
Saturday 6 January 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th January 2024.

6th January 2024.

I have something of a confession, there.

I’ve used iMovie to make videos, over the past few years.

And generally been happy with it.


My use of the app took something of a nosedive, recently: with the collapse of my old iMac.

My only alternative?

Was to use the free version of ClipChamp: on my aging Lenovo ThinkPad.

It wasn’t necessarily the easiest experience: video editing isn’t on a  machine that age.

The best work to describe the whole experience?

Is clunky.

Spoon-bendingly, chest-pain-inducingly, gear-grindingly, clunky!

Thankfully, and with thanks to all who helped, it was only a temporary measure: an updated version of iMovie — and a new Mac mini— helped.

Today, though?   I felt using ClipChamp’s online version of the Mac seemed in order.

At least to do the intro video for today.

ClipChamp seems to have exported the eighteen seconds worth of video slightly faster than iMovie.

But we’re talking about a matter of seconds, there: and I suspect that the online version I used, leveraged some of Microsoft’s cloud servers to do that.

I don’t think I’d make the change permanently: but ClipChamp seems OK.

There’s a wider choice of transitions, and filters, to it over iMovie.

But, counting against it?

iMovie has better integration with macOS: and can access my various media libraries, far more directly than ClipChamp.

And the current version — iMovie 10.4, on a Mac mini using macOS Sonoma 14.2.1 — seems to able to queue projects for export: hand, as far as I’m concerned.

I suspect neither would be of interest to pro users who use things like Avid, the various Adobe editors, and Apple’s own Final Cut Pro.


Both seem equally viable options for me and other home users.


Oh, JUST as a thought … ?

My nephew, Jude, was over, yesterday.

As a result of him turn thirteen, recently?

I’ve been able to add him as a manager* to two of the YouTube channels I run for him on YouTube.

If you’d like to subscribe to @MikeytheRabbit or @BobbytheCat, you’d be welcome to!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum†, Olga‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        6th January is the feast day of Saint André of where: Montreal, Toronto or Sherbrooke?

Q2)        Malcolm Young was born on 6th January, 1953.   He’d been a founder member of which Australian band: AC/DC, InXS or Björn Again?

Q3)        The late Van McCoy was born on 6th January, 1940.   His best known hit, “The Hustle”, is a what song: Disco, Heavy Metal or Reggae?

Q4)        Nancy Kerrigan was attacked on 6th January, 1994: by an employee of her rival, Tonya Harding.   The pair were what: figure skaters, snow boarders or bob-sleighers?

Q5)        Finally … ?   John DeLorean was born on January 6, 1925.   He famously designed what: cars, chairs or jewelry?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The GSAT 14 satellite was launched on 5th January, 2014.   By which country’s space agency?
A1)        India’s.

Q2)        Construction started on 5th January, 1933.   Of what: the Empire State Building, the Hoover Dam or the Golden Gate Bridge?
A2)        The Golden Gate Bridge.

Q3)        Miyazaki Hayao was born on 5th January, 1941.   He co-founded which studio: Disney, Studio Ghibli or Bad Wolf?
A3)        Studio Ghibli.

Q4)        Athol Guy was born on 5th January, 1940.   He was a co-founder of which Australian band: the Seekers, AC/DC or InXS?
A4)        The Seekers.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Mandip Gill was born: on 5th January, 1988.   She played Phoebe Jackson, in which series: Dr Who, Hollyoaks or Janey Takes Off?
A5)        Hollyoaks.

Here’s a thought …
“Years ago I used to live in a cow-camp, where a bed and a knife, fork, spoon were all the things I could look forward to in the evening.   Now I live in what is known as a gentleman’s estate.”
Tom Mix, January 6, 1880 – October 12, 1940.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I was concerned that Jude would need my Gmail password to act as a manager of the two channels, concerned.   Thankfully, he didn’t: he just needs to sign in with his account and password.   Either way?   I suspect there’s going to be a lot more Mikey videos to come!

        Hello, Mum!

        If it doesn’t rain on the parade, Olga, I’ll be surprised!   I can only hope it’s light rain!   At any rate, have fun!

§        Somehow, Debbi, I’m not surprised!   :D
        (You’re using Final Cut Pro, aren’t you, Debbi?   ClipChamp may be a step backwards, I think.)


  1. Q1) Montreal

    Q2) AC/DC

    Q3) Disco

    Q4) figure skaters (I watched the movie about Tonya Harding and the incident. It is well-worth a watch. I’ve always loved figure skating, watching it. I have tried ice-skating and is one of the many non-skills I have).

    Q5) cars (I’m not sure he was a designer, but he evidently had a lot of input and a hand in the development of a lot of cars. Wikipedia says engineer, inventor...)
    We had a bit of rain at the start of the parade, but it wasn't too heavy, and then it just stayed very cloudy for the rest, or at least the rest of it we were involved in. We were the second in the parade, so we got to the end while a lot of it was still going on, and from what Pau (your namesake, and editor at the radio station) told us, there were big gaps between the floats. We didn't have candy this year (the sponsor chickened out) but we had paper crowns for the kids (well, they fitted adults as well and many ended up wearing them. Yes, me too), but although we had 4000 made, they went very quickly, as everybody wanted one, and Oleguer, the boss, says next year he'll get 8000 made. I suspect it won't take us long to go through those either, judging by how eager people were, and how they kept coming up asking where they could get them. I'll share pics when they are posted, but I think it won't be until next week, as it has been a few very tiring days, and in the evening they were also picking up the toys and gifts people had donated for the children, and they had to be distributed so they reach some children. It seems people were not as generous this year as in other years, but everything has gone up (the salaries not so much), and most people worry about number one first, so it is not surprising.
    I hope Jude enjoys having more control over the videos, and I guess you might have a bit more time to get on with things, although I'm sure he'll still need a lot of help.
    I'm not big on videos, but thanks for the tips.
    I am planning on going back to the certificate and starting the new course on Monday or Tuesday, so I am sure I'll be busier again. Fingers crossed I managed to get to the end of it and learn a few more things in the process.

  2. 1 Montreal
    2 AC DC
    3 Disco
    4 Figure Skaters
    5 Cars

  3. I've managed to blunder my way through learning Final Cut Pro, yes. :)

    1. Montreal
    2. AC/DC
    3. Disco
    4. figure skaters
    5, cars

    I can't believe I'm listening to "The Hustle". When the song came out, I'd endlessly mock it! It took years for disco to earn even my grudging respect. :)


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