
Sunday 1 October 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-10-2023 — Tuvalu

1st October, 2023: Tuvalu.

It’s officially the case that a man in went of a bed … 

Never gets enough sleep!

But … ?

At least I’ve finished a video review … !



Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        1st October is Independence Day in Tuvalu.   Marking its independence from where: the UK, France, Spain or Germany?

Q2)        Tuvalu is in which ocean?

Q3)        Name either one of Tuvalu’s two languages.

Q4)        Who’s Tuvalu’s head of state: the President, the King or the Theocrat?

Q5)        Finally … ?   How many stars are on Tuvalu’s flag: eight, nine or ten?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        30th September is International what day: Blasphemy Day, Heresy Day or Desecration Day?
A1)        International Blasphemy Day.

Q2)        According to the UN … ?   According to the UN, 30th September is International what Day: Translation Day, Transmission Day or Transformation Day?
A2)        International Translation Day.

Q3)        Deborah Jane Trimmer was born on 30th September, 1921.   She was better known how: Debbie Harry, Deborah Kerr or Debbie Reynolds?
A3)        Deborah Kerr.

Q4)        Faheem Rashad Najm was born on 30th September, 1984.   He’s better known how: T-Bag, T-Rubble or T-Pain?
A4)        T-Pain.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Actor, Ian Ogilvy, was born on 30th September, 1943.   He played whom: the Prisoner, the Saint or a Persuader?
A5)        The Saint: in The Return of the Saint.

Here’s a motto …
“Tuvalu mo te Atua”.
“Tuvalu for the Almighty”.
Tuvalu’s motto.
And an anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Moore’s version seems to be the better known one, Olga.   There was a third series — with a chap called Simon Dutton — in the late 1980s.
        The school system’s fairly tricky: having a nephew keeps me up to date … JUST!   But things have changed since I was at school.
        Now … remind me not to mention Bicester and Wrotham!   Pronounced Bister, and ROO-tam … !   Which sounds like a fictional firm of lawyers, now I mention it.   Then there’s a TV series called Dalziel and Pascoe.   The first name’s pronounced Deal, from what I remember!

        Hello, Mum!   (Are you taking Mikey to the flat … ?)

        You should see the names I’ve mentioned to Olga, Debbi!   They get stranger.   The Scots name, ‘Dalziel’ is pronounced Deal.   And ‘Menzies’ is Ming: or Mingies.
        I have to admit, I never DID get into The Saint: any of them.   It always seemed a little old fashioned, for my taste!


  1. 1 GB
    2 Pacific
    3 Charles 3rd
    5 9

  2. Q1) the UK
    Q2) Pacific
    Q3) Tuvaluan
    Q4) the King
    Q5) nine
    You're right about Dalziel, and Scottish pronunciations... I did a locum there once, (in Ayr, so I suspect not the most extreme of pronunciations) and my brain needed a bit of time to adjust. I usually had deciphered what they were telling me as I had finished asking them to repeat...

  3. Well, I am a little older than you, so I can understand. A lot of my parents' fondest memories were of comedy shows I never really thought were that funny.

    1. the UK
    2. Pacific
    3. English
    4. the King
    5. nine


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