
Monday 12 February 2024

Doctor Who — The Underwater Menace — Episode 2 — A Review

11th February, 2024: an introduction.


It’s officially Sunday night.

Or, at least, Sunday evening!

Dinner is — as you may or may not have guessed — cooking.

Chicken, so you know.

At any rate … ?

When that’s eaten, I’ll be watching the next episode of classic Dr Who story, The Underwater Menace: then telling you about it, tomorrow night.

I’ll see you then!

12th February, 2024: Episode 2.

The Underwater MenaceEpisode 2 — opens with the cliffhanger from Episode 1: showing us that Polly (Anneke Wills) being menaced by Damon (Colin Jeavons).

Who — when the lights in his lab start flickering — immediately rushes off to complain to Professor Zaroff (Joseph Furst): Damon is doing important work that can’t be interrupted because of Zaroff’s power demands.

Little does Damon know that Zaroff … ?

Is explaining what Atlantis is, to the Doctor (Patrick Troughton), and how the people of Atlantis want their continent to be on the surface of the Earth … and how he has just the right, incredibly destructive plan to raise the city.

Or, at least, lower the oceans.

The Doctor … ?   Needs to have a word with the relevant authorities.

Zaroff could get nasty, if he’s allowed to continue … !


Now … what did I make of episode two: of this second part of The Underwater Menace?

It has to be said, episode two is taking the story another step forward: we see that Polly has avoided a fate worse than death, Ben and Jamie have made friends of a couple of miners, and the Doctor?

Has found out Professor Zaroff’s Evil Plan.

He only has to figure out what to do about it!

It’s a thoroughly enjoyable romp: one that reminded me — distantly — of the Flash Gordon serials the BBC would air, when I was growing up.

Complete with weird alien fish people, instead of Hawkmen, and Zaroff as every mad scientist Ming could lay his hands on!

It’s very enjoyable!


Was there anything else I noticed?

For one thing, there was a little muffled dialogue in this episode: at the point where Polly meets Ben and Jamie.

Not enough to totally spoil the episode for me: I’m aware of quite how old the audio sources used, are.

But it’s certainly something I noticed: it’s not necessarily something that will force me to switch on the subtitles, for episode 3, but that may help if I choose to briefly rewind a scene.

There’s also a totally trivial memory that springs to mind.

I can still remember a series called Barnaby Bear: a Polish series that the BBC bough the UK rights to, and then dubbed into English.

They did something similar with The Magic Roundabout.

Barnaby Bear, though?   Barnaby’s voice — and the narration — was provided by Jeavons.

And it’s rare for me to to hear his voice without the theme tune playing in my head!

“Barnaby the Bear’s my name, neeeeeeever call me Jack or James!”

It’s amazing the memories a voice can provoke!

At any rate … ?

I’ve had a very good time watching this episode.

And, frankly?   Will be coming back for more, next week.

I’ll be watching episode three of The Underwater Menace on Sunday, 18th February: and putting my written and video reviews up on 19th February.

I’ll see you then!

Episode 2


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