
Friday 10 November 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th November 2023.

10th November, 2023.

I’ve GOT to confess: I have an earworm!

Miriam Makeba’s “Pata Pata”, so you know!

It’s a dance: one that’s supposed to imitate security guards, patting someone down.

And the song’s in Xhosa.

If my ailing memory’s working correctly?   The ‘xh’ in Xhosa is a clicking noise: rather than an X sound.

It’s amazing what you learn.


Talking of tunes?   Which we weren’t, but there you go … 

Talking of tunes, the BBC had a Dr Who night: at the recent Proms.

One that included a rendition of the theme — leitmotif? — for the 15th Doctor, himself,

I know it’s nothing like it … but the opening few seconds had me thinking of Dick Barton … !

I think it’s the drum beat.


I wrote — a few days ago, now — about how a couple of internet services providers had blocked a pro-suicide site: and my concern that other ISPs hadn’t blocked it.

I should maybe not have worried.

As the site has decided to limit access to UK users: after Ofcom, the UK’s internet regulator, contacted them.

At least, according to the BBC, they have.

Granted: the site, itself, provides an onion link you can use with TorBrowser.


That limitation is welcome.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Mum scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The Stephen Whitney crashed on 10th November, 1847: with the loss of ninety-two lives.   The crash lead to the construction of what: a lighthouse, a buoy or an channel marker?

Q2)        The UK edition of Lady Chatterly’s Lover sold out: on 10th November, 1960.   How much did it cost, at the time: 3s 6d, 4s or 4s 6d?

Q3)        10th November is Heroes Day.   Where: Hungary, Indonesia or Jamaica?

Q4)        10th November, 2015, saw the death of Helmut Kohl.   He’d been the fifth Chancellor of where: East Germany, West Germany or Austria?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Michael Leclerc was born on 10th November, 1976.   He played what: American Football, Baseball or ice hockey?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Cambodia gained its independence on 9th November.   Of which year of the 1950s?
A1)        1953.

Q2)        Independence from where: France, Spain or the UK?
A2)        France.

Q3)        What’s Cambodia’s capital city: Phnom Penh, Siam Reap or Battambang?
A3)        Phnom Penh.

Q4)        What’s Cambodia’s official language: Kampuchean, Khmer or Hokkien?
A4)        Khmer.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cambodia is a what: republic, theocracy or monarchy?
A5)        Monarchy.

Here’s a thought …
“Life is strange, but F1 is simply crazy.”
Eddie Irvine, born 10 November 1965.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, they turned up, alright, Olga.   I’ve now got Christmas presents safely tucked away.   At least … hopefully, safelytucked away.   At least one relative likes poking around where he shouldn’t!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        You know: there’s possibly a dictionary somewhere, Debbi.   There’s also the Guitar Institute of Technology: although they’ve changed their name.   Blowed if I know why, they’re in California … 


  1. 1 Lighthouse
    2 3s 6d
    3 Indonesia
    4 West Germany
    5 Ice Hockey

  2. Q1) a lighthouse

    Q2) 3s 6d

    Q3) Indonesia

    Q4) I think you got your Helmuts mixed up. You must be referring to Helmut Schmidt, who was the fifth chancellor of West Germany. Helmut Kohl died in June 2017.

    Q5) ice hockey
    Good to know. I have radio business tomorrow (another fair) in the morning, but I will try to catch up later on.

  3. What a day. I'm knackered again.

    1. a lighthouse
    2. 3s 6d
    3. all three of them
    4. West Germany
    5. ice hockey


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