
Thursday 1 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-2-2024 — Recognition

1st February, 2024: Recognition.

Yes: it’s Thursday.

And, frankly?

I’ve got to make at least one phone-call.

To re-arrange a hygienist appointment that scheduled for Monday … at the same time as my weight management class!

You know … I never realise these things conflict until the last minute!


I’m in the UK: as you’ve possibly guessed.

And … ?

We’re due a Budget — an announcement of the Government’s financial plans — in March.

With an election due at some point, this year?

There’s speculation that tax cuts will feature in it: which isn’t that surprising.

My personal concern isn’t those cuts.

It’s the Cost of Living payments that many in my shoes receive.

The last one is due between 6th and 22nd February.

The sooner the better.

But … ?

I’m assuming that — all else being equal — that the February payment will be the last.

But with a budget due?

I hope that the Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, keeps the payment active: at least for another year.

But, being realistic?

Think those of us who need it, won’t see another penny.

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Mum scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The UK recognised the USSR.   On 1st February of which year of the 1920s?

Q2)        The USSR was the Union of Soviet Socialist … what?

Q3)        The Soviet body responsible for diplomats and treaties was then called the People's Commissariat for Foreign what: affairs, missions or diplomacy?

Q4)        The British department that managed foreign affairs was the then what: Commonwealth Office, Foreign Office or Department of Trade and Industry?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The two countries severed relations, when: 1927, 1928 or 1929?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        31st January, 2020, formally the UK formally leave the EU.   EU stands for European … what
A1)        The European Union.

Q2)        We left as a result of a clause in a 21st century treaty.   Which clause: Article 50, Article 51 or Article 52?
A2)        Article 50.

Q3)        The Treaty concerned was dated in which year: 2005, 2006 or 2007?
A3)        2007.

Q4)        Our withdrawal was as a result of a referendum.   In which year: 2015, 2016 or 2017?
A4)        2016.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The withdrawal was part of what: Brexit, Hexit or Nesquick?
A5)        Brexit.

Here’s a thought …
“By 1922, Moscow had repudiated the goal of world revolution, and sought diplomatic recognition and friendly trade relations with the capitalist world, starting with Britain and Germany.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the USSR’s foreign relations.
And a national anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        You’re right, there, Olga§.   (I think the company selling it, has been adjusting the listing: but — beyond the price that got lowered after I bought it! — can’t be sure what they’ve changed!)

        Very wise thought, Debbi§!

§        Olga, Debbi, can I leave you both with an earworm?   The song get’s used in an Adobe ad … that Youtube’s been throwing at me for weeks!


  1. 1 1924
    2 Republic
    3 Affairs
    4 Foreign Office
    5 1927

  2. Q1) 1924

    Q2) Republics

    Q3) affairs

    Q4) Foreign Office

    Q5) 1927
    Thanks for the earworm! I hope you aren't right about the consequences of the new budget, but I suspect you are. Amazon have offered me to become a Vine reviewer, so this could get interesting (although at this stage, I don't get offered expensive products, but well...)

  3. Hmm. I suspect I won't get all these right. :)

    1. 1924
    2. Republic
    3. affairs
    4. Foreign Office
    5. 1928


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