
Sunday 8 October 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-10-2023 — The Tenth Planet.

8th October, 2023: The Tenth Planet.

Right … 

It’s officially official.

I’ve now got new reading and TV watching glasses.

Although I’ve not used them, as yet.


They’re in.

As are the old ones: just in case!


Just as a last thought … ?

I caught a movie on Friday: and finished my review, last night.

Feel free to have a look at that!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor¶ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Episode 1 of The Tenth Planet was broadcast on 8th October of which year of the 1960s?

Q2)        The story was part of which series: Dr Who, Star Trek or Blake’s Seven?

Q3)        The story marked the first appearance of whom: the Cybermen, the Klingons or Servalan?

Q4)        Those characters are what: cyborgs, robots, aliens or a senior military officer in the Federation?

Q5)        The story was the last appearance of who, as the show’s main character: William Hartnell, Jon Pertwee or Peter Davison?

Q6)        The story was the first appearance of who, in the show’s main role: Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker or Colin Baker?

Q7)        The first episode was written by one of the show’s better known writers.   Which writer: Kit Pedler, Dennis Potter or Nigel Kneale?

Q8)        What’s the Tenth planet called: Mondas, Telos or Skaro?

Q9)        The Tenth planet is a twin of which other planet: Mars, Earth or Venus?

Q10)        Finally … ?   How many of the originally broadcast episodes survive: one, two or three?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        According to the UN, 7th October is World what Day: World Cotton Day, World Hair Day or World Banana Day.
A1)        World Cotton Day.

Q2)        7th October is the Feast Day of Saint Justina of Padua.   Where is Padua: Italy, Spain or Croatia?
A2)        Italy.

Q3)        7th October, 1973, saw the birth of Finnish footballer, Sami Hyypiä.   Between 1999 and 2009, he played for whom: Liverpool, Manchester United or Tottenham Hotspur?
A3)        Liverpool.

Q4)        Aleesha Dixon was born on born 7 October 1978.   The singer, dancer and rapper was a judge on which TV show: The Great British Bake Off, The Great British Sewing Bee or Strictly Come Dancing?
A4)        Strictly Come Dancing.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Choi Jeong was born on 7th October, 1996.   She’s a professional player of what: Chess, Go or Backgammon?
A5)        Go.   You can read more about the game, here.

Here’s a thought …
“Emotions! Love! Pride! Hate! Fear! Have you no emotions, sir, hmm?”
The show’s hero, talking the villains.
And a great big clue … !

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   (Can you let Ruth know we’ll need her laptop, too?   Cheers!)

        Everything went well enough, Olga§: although I’ve not tried the new glasses, just yet!
        From the little I know of it, Go’s a bit like Othello.   The base idea is very simple: capture as much territory as possible.   Playing it well, on the other hand?   Is a whole other story!   (It’s only in the past few years that Go playing software’s started to get successful!)
        Hopefully, the report will show up: I suspect you may be able to get it emailed to you GP!

        I think he might be reading this, Debbi§!   We can always see if he tells us!   (Sorry it’s a ten question set, Debbi: hopefully, the answers are short.   The next ones are on the 25th and 31st: about Northamptonshire and Nevada, respectively.)

        Oh, Debbi says you’ve got personality, Trevor, so you know.   At any rate, I’ve made corrections …

§        Debbi, Olga, now I’ve got Threads and The Last Voyage of the Demeter out of the way, I might just look at The Day After.   We’ll have to see: I might just go for something upbeat.


  1. Q1) 1966

    Q2) Dr Who

    Q3) the Cybermen

    Q4) cyborgs

    Q5) William Hartnell

    Q6) Patrick Troughton

    Q7) Kit Pedler

    Q8) Mondas

    Q9) Earth

    Q10) three
    The Day After I'm sure I watched at the time of its release or soon after. From your description, it sounds as if Threads is more affecting, although, I can't remember much about it.
    I was checking and there is no report yet, but one can download the images, the problem is that they come as a zip image with a lot of stuff on it, so I'm not sure I'd ever be able t send it to the GP. I suspect it is easy to just turn up with the folder they gave me. (I can access online and I could show it to her that way, I imagine, but one needs to use their portal).

  2. 1 1966
    2 Dr Who
    3 Cybermen
    4 Cyborgs
    5 William Hartnell
    6 Patrick Troughton
    7 Kit Pedlar
    8 Mondas
    9 Earth
    10 Three

  3. Interestingly, I knew so many of the answers without looking them up, it was astonishing.

    1. 1966
    2. Doctor Who
    3. the Cybermen
    4. cyborgs
    5. William Hartnell
    6. Patrick Troughton
    7. Kit Pedler
    8. Mondas
    9. Earth
    10. three

    Made it! Yay! :)

  4. Debbi wanted to know about my facial hairs, well for some-time now I have been clean shaven.

    If I was to write the story of my life I think libraries would try to put it into the fiction section. Let us just say that my life is proof that TRUTH is stranger than fiction.

    There are so many strange things that have happened to me during my 75 years here.

    I have often been in the right place at the right time, some times almost in the wrong place.

    One local event was when Dave and I were walking up Sawyers Hall Lane towards the side path to Shenfield. A great branch fell off of a tree about 50 foot in front of us. It almost hit a car coming towards us. we helped the driver drag the branch out of the road and were able to continue on the scenic route to Ye Olde Green Dragon for a lunch time pint and food.

    If the road had been full of School kids one does not dare to think what may have happened.

  5. Trevor,

    I could say the same. Truth is MUCH stranger than fiction.

    Try this for starters: :)

    The story about the tree reminded me of this story within The Maltese Falcon:

    A story that's inspired me to write about Mrs. Flitcraft. :)

    Apparently, Dashiell Hammett didn't come up with much of a backstory for her. So I did. :)


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