
Tuesday 17 October 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-10-2023 — Legalising Cannabis

17th October, 2023: Legalising Cannabis.

Right … it’s officially the case that I have a fixed washing machine.

At any rate … ?

The repair man — from a local company called Mackfields — was over, yesterday afternoon.

And managed to fix the machine.

The error code I initially noticed — F05 — was correct: there was a blockage in the drain pipe.

With that cleared, suggestions for cleaning regular, and a demonstration of how to use the temperature control, done*?

I now have a functioning machine!

Thanking you, Trevor, if you’re reading this.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everybody scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        17th October saw one country legalise the recreational use of cannabis.   Which country: Canada, Mexico or China?

Q2)        This took place on 17th October of which year of the 2010s?

Q3)        The cannabis plant, itself, has its origins, where: Africa, Asia or Europe?

Q4)        Known strains of cannabis are pollinated by what: bees, flies or the wind?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cannabis is a what: moss, herb or cactus?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        Disney Brothers Studio was founded on 16th October.   Of which year: 1922, 1923 or 1924?
A1)        1923.

Q2)        The studio’s now known as ‘The Walt Disney Company’.   Or just as what: Disney, the Mouse House or Duckzilla?
A2)        Disney.

Q3)        What’s the company’s sports media division called: ESPN, Sky Sports or Disney Sports?
A3)        ESPN.

Q4)        The company owns an online subscription TV service.   Called what?
A4)        Disney+.   (The Mandalorian is screened on Disney+: and great fun!)

Q5)        Finally … ?   The company’s HQ is in Burbank.   Burbank is in which US state?
A5)        California.

Here’s a thought …
“The plant is also known as hemp, although this term is often used to refer only to varieties of Cannabis cultivated for non-drug use.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Cannabis.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Being shown how to use the temperature button was was appreciated: I’m hopeless, reading manuals!   (It’s meant I can give my teatowels a boil wash.   Whether that helps is another matter!)

        Oooooh!   Good luck the root canal work, Olga!   It’s always such a procedure, isn’t it?   And it’s always a back tooth, isn’t it?   I’ve got to admit: I’m fairly lucky paying for dentists.   As I’m on Universal Credit, I’m covered for a certain amount of treat.   I won’t get implants, or false teeth: but can get one one tooth out a year.
        The meeting went well: although my weight’s up and down like a yoyo!   And the machine is now, officially, working!
        Oh, JUST in case Jordi want’s to listen to British English music?   I’ve got Brand New Boots and Panties on, again.   You might want him to avoid “Plaistow Patricia”: and it’s not often I say that about an Ian Dury song!

        Hello, Mum!

§        You can also use the character viewer, Debbi: or the Keyboard viewer.   I’ve got them them glued to the Menu Bar, which is helpful.
        Good luck with the treatment: here’s hoping it works!
        Oh, have I mentioned Brand New Boots and Panties?   The original was Dury at his best!   (Apparently, the original version had Sex ’n’ Drugs ’n’ Rock ’n’ Roll as an unlisted extra track.   I bought the US version from the iTunes Store, which didn’t include it.   Ever get the feeling I’ve been cheated?!)


  1. Q1) Canada

    Q2) 2018

    Q3) Asia

    Q4) The wind

    Q5) A herb

    Here I think certain people get some treatments (including a tooth extraction). It is not very far back (and that means it is pretty visible). One of the premolars, and I had a crown put in a few years back. The crown looked good still, the tooth, not so much. I will probably need an implant, but once the extraction is done (I'll tell you all about it next week, as the technician preferred to leave it to a colleague who deals with more complicated cases. His worry is that taking it out might end up breaking the crown on the tooth next to it, as there is nothing to pull...).
    Good news on the washing machine front. To be honest, the manuals seem to be written by people who don't want to be understood (politicians come to mind, or civil servants). And these days, most appliances don't come with a physical instructions manual, but you have to download it or check a QR, and sometimes it is impossible to find the exact model... Considering I'm doing a course on user experience, there is a lot to say about this topic.
    I keep reading about new medications for weight control, but most of them are so new that it is too early to know exactly what will be the long-term effect and which ones will be the winners.
    Thanks for the suggestion. I'm seeing Jordi tomorrow, so we shall see.

  2. 1 Canada
    2 2018
    3 Asia
    4 Bees
    5 Herb

  3. I think I know the feeling! :)

    1. Canada
    2. 2018
    3. Asia
    4. the wind
    5. herb

    And it did work! So, thanks!

    Got an excerpt from the story that inspired Twin Peaks on my blog, nearly daily. I think I got a week's worth, at least.


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Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.

Contentious, actionable or abusive posts left anonymously will not be posted. Nor will comments using offensive pseudonyms or language, or that are abusive of other commenters.

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