
Saturday 25 November 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-11-2023 — Saturday.

25th November, 2023: Saturday.

Right, it’s Saturday.

And … ?

Frankly, the tiredness is starting to kick in.

It’s my own damn fault.

I will insist on late night video, and written, reviews!


I won’t be too wrecked, for tonight’s episode of Dr Who … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring ten out of ten.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message, here.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        25th November, 2023 is a Saturday.   When was it last a Saturday: 2016, 2017 or 2018?

Q2)        Saturday was named by the Romans: after which planet?

Q3)        If you’re Jewish, Saturday is the holiest day of the week.   It’s known as the what: Shabbat, shizzle or sherbet?

Q4)        The Saturdays are a girl group from where: the UK and Ireland, the USA or China?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Uptown Saturday Night was a film directed by Sydney Poitier.   It was released when: 1974, 1975 or 1976?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th November, 2023, is the fortieth anniversary of the publication of The Colour of Magic.   In other words, the book was published in which years of the 1980s?
A1)        1983.

Q2)        The book and its sequels are set on the Discworld.   The Discworld is a what: magic mountain, flat Earth or an underworld?
A2)        A flat Earth.

Q3)        The Discworld is on top of four giant whats: elephants, rhinos or hyenas?
A3)        Elephants.

Q4)        Those creatures are standing on the back of a giant what: turtle, horse or raven?
A4)        Turtle.   (The blurb on my early edition of the book told us the story was “On a world supported on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown …)”.   The fact someone thought about what could happen to a flat Earth on the back of a giant turtle at mating time, caught my attention.)

Q5)        One of the book’s two main characters is called Rincewind.   Rincewind is a what: wizard, watchman or barbarian hero?
A5)        A wizard.

Q6)        The other main character is Twoflower.   He’s a what: tourist, time lord or toaster?
A6)        Tourist.

Q7)        Twoflower is followed around by the Luggage.   The Luggage is an extremely aggressive, highly magical, what: chest on legs, flying bottle or magic carpet?
A7)        Chest on legs.   (It’s highly aggressive, eats people, and cleans socks.   And it follows its owner around.   There’s never any sign of blood on the socks.)

Q8)        The main characters spent a lot of time in the Disc’s main city.   What is that city: Ankh Morpork, Pseudopolis or HungHung?
A8)        Ankh Morpork.

Q9)        What was the follow up to The Colour of Magic called?
A9)        The Light Fantastic.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Who wrote The Colour of Magic: Terry Pratchett, George Orwell or Charles Dickens?
A10)        Terry Pratchett.

Here’s a thought …
“Saturday night’s alright for fighting
Get a little action in.”
From “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting”, by Elton John.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum … !

        There’s no rest for the best, either, Olga!   :D
        But, yes: Sainsbury’s had the gift card: and the £10 change I’d left with it!   I think I owe the young lady operating the self checkouts a BIG thank you!

‡        You’re doing FINE, Debbi!   :D.  And thanks for the comment on the review!   (Dodgy guys in carparks — especially pub carparks — are usually selling something iffy.   From a sports bag.   God knows how much cheap tobacco I bought … !)

§        I hate to sound picky, Trevor, but the original version of The Daleks was seven episodes.   I’ve got it on an external drive … 


  1. 1 2017
    2 Saturn
    3 Sabbath
    4 UK
    5 1974

  2. Q1) 2017

    Q2) Saturn

    Q3) Shabbat

    Q4) the UK and Ireland

    Q5) 1974
    Good news about the card. I hope they enjoy the present. Gift cards are always handy.
    It was an entertaining morning, for sure.

  3. Thanks, Paul. I love the word "dodgy." What can I say? :)

    I even used the term "high street" in a script. Been reading lots of British authors lately. It's starting to have an effect. Good effect? I can only hope. :)

    1. 2017
    2. Saturn
    3. Shabbat
    4. the UK and Ireland
    5. 1974

    We've started watching Derry Girls. Um, wow! That poor chap from England takes such a beating. :)

    I'm picturing the sales pitch on this one. "A whole new take on The Troubles."

    "Your Troubles are all behind you now."

    Ack! :)

    Enjoy Doctor Who!


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