
Wednesday 10 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th January 2024.

10th January, 2024.

Right … 

I think I can safely say my nephew, Jude, was here, yesterday.

You can tell.


There’s another video added to his channel!

And … ?

There’s another on mine!

If you’d like to hit the Like button on those … ?

We’d appreciate it!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Jayme Closs were was found alive: on 10th January, 2019.   She’d been kidnapped eighty-eight days earlier: in which US state?

Q2)        The UK’s then Prime Minister famously said “Crisis? What Crisis?” on 10th January, 1979.     Who was that Prime Minister: James Callahan, Margaret Thatcher or Edward Heath?

Q3)        King Hussein of Jordan made his first public visit on 10th January, 1996.   To where: Mecca, Tel Aviv or Rome?

Q4)        The Covenant of the what, came into force on 10th January, 1920: the Covenant of the League of Nations, the United Nations or the European Union?

Q5)        Finally … ?   10th January, 1750, saw the birth of Thomas Erskine, the 1st Baron Erskine.   He was Lord Chancellor of where: England, Great Britain or the United Kingdom?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        9th January saw the first flight of the Avro Lancaster.   9th January of which year of the 1940s?
A1)        1941.

Q2)        The flight occurred during which war?
A2)        The Second World War.

Q3)        The plane was a what: bomber or fighter?
A3)        A bomber.   (To be specific, it was a heavy bomber.)

Q4)        During one operation, Lancasters carried Bouncing Bombs.   In other words, during Operation what: Chastise, Church or Charlie?
A4)        Operation Chastise.

Q5)        Finally … ?   How many engines did the Lancaster have: two, three or four?
A5)        Four.

Here’s a thought …
“Sculpture, to me, is primitive, religious, passionate, and magical.”
Barbara Hepworth, 10 January 1903 – 20 May 1975.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You were in a turban, Olga … ?   I’m going to have to have another look at those photos: I think I missed that!
        (It sounds like Trevor could’ve done with the nail varnish tip!)

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Elbows in, eh?   I’ll be honest Debbi, I’m getting images of The Good Life: at least I think it was The Good Life.   In one episode, the main characters take skiing lessons.   They have a dictatorial, Swiss, skiing instructor who keeps yelling “Bend ze kneez!”

§        What, a retired Lancaster, Trevor?   The nearest I got to a Lancaster was the anti-aircraft gun the Peniel Church had on their lawn.   Quite why they had a WW2 anti-aircraft gun on their lawn, I don’t know!   (How are you with nail varnish, Trevor … ?)


  1. Q1) Wisconsin

    Q2) James Callahan

    Q3) Tel Aviv

    Q4) the Covenant of the League of Nations

    Q5) Great Britain
    I was wearing a turban in the Campament Reial (the royal encampment), as I was a royal page, and guided the visitors through the installations... (I was wearing a blue thing... And carried had a small pink handbag on the side, to carry a few things). Some people wore full customes but I wasn't particularly lucky. But yes, I wore a turban with a feather!

  2. 1 Wisconsi
    2 James Callahan
    3 Tel Aviv
    4 League of Nations
    5 GB

  3. When you're in physical therapy, you get used to following orders like that. :)

    1. Wisconsin
    2. Margaret Thatcher
    3. Tel Aviv
    4. the Covenant of the League of Nations
    5. Great Britain


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