
Wednesday 14 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14-2-2024 — Raisin’ Arizona

14th February, 2024: Raisin’ Arizona.

Yes: it’s Saint Valentine’s Day!

And … ?

Yes: I’m not expecting a card!

Saying that?   The last one I got, was anonymous, a long time ago, and very appreciated.

Especially if it was from I think it was from.

They were gorgeous!


Oh, if you’re in the UK … ?

And use the iPlayer on a desktop, or laptop?

It seems the BBC’s iPlayer service will — from 11th March, this year — no longer allow downloads to Macs or PCs.


It’s costing them more money than it’s making them.

I can’t complain too much: as that was never something I used.

It just surprises that Aunty hadn’t done so, already.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s pulsating questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Arizona joined the USA on 14th February.   14th February of which year of the 1910s?

Q2)        Arizona’s flag has a star at its centre.   What colour is that star: golden, coppery or silvery?

Q3)        Arizona is which state to have joined the Union: the 47th, 48th or 49th?

Q4)        What’s Arizona’s state capital: Phoenix, Tucson or Mesa?

Q5)        What — by population — is Arizona’s largest city: Phoenix, Tucson or Mesa?

Q6)        The Gunfight at the OK Corral took place in a well known Arizona city.   Which Arizona city?

Q7)        Arizona is bordered by Sonora and Baja California.   Sonora and Baja California are in which North American nation?

Q8)        The Sonoran Desert covers a lot of Arizona.   And which other US state: California, Texas or Nevada?

Q9)        Amongst other names, Arizona is known as what: the Valentine State, the Veronica State or the Victory State?

Q10)        Finally … ?   Raising Arizona stars Nicolas Cage.   Who wrote Raising Arizona: the Wachowskis, the Coen Brothers or the Boulting Brothers?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        13th February, 2024, is Shrove Tuesday.   It’s the day before what: Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday or Good Friday?
A1)        Ash Wednesday.

Q2)        Shrove Tuesday is the day before the start of what: Lent, Easter or Christmas?
A2)        Lent.

Q3)        The word, ‘Shrove’ comes from the word ‘shrive’, or ‘shriven’.   It means that — in some churches — you’ve been what: absolved, blessed or castrated?
A3)        Absolved.

Q4)        Shrove Tuesday is the last day of what: Christmastide, Shrovetide or Michaelmas?
A4)        Shrovetide.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s traditionally eaten in the UK, on Shrove Tuesday: fried Mars Bars, pancakes or chips?
A5)        Pancakes.

Here’s a motto …
“Ditat Deus”
“God enriches”.
The motto of Arizona, in both Latin and English.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        So, wait, Olga: you’ll be burying a sardine?   That’s a bit hard on the sardine, isn’t it?!   Not eating an omelette, though, would be easy for me.   I never did like omelette!
        Is the Wikipedia article right, Olga?   The Spanish word for ‘burial’ is ‘Entierro’?   I almost got that mixed up with ‘Entrerríos’ … … 

†        Hello, Mum!   (It was the end of Shrovetide, Mum!)

        Pointless trivia, Debbi, we’re supposed to bury a sardine, today.   Um … … 
        Oh … it looks like Apple’s added AutoComplete to TextEdit and Stickies.   That’s an Amusing Comedy Fail, waiting to happen!


  1. Q1) 1912

    Q2) coppery

    Q3) 48th

    Q4) Phoenix

    Q5) Phoenix

    Q6) Tombstone

    Q7) Mexico

    Q8) California

    Q9) the Valentine State

    Q10) the Coen Brothers
    Yes, entierro. It is all to do with foods, etc. When I was a child it was real sardines (or whatever salted fish one could find), and the tradition was to go out with the kids, from school, somewhere, like a hill nearby (Montjuïc was quite handy). These days they tend to make the fishes out of paper and parade with them on a stick, as if it was a fishing rod. They do all kinds of other things, like sing, dance, fireworks, els diables ( and play drums...

  2. 1 1912
    2 Coppery
    3 48th
    4 Phoenix
    5 Phoenix
    6 Tombstone
    7 Mexico
    8 Nevada
    9 Valentine
    10 Coen Bros

  3. Sometimes the autofill options don't do much except give you spellings you don't need.

    1. 1912
    2. coppery
    3. 48th
    4. Phoenix
    5. Phoenix
    6. Tombstone
    7. Mexico
    8. California
    9. the Valentine State
    10. the Coen Brothers


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