
Tuesday 5 December 2023

For All Mankind — Series 4 Episode 4 — “House Divided” — A Review

4th December, 2023: the Introduction.

Right … it’s now officially Monday!

In case you hadn’t guessed.


Yes: that means potatoes are being boiled … and dinner prepared.

And possibly another video or two, being cut.

At any rate: it’s Monday, and I’m going to be watching “House Divided”: the next episode of For All Mankind.

By the time you’re reading this?

It’s be the 5th December: hopefully, you’ll be enjoying my review!


Episode 4 — “House Divided” — opens with with a long shot of the Happy Valley base on Mars.   Then shifts to a staging area: where Svetlana and Vasily (Masha Mashkova and Eduard Osipov) are arguing about the coup that’s taken place, back home in Russia.

Svetlana supports the old Gorbachev regime: whilst Vasily supports the new, hardline government led by Fyodor Korzhenko.

Tempers flare, whilst outside the base: with Vasily pushed over by an angry Svetlana.

With enough force to rip open Vasily’s suit …

Post titles … ?

Post titles, we are back on Earth: at Star City, in the USSR.

Where we find a snow covered Margo Madison (Wrenn Schmidt) outside the Roscosmos HQ, about to start her first day at her new job.

She is — she thinks — an observer of the top level meetings of Russia’s space agency.

It’s only when the meeting starts … that Margot find’s she more involved than she thinks.


Now … what did I make of “House Divided”?   Of this episode of For All Mankind?

Many years ago, I watched the Amazon alternative history series, Man In The High Castle.

And, whilst I felt it had something of a cop-out ending?

Felt it was an enjoyable little, Cold War drama.

Yes: it was a Cold War drama.

It just wasn’t our Cold War, one in our universe.

No: it was in one where the Axis powers won.

Series four of For All Mankind?

Is mining a similar vein.

But where Man In The High Castle had atomic Nazis versus Shinto secret police, all battling for control of San Francisco?

This episode of For All Mankind shows us a alternate 21st Century version: between the US, and the USSR.

Only this Cold War is still a space race, rather than proxy wars or police raids.

A space race that includes the high level defector, Margo.

“House Divided”?

Was as much her story, as it was Svetlana’s, Ed’s, Danielle’s or Miles’.



That’s just one of the threads in “House Divided”: but certainly one that caught my attention!

It means, yes: I’m going to be watching the next episode, “Goldilocks” on Monday, 11th December: and releasing my written and video reviews on the 12th.

Before then?

I’ll be watching “The Giggle”, the next Doctor Who anniversary special, on 9th December and releasing my written and video reviews on the 10th.

In the words of №.6?

“Be Seeing You!”

“House Divided”.

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