
Thursday 22 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd February 2024.

22nd February, 2024.

Yes: it’s Thursday.

Which means … ?

It’s the day after Wednesday.

Which, this week, means Jude’s posted a video!

If you could hit the ‘Like’ button?

He’d appreciate it!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

The day also saw Olga‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        22nd February is National Cat Day.   Where: Japan, China or Vietnam?

Q2)        22nd February is World Thinking Day.   For whom: Girl Guides, actors or Roman Catholics?

Q3)        22nd February is the feast of the Chair of Saint who: Peter, Paul or Mary?

Q4)        Nigel Planer was born on 22nd February, 1953.   Who did he played in The Young Ones?

Q5)        Finally … ?   22nd February, 1959, saw the birth of actor, Kyle MacLachlan.   He played which member of the Doors, in the 1991 film, The Doors: Jim Morrison, Ray Manzarek, Bobby Krieger or John Densmore?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        According to the UN, 21st February is International Mother Language Day.   Name any one of the UN’s six official languages.
A1)        Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish.

Q2)        More to the point, and according to Wikipedia, which of those languages is spoken in fifty-eight countries?
A2)        English.

Q3)        Equally to the point, which of those languages is written with in a right to left abjad?
A3)        Arabic.   (Abjads are written languages that consist of consonants, only: Arabic is one, Hebrew, another)

Q4)        The UN uses a version of Chinese in ‘simplified Chinese characters’.   The People’s Republic of China tells us there are how many of these characters: 8,105, 8,205 or 8,305?
A4)        8,105.

Q5)        Finally … ?   One of these languages is written in the Cyrillic Script.   Which language?
A5)        Russian.

Here’s a thought … 

“I’m old enough to remember the very first episode of Doctor Who (1963) ever.”
Nigel Planer, born on 22nd February, 1953.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        She’s left us a message, Debbi!

        Ass, or arse, Olga?   :D   At any rate, you’re back up and running: which is nice to know!   What happened sounds like what happened when we had someone in to fix the communal aerial, a few years ago.
        The chap unplugged the aerial, fixed the splitter … … … and forgot to plug the aerial back in.   There was a lot of complaining!   And don’t get me started on the Saint Jude’s Day Storm!   (November, 2013, that was … … …)


  1. Q1) Japan

    Q2) Girl Guides (Perhaps we should all have World thinking days, but many more than one)

    Q3) Peter

    Q4) Neil

    Q5) Ray Manzarek
    Well, here they didn't do the split up. They simply unplugged mine and plugged theirs. The technician split one up and told me that was what they were supposed to do. Who did that, I am not sure, as it was supposed to be somebody from the same company, but...
    In any case, mystery solved...
    It was lucky that I had finished course 6 of the online certificate I'm completing at the moment (I only have 7 left), and decided to join course 7 this week, because otherwise, without internet, I'd already be behind. As I have to go and cover the event this afternoon for the radio station (a book presentation. It sounds fun), I will probably wait until tomorrow or the weekend, but at least, fingers crossed, I won't be behind from the very beginning. (You are supposed to do it at your own pace, but because of the grant, they expect you to keep up with the deadlines that start counting once you start the course. In theory, I have until early in August to finish the whole thing, but I know this course is the longest, as we're supposed to use all we've learned and design both, an App and an adaptive website.

  2. 1 Japan
    2 Girl Guide
    3 St Paul
    4 Neil
    5 Jim Morrison

  3. Yes, I saw. Good to see Olga's message. Something's working. :)

    1. Japan
    2. Girl Guides (and Girl Scouts)
    3. Peter
    4. Neil Pye
    5. Ray Manzareck

    I would remember the very first Doctor Who, if they'd shown it here. But they kept showing JFK's coffin on TV instead. An overall bummer.


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