
Monday 8 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8-1-2024 — World Typing Day

8th January, 2024: World Typing Day.

You’re possibly aware that I’ve a new Mac: sitting to my immediate right.

In case you were curious about where it was!

At any rate: it’s come with many, updated, versions of the usual bundled software.

Including QuickTime, the Mac’s on-board media player and video recorder.

It seems that — in addition to the Voice Isolation feature I mentioned, a few days ago? — it is also capable of blurring the background.

Assuming that background isn’t a green screen,

Beyond using it, occasionally, for the intro videos, here?

I don’t know how much use that will be.

But … ?

I’m sure there’ll be something I could do with it.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        8th January is Typing Day.   The day was first thought of, where: Malaysia, Macau or Mongolia?

Q2)        If you're typing, you’re using a what: keyboard, mouse or bicycle?

Q3)        You used to type on a what: typewriter, xylophone or glockenspiel?

Q4)        Two finger typing is also known as ‘hunt and’ ... what?

Q5)        Finally … ?   WPM is a measure of your typing speed.   The acronym stands for Words per what?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th January is Tricolour Day in Italy.   It celebrates Italy’s three coloured what: flag, coat of arms or capital city?
A1)        Flag.

Q2)        Name any one of those colours.
A2)        Green, white or red.

Q3)        What is Italy’s capital city?
A3)        Rome.

Q4)        What — until the adoption of the Euro in 2002 — was the currency of Italy?
A4)        The Italian lira.   (I was being strict as several nations — including Turkey, Lebanon and Syria — have currencies called the ‘Lira’.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Italy is a what: republic, monarchy or Pan Tygian theocracy?
A5)        Republic.

Here’s a thought …
“Typing is the process of writing or inputting text by pressing keys …”
From the Wikipedia Entry on typing.
And music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   (The answer I wanted was ‘Italian lira’, Mum!)

        Plastic coated crowns, Olga?   Well, that’s a possible result!   (Hang on, the Mermaid?   Was that the place that never shut in WW2?   No, I think I’m thinking of the Windmill, aren’t I … ?!   At any rate, your Uncle’s right: working in theatres can be fun!   The sheer camaraderie for us ushers was quite something!)

        I hope this one’s as good, Debbi.   You should see the notes I’ve got with some of the answers!


  1. Q1) Malaysia

    Q2) keyboard

    Q3) typewriter (I remember it well. I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched ‘Gigi’ but I can’t say or write that and not start singing...

    Q4) Peck typing (I don’t remember having ever heard that before).

    Q5) Minute (I don’t know if you’ve ever watched Populaire. I enjoyed it!),contest%20in%20New%20York%20City.
    At the Mermaid they used to do Treasure Island every year, and my uncle talked about Bernard Miles (still does) with affection.
    Unfortunately, it is no longer a theatre.

  2. 1 Maylasia
    2 Keyboard
    3 Typewriter
    4 Hunt and Peck
    5 .Minute

  3. This one is also pretty easy. Took me a bit to find #1, but I found it.

    1. Malaysia
    2. keyboard
    3. typewriter
    4. peck
    5. minute

    To think, I used to type 75+ WPM without mistakes. Those were the days! :)

  4. Here is a link to the news item about the Royal Encampment with lots of pictures...

  5. And here, the pics of the parade...


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