
Monday 1 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1st January 2024

1st January, 2024.


It’s the first day of a whole new year!

And … ?

I’m feeling vaguely optimistic: as I always do.

I suspect that could well be the hopes one has for a new year.

But also the simple fact that Christmas — with all the attendant stress, expense and worry — is over for another year.

Heigh ho!

At any rate?

I can leave you with the album I’ve got playing in the background … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring twelve out of twelve, and Mum on ten.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        1st January is the first day of 2024.   Is 2024 a leap year?

Q2)        1st January is New Year’s Day.   New Year’s Eve is on which date?

Q3)        1st January, 2024, sees Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, all join what: the EU, UN or BRICS?

Q4)        1st January, 2023, saw Croatia adopt what: a constitution, the Euro or votes for women?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Bouvet Island, the world’s most remote island, was discovered on 1st January, 1739.   It’s 1, 100 miles away from where: Antarctica, South America or Africa?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Which country adopted the Euro in January, 2023: Albania, Bulgaria or Croatia?
A1)        Croatia.

Q2)        February of 2023 saw the EU parliament vote in favour of banning the sale of what: petrol-powered vehicles, coal mining or nuclear powered submarines?
A2)        Petrol-powered vehicles.

Q3)        March saw the death of Paul O’Grady.   He will be best remembered as which drag character?
A3)        Lily Savage.

Q4)        What did Germany phase out, in April of 2023: nuclear power, petrol cars or a state broadcaster?
A4)        Nuclear power.

Q5)        Who’s UK coronation took place in May of 2023: Charles 1st’s, Charles 2nd’s or Charles 3rd’s?
A5)        Charles 3rd.   (The 50p pieces are due to go into circulation, any day soon!)

Q6)        The Titan submersible imploded in June, 2023.   What had it been exploring: the Mariana Trench, the wreck of the Titanic or the Great Barrier Reef?
A6)        The wreck of the Titanic.

Q7)        The SAG-AFTRA union announced a strike in July of this year.   The union represents whom: actors, writers or cheese mongers?
A7)        Actors.

Q8)        FIFA’s Women’s World Cup Final was held in August of 2023.   Who won?
A8)        Spain.

Q9)        September saw a well known English comedian accursed of sexual misconduct.   Which comedian: Russell Brand, Jason Manford or Sean Lock?
A9)        Russell Brand.

Q10)        Microsoft finally bought Activision in October.   After approval from regulators, where: the UK, EU or Russia?
A10)        The UK.

Q11)        Which band released a song called “Now and Then”, in November of this year: the Beatles, the Ramones or the Rolling Stones?
A11)        The Beatles.   (The technology is amazing … as is the fact half the band’s dead.)

Q12)        Finally … ?   And at the time of writing (November)?   Who announced planned strikes for December of 2023: train drivers, nurses or civil servants?
A12)        Train drivers.

Here’s a thought …
“I’ve made all the money I want.   So I just do what I feel like doing.   If I act again, it has to be something meaningful.”
Dana Andrews, January 1, 1909 – December 17, 1992.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming.

Have a good day: and a happy new year!

*        Hello, Mum!

        You’re right, Olga, I really should’ve worded that train driver question better!   I can only hope the World Cup question went down well!   Oh, and today’s music.   Apparently, Cugat’s papers are in the Library of Catalonia.
        I’ll get that audio issue sorted at some point, Olga: even if it means trying out a new mic!   Or experimenting with ClipChamp or Audacity: that may just help.
        And the same to you and yours, Olga: Happy New Year to you, you family, Jordi, and the radio station!

        Oh, I don’t know, Debbi: you’ve done twelve out of twelve, again!   Well done!
        As for the volume situation?   I think I’m going to have to do a little experimenting.   Or just not use that mic!   (I envy you you mic set-up, Debbi, I really do!)
        At ANY rate?   Happy New Year to you and Rick!

§        Happy New Year, Trevor: I hope it goes well!


  1. Q1) Yes

    Q2) 31st December

    Q3) BRICS (It seems Argentina didn’t want to join)

    Q4) the Euro

    Q5) Antarctica
    Thanks, Paul. The first thing I thought about was a strike the airport luggage handlers are having here these days, so many people on holiday over this break might get stuck wherever they were going.
    We were busy saying goodbye to the old year and welcome to the new tomorrow in the little square by the radio station. There was a big turnout, people dancing and singing with all the songs, and all the cava went pretty quickly. So, I guess not a bad day. Tomorrow we start getting the place ready for the Royal Encampment (the Three Wise Men or the Kings of Orient come to visit the children). I'll share some picks, but I won't be a carbon miner this year. I'm not sure what I'll do, but I'm sure I'll be busy. Take care.

  2. Thanks, Paul! Happy new year!

    1. yes
    2. December 31st (or 31st December) :)
    3. BRICS
    4. the Euro
    5. Antarctica


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