
Sunday 15 October 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th October 2023.

15th October, 2023.

Right … it’s now Sunday: when I’ve got nothing planned!

Well … bar finishing a movie review: that’ll be up, tonight.


I’m impatiently waiting for tomorrow, for Monday.

Because … I’ve got washing machine repair men turning up!

Heigh ho!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The Cassini Huygens probe launched: on 15th October, 1997.   It was heading for which gas giant?

Q2)        In a non-leap-year, 15th October is the two hundredth and eighty-eighth day of the year.   Is 288 a prime number?

Q3)        On the death of King Harold?   15th October, 1066, saw who become King of England: William the Conqueror, Edgar Ætheling or Ædric the Planter?

Q4)        15th October, 1923, saw the Rentenmark become the official currency.   Of where: Germany, Austria or Switzerland?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The first flight by Tata Airlines was made on 15th October, 1932.   Tata Airlines is now what: Air India, KLM or Cathay Pacific?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        14th October is World Standard Day.   The International Organisation for Standardisation — which defines many standards — is headquartered, where: Geneva, Zurich or Utrecht?
A1)        Geneva.

Q2)        More to the point, the organisation has three official languages.   Name one of them.
A2)        English, French or Russian.

Q3)        14th October is also World Migratory what Day: Migratory Insect, Migratory Mammals or Migratory Bird?
A3)        Migratory Bird Day.

Q4)        14th October is the Feast Day of Fortunatus of Todi.   Where IS Todi: Italy, France or Spain?
A4)        Italy.

Q5)        Finally … ?   And sadly?   Robbie Coltrane died on 14th October, 2022.   He played Mario in which 1986 film: Absolute Beginners, Big Trouble in Little China or Clockwise?
A5)        Absolute Beginners.   (The theme song is still Bowie’s best tune!)

Here’s a thought …
“Work, the what’s-its-name of the thingummy and the thing-um-a-bob of the what d’you-call-it.”
From Psmith, Journalist, by PG Wodehouse, 15 October 1881 – 14 February 1975.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, well: that always give you a bit more choice, Olga.   There’s a couple of halfway decent chip shops, if you’re ever in Brentwood.
        Oooh!   There’s old school breaking crews?   That should be fun to watch.   (Do you remember the Rocksteady Crew?   The singer, Daisy Castro, was only 15 at the time of their one big hit.)
        I think it might be usual: I’m in a couple of PIP groups on Facebook and have asked about this.   Apparently, their calls are common: before they make an offer.   I’m keeping my finger’s crossed it’s a good thing: I’m guessing they might phone, again, tomorrow, but we’ll have to see.

        Hello, Mum: enjoy Canterbury.

        My pleasure, Debbi: glad to be able to help!

§        OK, fair enough, Trevor: this I didn’t know.   I still think that doesn’t apply to HMOs: a house where the individual rooms are rented out as bedsits.   As far as I know, that depends on the tenancy agreement.   (One of my exes had just such a bedsit: all the tenants had to get their own license.)


  1. Q1) Saturn

    Q2) No

    Q3) Edgar Ætheling (I guess, although he was never really king and conceded the power to William the Conqueror a couple of months later)

    Q4) Germany

    Q5) Air India
    Keep us posted on further calls and everything else. I hope the repairman's visit tomorrow doesn't clash with your usual Monday activity. I know it's a busy day for you. And I hope the repair is fairly quick and not too costly.

  2. Yes i agree with you. There are oddities in TV license requirements. I think Uni students fall in to this area too.

    When I got my GCE O level in General Principles of English law ,TV licenses were not mentioned. I took that O level as part of my ONC in Business Studies.

    I do know about the MAN on the top deck of the Clapham Omnibus. The then legal definition of a normal person from the Victorian times. I think women were either chattels of their husbands or fathers if unmarried.

    I think I finished up with 13 or 14 O levels. A number I passed at Grammar school and the rest as segments of my day release courses. At the steel works we were encouraged to take extra exams in subjects studied as part of our main courses. We got money for passing each exam.

    My oddest qualification is a City & guilds of London Basic Iron & steel manufacturing . Well I did start work as a Clerical Apprentice on a steel works. Never finished the apprenticeship as half way through they gave us all a Computer aptitude test and with in a week I was training as a programmer.

    It has been like that all my life right place at the right time.

  3. 1 Saturn
    2 yes
    3 William The Conqueror
    4 Germany
    5 Air India

  4. So much depends on being in the right place at the right time, doesn't it?

    There's a statement that'll "rip the lid off your life" right there.

    Sorry. So serious. :)

    1. Saturn
    2. no
    3. Edgar AEtheling (okay, how'd you do that thing with the A and E?)
    4. Germany
    5. Air India


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