
Wednesday 31 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-1-2024 — And We’re Out!

31st January, 2024: And We’re Out!

Yes: it’s now, officially, Wednesday: and the last day of January!

Is it just me … ?

Or is did that go past, fast?


I think the older we get, the quicker it seems to go.



If you’ve spent any time in the UK, you’re possibly aware of Comic Relief: the biannual BBC charity telethon.

The one fronted for so many years, by comedy icon, Sir Lenny Henry.


It seems this year’s show is to be Sir Lenny’s* last.

That’s sad: the man is one of the UK’s genuine icons, and possibly the charity’s leading organiser, and best advert.


O, before I forget?

Jude’s posted another video!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor¶ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        31st January, 2020, formally the UK formally leave the EU.   EU stands for European … what

Q2)        We left as a result of a clause in a 21st century treaty.   Which clause: Article 50, Article 51 or Article 52?

Q3)        The Treaty concerned was dated in which year: 2005, 2006 or 2007?

Q4)        Our withdrawal was as a result of a referendum.   In which year: 2015, 2016 or 2017?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The withdrawal was part of what: Brexit, Hexit or Nesquick?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        30th January is the Orthodox feast day of Hippolytus of Rome.   He’s the patron saint of which animal: horses, cows or giraffes?
A1)        Horses.

Q2)        30th January is the Day of Customs.   Where: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria or Croatia?
A2)        Azerbaijan.

Q3)        The USS Monitor was launched on 30th January, 1862.   It was the first ironclad ship launched by which North American nation: Canada, the Confederate State of America, Mexico or the United States of America?
A3)        The United States of America.

Q4)        Car makers, Mazda, were founded on 30th January, 1920.   The company originally produced what: cork, phones or coal?
A4)        Cork.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Beatles performed their last public concert: on 30th January, 1969.   On the roof of which building: the Apple Records building, Buckingham Palace or the Gherkin?
A5)        The Apple Records building.

Here’s a thought …
“The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 at 23:00 GMT, ending 47 years of membership.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Withdrawal.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’ve an upcoming Teaser about George Harrison in February.   I suspect that Lenny — much like George — will be a useful source of information for people planning to run big charity gigs.
        If I recall Bob Geldof’s autobiography, correctly?   Sir Bob got in touch with Harrison, early in the process of organising Live Aid: Geldof considered Harrison’s experience organising The Concert for Bangladesh to be useful.

        Hello, Mum!   Did Jude get the waffles, home?

‡        I think I have an idea, Olga: at least two of the reviews I looked through, yesterday, implied the M2 Pro chip did 4k recording, but not the plain M2.
        It’s not too much of a worry: I’ve still ended up with a web cam with good colour depth, a tripod, and a remote.   But — if it is the case the camera won’t do 4k on the M2 I have — that could have been mentioned on the Amazon entry!

§        I still think it could be useful, Debbi: potentially, anyway.   But obviously, this is very experimental!   I keep thinking of some of the Cyberpunk role playing games I read too.   They had all sorts of ideas about brain implants!

        Cheers, Trevor, I got them corrected.


  1. 1 Eurupean Union
    2 Article 50
    3 2007
    4 2016
    5 Brexit

  2. Q1) Union

    Q2) Article 50

    Q3) 2007 (Although it entered into force in 2009)

    Q4) 2016

    Q5) Brexit
    Yes. I guess they usually say you have to check the requirements, but if they aren't listed...

  3. Mmm ... I'll pass. :)

    OMG! We've survived Brexit and a pandemic. What next? :)

    1. Union
    2. Article 50
    3. 2007
    4. 2017
    5. Brexit

    Let's not take that discussion further. :)


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