man who decides to live among the poor in the underworld. It is weird, because the two stories seem to be quite separate, and because while River played in a very natural way, Keanu is a bit like a robot (I've always found him quite inexpressive, but that suits some of the parts he has played, for sure). I guess Matrix, John Wick, Point Break or Speed would be more to his liking.
    Yes, you're right about the theatres. The National especially. My goodness... (I can't say I like what it looks like, but it is a great example of the architecture of the era, that is for sure).

  3. I shall endeavor not to do so. :) Very much. lol

    1. 1953
    2. Balmoral Castle
    3. George 6th
    4. heir presumptive
    5. fifteen
    6. Queen Regnant
    7. Commonwealth
    8. Margaret Thatcher's
    9. Queen Victoria
    10. George 3rd

    How about that? :)


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