
Sunday 11 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 11-2-2024 — Super Bowl LVIII.

11th February, 2024: the Super Bowl.

Right … 

I didn’t realise that, ’til I uploaded it!

Yeah … you’re wondering what I’m talking about, aren’t you … ?

I managed to upload today’s Teaser video … only to find out it lasted for thirty seconds!

I’m thankful for Time Machine!

I was able to recover the raw footage and photos, and do the quickest bit of editing I’ve ever done!


I hate to say it … but Donald Trump held a rally, last night.

At which he said he’d encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to NATO members who haven’t paid their bills.

The man is … a lot of things: most of them unflattering.

But … ?

I think this is ridiculous.

And that Trump is trying to start a protection racket!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s sporty questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        11th February 2024 is the date of Super Bowl LVIII.   The ‘LVIII’ represents which number: 57, 58 or 59?

Q2)        The Super Bowl is the championship game in which US sport: Baseball, American Football or Basketball?

Q3)        Super Bowl LVIII is — technically — the last game of which season: 2022’s, 2023’s or 2024’s?

Q4)        The game itself is being played in a stadium in which US state: Nevada, California or Arizona?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Amongst other channels, the game will be broadcast on Univision: and streamed on Vix.   In which European language: French, Spanish or German?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        10th February is World Pulses Day.   According to whom: the United Nations, the African Union or the European Union?
A1)        United Nations.

Q2)        The day was/is proposed by the Food and Agriculture … what: Organization, Agency or Department?
A2)        Food and Agriculture Organization.

Q3)        Pulses are also called what: legumes, lemurs or lullabies?
A3)        Legumes.

Q4)        Heinz baked beans are popular in the UK.   They’re made from a type of pulse called haricot beans, covered in what: tomato sauce, soy sauce or bloater paste?
A4)        Tomato sauce.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Charlie Brown, Snoopy and Woodstock appeared in a cartoon strip: named after which pulse?
A5)        The peanut.

Here’s a fact … 

“Since 2022, the game is played on the second Sunday in February.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Super Bowl.

And — as Reba’s performing “The Star Spangled Banner” at the game? — a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        That’s a very good point, there, Olga§: and I couldn’t tell you where all the money’s going!   I do know cheaper food from outside the UK/EU is just one part of it.   I got the impression, yesterday, that another aspect was the Public Money for Public Goods schemes: UK farmers were/are supposed to get money from the government for environment works.   The scheme was supposed to replace the various EU farming subsidies, and isn’t paying as much as the EU did.

        It wouldn’t surprise me, Debbi§!
        Did I tell you the story I heard?   About how Townshend and company started smashing things?   Apparently, they were playing an early gig at the Railway Club: when Townshend accidentally put the neck of the guitar through the club’s ceiling¶: and broke it, pulling the guitar out.   The next gig, the audience had doubled: and their manager told them to wreck things.
        I’d hate to see their insurance bills!

§        I’m using my backup mouse: as I’ve got my main mouse on charge, right now.   It seems to be charging faster than on the iMac it shipped with!   (Those old Mighty Mice¹ were absolutely the right size for my hands: and you could squeeze the side buttons to trigger various, extra, functions.   A genius bit of design, in other words!)

        Apparently, it was one of those low, suspended, ceilings.

¹        OK, Debbi, Olga: is it computer mice, or computer mouses?   I still have no idea!


  1. Q1) 58

    Q2) American Football

    Q3) 2023

    Q4) Nevada

    Q5) Spanish

    Regarding mouse or mice, it seems that logically mouses should be the correct form (as it is an acronym, rather than coming from the animal), but both are accepted, so... Whatever you choose.
    Yesterday they were interviewing a farmer who grows oranges, and he said they paid him about 20 to 30 cents, and customers pay around 2 euros, so, go figure.

  2. 1 58
    2 American football
    3 2023
    4 Nevada
    5 Spainish

  3. He was quite the crowd-pleaser, wasn't he? :)

    1. 58
    2. American Football
    3. 2023's
    4. Nevada
    5. Spanish

    I shudder to think what the cost of their damages were.

    Especially with Keith Moon as a drummer:

    Be seeing you! :)


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