
Thursday 15 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15th February, 2024.

15th February, 2024.

Yes: it’s Thursday.

And I’ve officially got a few bits coming from Amazon.

Mostly … ?   For my feet.

A new pair of shoes, for one thing.

And some cracked heel balm.

The latter comes in handy for treating a side effect of diabetes.

I’m at risk what’s called ‘Peripheral neuropathy’: nerve damage to my feet, in other words.

The cracked heel stuff helps keep the skin of my feet sensitive: and helps let me feel when I’ve stepped on something that could cause infections.

I hope it gets here, soon.

As I’ve managed to pick up a cheap set of dice: a set that also includes a seven sided dice.

I’ve never actually seen one in person.


I have to admit, I’ve had the Today programme on, this morning.

They’ve had an interview with Esther Ghey on, this morning.

After the murder of her trans daugher, Brianna, Esther is campaigning for mindfulness lessons in school: as well toughening up the Online Safety Act.

So it includes provision for banning smartphone ownership for under-16s.

Whether that will work?

I don’t know.


As part of the show?

Today’s episode also included mention of the Deep Web and the Dark Web: and helpful basic definition of the two terms.

Just so you know?

The Deep web is things like your bank account, your Facebook account or your account with your GP’s surgery.

The Deep web is anything that needs a password to access.

The Dark Web?   Is the buried, nasty, stuff: that usually needs specialist software — things like TorBrowser or Freenet — to access.

I don’t know if that’s any help.

But an old line from Blue Street Blues springs to mind, if it’s something you want to look at.

“Be careful out there!”


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Megan Pete was born on 15th February, 1995.   She’s better known as Megan Thee … what?

Q2)        Matt Groening was born on 15th February, 1954.   Groening created the USA’s longest running sitcom.   What is that sitcom: Curb Your Enthusiasm, The Simpsons or Friends?

Q3)        15th February, 1925, saw the start of the Serum Run to Nome.   The serum was a treatment for what: pneumonia, diphtheria or Spanish ’Flu?

Q4)        The last country in Europe to adopt the Gregorian Calendar, did so on 15th February, 1923.   Which country was it: Bulgaria, Greece or Hungary?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Author, Sax Rohmer, was born on 15th February, 1883.   His best known creation was a Chinese super-villain called what?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Arizona joined the USA on 14th February.   14th February of which year of the 1910s?
A1)        1912.

Q2)        Arizona’s flag has a star at its centre.   What colour is that star: golden, coppery or silvery?
A2)        Coppery.   (Although I’d’ve said orange, myself …)

Q3)        Arizona is which state to have joined the Union: the 47th, 48th or 49th?
A3)        48th.

Q4)        What’s Arizona’s state capital: Phoenix, Tucson or Mesa?
A4)        Phoenix.

Q5)        What — by population — is Arizona’s largest city: Phoenix, Tucson or Mesa?
A5)        It’s that town, again: Phoenix.

Q6)        The Gunfight at the OK Corral took place in a well known Arizona city.   Which Arizona city?
A6)        Tombstone.

Q7)        Arizona is bordered by Sonora and Baja California.   Sonora and Baja California are in which North American nation?
A7)        Mexico.

Q8)        The Sonoran Desert covers a lot of Arizona.   And which other US state: California, Texas or Nevada?
A8)        California.

Q9)        Amongst other names, Arizona is known as what: the Valentine State, the Veronica State or the Victory State?
A9)        The Valentine State: after the day it joined.

Q10)        Finally … ?   Raising Arizona stars Nicolas Cage.   Who wrote Raising Arizona: the Wachowskis, the Coen Brothers or the Boulting Brothers?
A10)        The Cohen brothers.

Here’s a thought …
“When I get into an outfit like that, I’m not going to go ‘oh ha ha’, I’m going to go ‘ooh ha ha ha ha’ … you fall right into it. I thoroughly enjoyed playing the Joker.”
César Romero, February 15, 1907 – January 1, 1994.
And songs co-composed by Brian Holland …

 Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It sounds a lot more fun than a couple of pancakes, Olga§!   And the fire devils look entertaining!   (Can you keep your fingers crossed for me?   I’m hoping that delivery gets here, quick!)

        Hello, Mum§!

        Oh, I know, Debbi§!   I still have memories of my phone telling me the Fifteenth Doctor is played by Nuclear Gateaux … 

§        So everyone knows, the next ten question set is on the fourth of March: it’s about New Hampshire.


  1. 1 Megan thee Stallion
    2 The Si.psons
    3 Diphthera
    4 Greece
    5 Fu Manchu

  2. Q1) Stallion

    Q2) The Simpsons

    Q3) diphtheria

    Q4) Greece

    Q5) Fu Manchu
    Fingers crossed! These days I ask them to deliver in one of the Amazon Lockers, as it is much more convenient than just be waiting for them to turn up, but it might depend on how many locations you have around and if any of them are near enough...

  3. Oy! :)

    You meant "Hill Street Blues", right? :)

    1. Stallion
    2. The Simpsons
    3. diphtheria
    4. Greece
    5. Fu Manchu

    Let's be careful out there! :)


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