
Friday, 15 December 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th December 2023.

15th December, 2023.

Right ... I have a dentist appointment, today.

With the hygienists, so you know.

Then ... ?

Have to get back here, for a visit ... from a boiler repair man.

I had one, yesterday: from my landlord, checking on why the boiler was heating the flat ... but not heating the water, much.

It turns out it's a valve: and that, as it's still under warranty?

The manufacturers are able to replace it.

Their repair man is due, this afternoon!


On other fronts?

I owe regular commenter, Olga, a big thank you!

Thank you, Olga!

Her donation has done me a huge favour: and will allow me to start moving on the repair of the iMac that's an integral part of this blog, and the associated YouTube channel.

Sean Holland, of Tyche's Games has also offered to help: he -- and partner, Laura -- have relied on it for promotion ideas for some time, now.

At any rate ... ?

Thank you both!

Let‭’‬s move on,‭ ‬shall we‭?

‬Yesterday’s‭‬ Teaser saw‭ ‬‬Mum‭*,‭ Olga‭† ‬and‭ Debbi‭‡ ‬putting in their answers:‭ ‬with everyone scoring five out of five.‭

Let‭’‬s see how everyone does with today’s‭ ‬questions,‭ ‬shall we‭?

Here they are,‭ ‬along with the‭ How To‭,‭ License‭ and video‭.‭

Q1)        In a non-leap year, 15th December is the 349th day of the year.   How many day are left until the end of the year: sixteen, seventeen or eighteen?

Q2)        15th December, 1982, saw Spain open its borders with where: Gibraltar, France or Portugal?

Q3)        Gone with the Wind debuted on 15th December, 1939.   Who directed the film: Gordon Flemyng, Victor Fleming or Ian Fleming?

Q4)        The then Home Secretary resigned: on 15th December, 2004.   Which Home Secretary: David Blunkett, Charles Clarke or John Reid?

Q5)        Finally … ?   15th December, 1914, saw a gas explosion at the Mitsubishi Hōjō Coal Mine.   Explosion, and mine, were in which Asian nation?

Here‭’‬s‭ yesterday‭’‬s‭ ‬questions and answers‭ ‬…

Q1)        14th December, 2013, saw China land its Chang’e 3 probe on the Moon.   Which country landed a probe on the moon: in August of 2023?
A1)        India.

Q2)    The Sweet Dew Incident of 14th December, AD835 was a coup led by Emperor Wenzong of the Tang Dynasty.   The Tang Dynasty ruled Ancient where: Greece, Rome or China?
A2)        China.   (Apparently, the Emperor tried killing the Imperial Eunuchs.)

Q3)        Alabama joined the USA: on 14th December, 1819.   What’s Alabama’s capital: Birmingham, Montgomery or Mobile?
A3)        Montgomery.

Q4)        Which Scottish city’s underground railway opened on 14th December, 1896: Glasgow’s, Aberdeen’s or Edinburgh’s?
A4)        Glasgow’s.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The first Pacific telegraph cables were laid, on 14th December, 1902: by the Commercial Pacific Cable Company.   Those cables went from San Francisco to where: Beijing, Honolulu or Seattle?
A5)        Honolulu.

Here‭’‬s a thought‭ ‬…
“Qualis artifex pereo.”
“What an artist dies in me!”
Emperor Nero, 15 December AD 37 – 9 June AD 68.‭

And a song‭ …

Today‭’‬s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s‭ Teaser‭.‭
Decisions about scores are final.‭

Thank you for coming, and for help given:‭ ‬have a good day.‭

*        Hello, Mum!

        It got through, Olga!   You are both an angel, and an utter lifesaver!   I should be able to take Katie -- I give my Macs, names -- in for repair: tomorrow, at the latest.   Hopefully, it won't be long!

        I've seen the photo you posted, Debbi: I keep meaning to visit there: or Earl's court!   Apparently?   It's only tourists who refer to the Glasgow Subway as the 'Clockwork Orange'.
        Oh, the pair seem to get on: so far.   About the only thing that's suffered, has been the washing machine: it's got overloaded with loose fur.


  1. 1 17
    2 Gibralter
    3 Vi tor Fleming
    4 David Blunkett
    5 Korea

  2. Q1) sixteen

    Q2) Gibraltar

    Q3) Victor Fleming

    Q4) David Blunkett

    Q5) Japan
    Keep us posted! I hope it isn't anything too complicated. We're having the radio Christmas dinner this evening, and although my mother is having a cold, I hope we make it OK. I will go a bit early to give them a hand, and I've been recruited already to help with the tickets (as some people haven't paid yet, and the man who normally does it, Ramon, loves to talk, and that means the queue of people can get really long, so the idea if that I'll get things moving... And on Sunday I have a couple of things. Morning covering the local activities for La Marató (the Catalan television collect money for health issues, I know I've mentioned it before) and in the evening I'll be at the place here in Barcelona where they get the calls and all that, being a messenger. I'll leave in the early hours of Monday and have a class with Jordi in the morning, so it's going to be heavy going, but let's hope it goes well.
    Oh, and good luck with the boiler!

  3. As the owner of multiple cats (At one time. Now we just have one.), I can appreciate that!

    1. sixteen
    2. Gibraltar
    3. Victor Fleming
    4. David Blunkett
    5. Japan


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