
Monday 16 October 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-10-2023 — Disney

16th October, 2023: Disney … 

Right … it’s now, officially, Monday.

Which means several things.

For starters?

I’ve finished a movie review!


That’ll persuade you to watch the film!


It’s still Monday.

Which means two things.

First?   I’m up early: for my usual weight management meeting, this morning.

And … ?

I’ll be hurrying up and waiting, once I get home: the washing machine repair men arrive at 16:30.

Here’s hoping it’s a simple repair.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Disney Brothers Studio was founded on 16th October.   Of which year: 1922, 1923 or 1924?

Q2)        The studio’s now known as ‘The Walt Disney Company’.   Or just as what: Disney, the Mouse House or Duckzilla?

Q3)        What’s the company’s sports media division called: ESPN, Sky Sports or Disney Sports?

Q4)        The company owns an online subscription TV service.   Called what?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The company’s HQ is in Burbank.   Burbank is in which US state?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Cassini Huygens probe launched: on 15th October, 1997.   It was heading for which gas giant?
A1)        Saturn.

Q2)        In a non-leap-year, 15th October is the two hundredth and eighty-eighth day of the year.   Is 288 a prime number?
A2)        No. (Amongst other things, it’s 2*144, 32*9 and 36*8.)

Q3)        On the death of King Harold?   15th October, 1066, saw who become King of England: William the Conqueror, Edgar Ætheling or Ædric the Planter?
A3)        Edgar Ætheling.   (Edgar conceded power to William the Conqueror, some two months later.)

Q4)        15th October, 1923, saw the Rentenmark become the official currency.   Of where: Germany, Austria or Switzerland?
A4)        Germany.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The first flight by Tata Airlines was made on 15th October, 1932.   Tata Airlines is now what: Air India, KLM or Cathay Pacific?
A5)        Air India.

Here’s a thought …
“[The company] was founded on October 16 […] by brothers Walt Disney and Roy Disney as Disney Brothers Studio; it also operated under the names Walt Disney Studio and Walt Disney Productions before changing its name […] in 1986.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the company.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Thankfully, Olga, I managed to book up the repair for this afternoon.   Hopefully, it’ll just be a kink in the drainpipe.

        Hello, Mum!

        It might rip the lid off, Debbi: but it’s a very good point.   I think cliques become cliques because they’re useful: and have some truth to them.
        It’s Option (⌥) and ‘'’ for ‘æ’: and Option (⌥), Shift (⇧) and ‘'’ for ‘Æ’: at least on a UK Mac keyboard¶.   You should be able to do those with one hand.   I actually had to look that one up with the keyboard viewer: it’s been a while since I’ve need to use that character!

§        I think TV licenses are a regulatory matter, Trevor, rather than law: but don’t quote me!   (I didn’t do too well at O levels.   Writing out answers by hand was — and still is — painful, and enough to slow me down.   There were one or two question I could never finish.)

        I’ve got the long keyboard with the number pad, Debbi: I don’t think it makes much different to the keyboard shortcuts.


  1. Q1) 1923

    Q2) Disney

    Q3) ESPN

    Q4) Disney +

    Q5) California
    Good luck then! I broke (not intentionally, evidently) one of my teeth yesterday. I think it was one that the previous dentist had crowned already. Well, now it's totally gone, other than a bit of root, so I have to see the dentist this afternoon, and I think it will be a bit of a process (X-rays, booking further appointments and deciding what to do), and I have a pretty busy week ahead (I have to go to the radio tomorrow afternoon and I'm out on radio business on Thursday afternoon as well, on top of having changed Jordi's class to Wednesday morning, as he was busy today) so I hope we can find spots for everything and get things sorted. Although, in my experience, once the root is out, then you have to let it heal before anything else can be done, so it might be a while. And I suspect that, as usual, it won't be cheap (although this dentist is pretty reasonable, but...)
    I hope your repair is straightforward, though, and this morning's meeting goes well.
    (Ah, on the course front, after a lot of theory, it seems that we're getting to the more technical bit of it, and considering I am terrible at drawing and haven't tried any of the tools we're going to be using, this could be fun... not).

  2. 1 1923
    2 Disney
    3 ESPN
    4 Disney Plus
    5 California

  3. I'll have to give it a try.

    1. 1923
    2. Disney
    3. ESPN
    4. Disney+
    5. California

    Tomorrow, treatment at NIH. Thank God!

    I made a short film. :) Nothing fancy.


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