
Monday 19 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19th February 2024.

19th February, 2024.

You have to love Mondays, don’t you … ?

Or possibly not!

At any rate … ?

It’s a Monday.

And I’m off to my weight management group.


I’ve lost a little weight.

Although won’t know for sure, until I’m on the scales.


Just as a quick thought … ?

I remember reading Geldof’s biography, Is That It, many years ago.

At one point, Geldof tells us David Mallet — who directed the video for “I Don’t Like Mondays” — was partially inspired by Village of the Damned*.

I don’t know if it was or it wasn’t.

But … ?

Both pieces are memorable.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        In a non-leap year, 19th February is the 50th day of the year.   What is it … in a leap year?

Q2)        Actor David Garrick, was born: on 19th February, 1717.   The club that’s named after him — the Garrick Club — is on which London road: Drury Lane, Garrick Street or the Old Kent Road?

Q3)        19th February is the feast day of Saint Barbatus of Benevento.   Where is Benevento: Italy, Montenegro or Croatia?

Q4)        19th February, 1946, saw the birth of nuclear campaigner, Karen Silkwood.   Who played her, in the film, Silkwood?

Q5)        Finally … ?   19 February, 1957, saw the birth of actor, Ray Winstone.   In which 1979 film did he play Kevin Herriot: That Summer, Scum or Quadrophenia?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        18th February is the 49th day of the year.   Is 49 a square number?
A1)        Yes: it’s 7*7.

Q2)        Is 49 a prime number?
A2)        No.   (It’s divisible by seven … )

Q3)        What — according to Wikipedia — is 49, in Roman numerals: XLIX, XLX or XLXI?
A3)        XLIX.

Q4)        The San Francisco 49ers play what: American Football, Rugby Union, Rugby League or tennis?
A4)        American Football.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The crossroads connecting Highway 49 and Highway 61 is in Clarksdale, Mississippi and where which musician sold his soul to the Devil: Howlin’ Wolf, Robert Johnson or Giacomo Puccini?
A5)        Robert Johnson.   (If his original version of “Cross Road Blues”¶ doesn’t haunt you? I don’t know what will …)

Here’s a thought … 

“If you can get in a ring with 2000 people watching and be smacked around by another guy, then walking onstage isn’t hard.”
Ray Winstone, born 19 February 1957.

And, as it was co-written by Seal … ?

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The film’s based on John Wyndham’s The Midwich Cuckoos: and possibly the most authentic screen version of the book.   I felt the ’95 remake, and the 2022, BBC version, were let downs: as they had happy endings that saw one child escape.   That, I felt, missed the point of the story: all of the children needed destroying, as all of them were alien invaders.

†        I can never find Supernatural, Olga: but I know it’s got a good reputation!   And the ‘Sell Your Soul’ trope is very old: Marlowe’s version of Faust was in 1592.
        A hand is a good idea, I think: although everyone’s hands are different!   And I know what you mean about a keyboard!
        Glad I could help on the back up front!   I’ve JUST had a look at the instructions for Windows backup: it doesn’t seem to let you save stuff to an external drive, just the online Cloud service.   I’m not impressed!
        At any rate … ?   The one I got is quite good, if you ever need to get a new one!

‡        Hello, Mum!   (Robert Johnson, and Tommy Johnson, are two different people!)

§        There’s a few different ones, Debbi.   And none of them mention the Valeyard … !

        I don’t know if you’ve heard “The Fun Lovin’ Criminal,” by the Fun Lovin’ Criminals … but I think the band nicked that guitar riff from Cream’s version of Johnson’s “Crossroad Blues”.   You tell me!


  1. 1 48
    2 Garrick St
    3 Italy
    4 Meryl Streep
    5 Quadraphonia

  2. I like the "Chaotic Good" description! :)

    1. still the 50th (ahem!)
    2. Garrick Street
    3. Italy
    4. Meryl Streep
    5. Quadrophenia


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