
Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Nik Nak's Daily Teaser — 26-12-2023 — The Exorcist

26th December, 2023: The Exorcist.

Right, then ...

Let's do the happy thing, shall we?

And wish my nephew, Jude, a happy birthday!

Happy Birth, Jude!

You can make him very happy by subscribing to one of his main channels: here or here!

Or you can follow Bobby the Cat!



Moving on ... ?

You've possibly worked out yesterday was Christmas Day.

Gifts were given -- I'm hoping the one's I've been able to afford have gone down well -- and gifts received.

You can tell we're getting old, can't you?


Socks, underpants and gift cards seem to be the order of the day!


I now own an air fryer.

Which could prove useful.

Once I work out how to do baked potatoes with it>

It does tell me how long to do potato gratin.



I got to meet Bobby the Cat.

Who's a slippery customer if ever I saw one!


Just as on last sad piece of news?

Those of us of a certain age will remember Richard Franklin: who playe Captain Mike Yates, during the Pertwee years of Dr Who.


He died, yesterday, at the age of 87: after a long illness.

He'll be much missed.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1‭)‬        26th December saw the original release of‭ The Exorcist‭.‭   In which year of the‭ ‬1970s‭?

Q2‭)        The film was about a little girl called Regan.‭        Regan is a little girl possessed by a what:‭ ‬demon,‭ ‬djinn or Dalek‭?‬

Q3‭)‬        Who played the little girl:‭ ‬Drew Barrymore,‭ ‬Linda Blair or Shirley Temple‭?‬
Q4‭)‬        More to the point,‭ ‬who played her mother:‭ ‬Joanna Lumley,‭ ‬Jane Fonda or Ellen Burstyn‭?‬

Q5‭)‬        William Friedkin died this year.‭   He was the film’s what:‭ ‬director,‭ ‬screen writer or special effects man‭?‬

Q6‭)        William Peter Blatty was the film’s what:‭ ‬director,‭ ‬screen writer or special effects man‭?

Q7‭)        The film used‭ Tubular Bells‭ ‬as part of its score.‭   Who recorded‭ ‬Tubular Bells‭?

Q8‭)        One of the film’s characters was a priest called Father Karras:‭ ‬played by Jason Miller.‭   Father Karras was a what:‭ ‬Jesuit,‭ ‬Carmelite or Dominican‭?‬

Q9‭)        The exorcism performed by the exorcist was from the‭ Roman Ritual‭.‭ ‬  The‭ ‬Roman Ritual‭ is used by priests from which church:‭ ‬the Roman Catholic Church,‭ ‬the Church of England or the Church of the Sub-Genius‭?‬

Q10‭)        Finally‭ ‬… ?   Who played the exorcist in‭ The Exorcist‭:‭ ‬Max von Sydow,‭ ‬Tom Baker or Father William O’Malley‭?‬

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1‭)‬        Christmas Day,‭ ‬2023‭ ‬is on Monday.‭ ‬When was it last a Monday‭?
A1‭)        2017‭.‭

Q2‭)        It’s preceded by what:‭ ‬Advent,‭ ‬Aventine or Adventure‭?‬
A2‭)        Advent‭.‭

Q3‭)‬        “Christmas Day‭” ‬was a‭ ‬1979‭ ‬song by whom:‭ ‬Squeeze,‭ ‬the Clash or the Sex Pistols‭?‬
A3‭)‬        Squeeze‭.‭

Q4‭)‬        Factor‭ ‬9‭ ‬is also known as the Christmas Factor.‭ ‬It helps what clot‭?‬
A4‭)‬        Blood‭.‭

Q5‭)‬        Finally‭ ‬… ? Christmas Beetles come from where:‭ ‬Australia,‭ ‬Brazil or Cuba‭?‬
A5‭)‬        Australia‭.‭

Here’s a thought …

‭“‬Be gone‭! ‬In the Name of the Father,‭ ‬the Son,‭ ‬and the Holy Spirit‭!”‬
The Exorcist,‭ ‬speaking in‭ The Exorcist‭.

And here's a song.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I hope the duck went down well, Trevor.   Are you going to be using the rest for stew?
        The only thing worse than sprouts is broccoli.

        I did think of that, Olga: except that -- from what I can gather -- you have to sign up with your institutional credentials, to qualify for it.   Apple DO make things difficult, these days!
        Those small computers can save a lot of space: the first new Mac I bought was one of the 2007 Minis.   But you're right, they're not necessarily portable.   I don't know how it would cope with the stuff I'm doing, now: but it was a good machine: and could play movies well, once plugged into the TV.
        Ubuntu's an OK operating system.   About the only problems I'm getting?   Is that the age of the laptop makes for a slow experience, and that the keyboard shortcuts aren't consistent: CTRL(^) and Q quits most apps, but not all apps.

        Did I ever mention Bruce, Debbi?   My original machine?   It was a Mac mini.   It probably couldn't cope with all I'm doing, today, but would possibly be good for something.   Once I've replaced the hard drive!


  1. Q1) 1973
    Q2) a demon
    Q3) Linda Blair
    Q4) Ellen Burstyn
    Q5) director
    Q6) Screen Writer
    Q7) Mike Oldfield
    Q8) Jesuit
    Q9) The Roman Catholic Church
    Q10) Max von Sydow
    Bobby the cat sounds (and looks) like quite a character. Happy Birthday wishes for Jude!
    The main problem with all technology replacements these days tends to be getting used to it and getting all the settings right how we like them. Even when they are an improvement, they aren't always intuitive and user-friendly (that is something I've been thinking about quite a lot since I started the certificate).

  2. Just so everyone knows what I'm getting with their money?

    I'm buying the base line model of Mac mini.

    It's not the most power member of Apple's current line up: but is both the most affordable, and the one that will do for now.


    As A secondary thought ... ?

    The next big question set will be on the 31st of this year: it's a 12 question review of the year!

  3. 1 1973
    2 Demon
    3 Linda Blair
    4 Ellen Burstyn
    5 Director
    6 Screen writer
    7 Mike Old field
    8 Jesuit
    9 Roman Catholic
    10 Max von Sydow

  4. Oh, a blogger I follow shared this video.
    I thought you might enjoy it...

  5. Better work up my strength for that one! :)

    1. 1979
    2. demon
    3. Linda Blair
    4. Ellen Burstyn
    5. director
    6. screenwriter
    7. Mike Oldfield
    8. Jesuit
    9. the Roman Catholic Church
    10. Max von Sydow

    For once, I could answer most of these without Googling. :)

    Yea, I am old ... :)


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