
Tuesday 9 January 2024

For All Mankind — Series 4 Episode 9 — “Brazil” — A Review

8th January, 2024: the introduction.

Yes: we’re back to relative normal, now Christmas and New Year is over.

It’s back to watching a TV show on a Monday evening: and posting the reviews by the next day.

It’s also back to going to my weight management class on a Monday morning.


Surprisingly, I’ve actually lost a kilo!

We’ll have to see what happens, next Monday.


At any rate?

It’s Monday, 8th January, and?

Once I’ve had dinner, I’ll be watching “Brazil”, the next episode of For All Mankind’s fourth series: then writing about it, tomorrow.

I’ll see you then!

9th January, 2024: “Brazil”.

Episode 9 — “Brazil” — opens, not with a summary of earlier episodes.

But with a slow pan across the Happy Valley base on Mars: and to the underground areas that the team running the base think has been locked off … but have been hijacked by Dev Ayesha (Edi Gathegi), and his team of asteroid thieves.

At the start of the episode, the group are waiting for Sam Massey (Tyner Rushing) to ever-so-discretely break a piece of communications equipment on the asteroid mission: something she manages with ease … with the help of a simple drop of water.

Post titles … ?

We see the damage that’s been done to the discriminator, the vital part that Sam has sabotaged, is extensive, and complete.

But is repairable.

As there’s a spare on board the Ranger: a spare Sam offers to fetch.

Elsewhere … 

There is plenty going on.

Plenty that include Kelly (Cynthy Wu) finding signs of potential life on Mars, Miles Dale (Toby Kebbell) getting help from a friend in the North Korean part of Happy Valley … 

And Sergei (Piotr Adamczyk) meeting Margo (Wrenn Schmidt) … before — at the episode’s end? — meeting a very cold death in a motel in Houston …

Riveting … ?

You bet!


Now … ?

Am I feeling like I’ve had a long day, today?

Yes, I am.

Mild shopping causing havoc, manfully helping my nephew with his latest video, and a genuinely low mood not helping … 

Still … ?

I feel I’ve seen yet another sterling episode of a TV series that showing one riveting scene, after another.

And one that leaves me looking forward to the tenth and final episode, “Perestroika”, next week.

With murder, mayhem, and the theft of an asteroid in play?

I’d really like to see what happens.


With all that said?

I’ll be watching “Perestroika” on Monday, 15th January: and posting my written and video reviews on the 16th.

I will seen you then: and, hopefully, humming a tune!

See you then!


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