
Sunday 18 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-2-2024 — the Number 49

18th February, 2024: The Number 49.

Yes: it’s Sunday.

And … ?

The day after I’ve done some checking.

I got hold of an extra external drive, recently: and wanted to make sure it could be read by a Windows-based PC.

So … ?

I made sure of it, by plugging it into one of the computers in Brentwood Library.

The computer read it: and the data showed up.


I’m thankful!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        18th February is the 49th day of the year.   Is 49 a square number?

Q2)        Is 49 a prime number?

Q3)        What — according to Wikipedia — is 49, in Roman numerals: XLIX, XLX or XLXI?

Q4)        The San Francisco 49ers play what: American Football, Rugby Union, Rugby League or tennis?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The crossroads connecting Highway 49 and Highway 61 is in Clarksdale, Mississippi and where which musician sold his soul to the Devil: Howlin’ Wolf, Robert Johnson or Giacomo Puccini?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th February, 1979, saw China invade where: Thailand, Vietnam or Laos?
A1)        Vietnam.

Q2)        17th February, 2024, is Global Tourism Resilience Day.   According to whom: the UN, USA or EU?
A2)        The UN.

Q3)        17th February, 1900, saw the birth of actress, Ruth Clifford.   Between 1944 and 1952, she voiced who: Daffy Duck, Minnie Mouse or Oswald the Lucky Rabbit?
A3)        Minnie Mouse.

Q4)        Paris Hilton was born on 17th February.   Of which year of the 1980s?
A4)        1981.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Police launched pre-dawn raids on protestors at Pearl Roundabout: on 17th February, 2011.   Raids, protests and roundabout, were where: Bahrain, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates?
A5)        Bahrain.

Here’s a quote …
“49 (forty-nine) is the natural number following 48 and preceding 50.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the number.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It should be easy enough to do, Olga: take a photo of the earrings, next to a Euro note.   Or maybe a coin: that may work out better.   It should be easy enough to upload it to Amazon Vine from your phone.

†        Hello, Mum!

        Now you mention it, Debbi?   It’s a cue for an alignment chart meme … !   (I’m surprised no-one’s done a Discworld, 2000AD or Judge Dredd one of those charts …)


  1. Q1) Yes

    Q2) No

    Q3) XLIX

    Q4) American Football

    Q5) Robert Johnson (There is much selling of souls at crossroads in Supernatural. I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched it. I didn’t watch all the series but really enjoyed the ones I saw).
    Thanks, Paul. I took a picture of the earring on my hand, and I think that gives a fair idea of the size as well. I use the computer to upload the reviews, as I prefer to type (I'm much faster).

  2. Oh, and thanks for mentioning the external drive. I hadn't saved the content of my laptop for a while, so the reminder was handy. ♥

  3. 1 Yes
    2 No
    3 XLIX
    4 American football
    5 Robert Johnson aka Tommy

  4. I find it interesting that my two favorite Doctors are evil. :)

    1. yes
    2. no
    3. XLIX
    4. American Football
    5. Robert Johnson


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