
Tuesday 13 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-2-2024 — Shrove Tuesday.

13th February, 2024: Shrove Tuesday.

Right … it’s now, officially, Shrove Tuesday.

Which means, of course, there’s a suitably themed set, due, today.

And … ?

There’s ALSO a vide review: of episode two of The Underwater Menace … 

I hope you enjoy it!


As an afterthought … ?

I’ve had the last of the cost of living payments in, yesterday.

And managed to pick up a (reasonably priced) additional external drive.

That should be here, on Saturday.

The reason I got it … ?

Was as extra back-up for some important files: a back up that can be read by a computer other than a Mac.

Following the ol’ 3-2-1 back up rule, as best as I can, seems wise.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s pulsating questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        13th February, 2024, is Shrove Tuesday.   It’s the day before what: Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday or Good Friday?

Q2)        Shrove Tuesday is the day before the start of what: Lent, Easter or Christmas?

Q3)        The word, ‘Shrove’ comes from the word ‘shrive’, or ‘shriven’.   It means that — in some churches — you’ve been what: absolved, blessed or castrated?

Q4)        Shrove Tuesday is the last day of what: Christmastide, Shrovetide or Michaelmas?

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s traditionally eaten in the UK, on Shrove Tuesday: fried Mars Bars, pancakes or chips?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        12th February is the UN sponsored International Day for the Prevention of Violent Extremism as and when Conducive to what?
A1)        Terrorism.

Q2)        Vasco da Gama set off on his second voyage on 12th February, 1502.   To where: India, China or Brazil?
A2)        India.

Q3)        Parliament declared who had abdicated on 12th February, 1689: James 1st, James 2nd or Charles 1st?
A3)        James 2nd.   (James was the last Catholic to hold the English throne: and had a reign plagued with troubles.   He was technically James 7th and 2nd.)

Q4)        The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was founded on 12th February, 1909.   It’s a well known civil rights group, where: the UK, USA or UAE?
A4)        The USA.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church, and Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church, had a meeting on 12th February, 2016.   It was the first such meeting since when: 1053, 1054 or 1055?
A5)        1054.

Here’s a quote …
“In some Christian countries, especially those where the day is called Mardi Gras or a translation thereof, it is a carnival day, the last day of ‘fat eating’ or ‘gorging’ before the fasting period of Lent.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Day.
And a tune …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I think we have an old fashioned backronym, there, Olga!   The acronym invented some time after the term was coined!   As far as I know, Doug Engelbart called it a ‘mouse’ … because it looked like a mouse!   You’re right, though, that doesn’t explain the plural!   (Apparently?   Yahoo’s supposed to be ‘Yet Another Hierarchically Organized Oracle’.   And the Apple LISA?   Was named after Steve Jobs’ eldest daughter: but some people still say it’s short for ‘Let’s Invent a Silly Acronym’!)
        It’s always the way, with money, isn’t it?   Someone’s always on the wrong end of it!

        Hello, Mum!

        I don’t think Janet Jackson could, either, Debbi,   I read one interview with her: where she claimed to throw grapes out of a window.   Which is a lot wiser than her brother, certainly: that baby dangling incident was … strange …
        Yep, they’re in Baltimore, Debbi.   I don’t know if they have a museum, or public archive, but that might be worth looking out for.


  1. Q1) Ash Wednesday

    Q2) Lent

    Q3) absolved

    Q4) Shrovetide

    Q5) pancakes
    Yes, indeed. Here we don't do pancake day, but tomorrow we bury a sardine... (I'm busy doing other things tomorrow, but I've covered it for the radio a few times. Last Thursday it was the day when we are supposed to eat omelettes...)

  2. 1 Ash Wednesday
    2 Lent
    3 Absolved
    4 Christmastide
    5 Pancakes

  3. Shrove Tuesday! Pancakes tonight! :)

    1. Ash Wednesday
    2. Lent
    3. absolved
    4. Shrovetide
    5. pancakes


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