
Sunday 7 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-1-2024 — Tricolour Day.

7th January, 2024: Tricolour Day.

Yes: it’s officially official.

I’ve been experimenting.

OK, ok: not seriously experimenting.

More like playing.

With, believe it or not, with the air-fryer I got for Christmas.

Yes, I’ve worked out how long it takes to cook a baked potato: which includes the enormous one the vegetable stall in Brentwood High Street does.

Oh, and I did sausages I needed for a sausage sandwich, lunchtime, in the thing, too.

Daft as it sounds?

It’s a nice learning experience.


If you’re not in the UK, you possibly don’t know about the Post Office Horizon scandal.

To try and summarise?

Many sub-postmasters — the folks that run the small sub-branches you’ll find in many shops in the UK — have been falsely accursed of various shades of fraud: after being issued with faulty computer software.

It’s a story I’ve had half an eye on for many years.

So couldn’t help but the recent coverage of the scandal.

Coverage … that was a result of the ITV series, Mr Bates vs The Post Office.

I’ll possibly have to catch that.

Although I’ll have to ask … 

Why on Earth has something that’s been brewing since at least 2009 … now getting more coverage?

I always amazes me what a TV show can do … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        7th January is Tricolour Day in Italy.   It celebrates Italy’s three coloured what: flag, coat of arms or capital city?

Q2)        Name any one of those colours.

Q3)        What’s Italy’s capital city?

Q4)        What — until the adoption of the Euro in 2002 — was the currency of Italy?   (I’m going to be strict, there: as several countries still use a currency with the same name.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Italy is a what: republic, monarchy or Pan Tygian theocracy?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        6th January is the feast day of Saint André of where: Montreal, Toronto or Sherbrooke?
A1)        Montreal.

Q2)        Malcolm Young was born on 6th January, 1953.   He’d been a founder member of which Australian band: AC/DC, InXS or Björn Again?
A2)        AC/DC.

Q3)        The late Van McCoy was born on 6th January, 1940.   His best known hit, “The Hustle”, is a what song: Disco, Heavy Metal or Reggae?
A3)        Disco.

Q4)        Nancy Kerrigan was attacked on 6th January, 1994: by an employee of her rival, Tonya Harding.   The pair were what: figure skaters, snow boarders or bob-sleighers?
A4)        Figure skaters.

Q5)        Finally … ?   John DeLorean was born on January 6, 1925.   He famously designed what: cars, chairs or jewelry?
A5)        Cars.

Here’s a thought … 
“Italy’s youngsters complain, apparently, about having to live at home until they are 72 but that’s because they spend all their money on suits and coffee and Alfa Romeos rather than mortgages.”
The ever-tactful Jeremy Clarkson.
And an anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        So you’re not a skater, Olga?   That’s OK, me neither!   I do know both of my sisters would be glued to the ice-dance contests, though, when Torville and Dean were at their height.   I don’t think I’ve been able to listen to “Come Follow the Band§” without thinking of them!
        If I’m any judge?   The hand outs at next year’s parade should do well: assuming the organisers can get enough, and assuming the rain doesn’t spoil things!   I can only hoping the funding and sponsors hold up!
        You’re right … he’ll need help, I think.   But he has managed ONE video, already: he’ll get the hang of rotating the camera at some point … !

†        Hello, Mum!
        One of these days, Debbi, I’ll be able to afford a copy: although I don’t think it would do well on the new Mini.   Oh, well!
        You know, it’s a shame you can’t get access to the BBC’s iPlayer: they aired a fascinating documentary called Disco: Soundtrack of a Revolution, recently.   I think they could’ve squeezed an extra episode or two out of it: they didn’t cover Chic or Sylvester as much as they should, I think.   (Bernard Edwards’ bass work for Chic was something else!)

§        I was working at the Dominion when their version of Barnum — with Paul Nicholas in the lead — was on.   “Come Follow the Band” is the huge number that opens the second act.   Live, it’s something to watch!


  1. 1 Flag
    2 Green
    3 Rome
    4 Lira
    5 Republic

  2. Q1) Flag

    Q2) Red

    Q3) Rome

    Q4) Lira italiana (Italian Lira)

    Q5) republic
    I don't remember if I told you, but one of my uncles worked at the bar of the Mermaid Theatre many years back, and he has plenty of stories to tell about it.
    The crowns are plastified, so, although they don't survive heavy rain, they are a bit more resistant than a usual cardboard one.

  3. This was a nice, easy one. With short answers! :) Yay!

    1. flag
    2. red
    3. Rome
    4. the Italian lira
    5. republic


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