
Saturday 3 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-2-2024 — Mehmed 2nd

3rd February, 2024: Mehmed 2nd.

Yes: it’s officially Saturday.


The theme tune to an old TV show has replaced the earworm I have banging around my head, yesterday.

Putting Republica’s version of “Are Friends Electric” could be an idea!


Did I mention I’m on Quora?   The question and answer site … ?

I’m on the question and answers site, Quora: if you didn’t know.

Sometimes, it’s good to contribute what little you know — however accurate it is — to others.

One question I answered recently?

Was this one, about getting a Mac: I felt I could contribute.

What (mildly) shocked me, when doing the very basic research for it?

Was the price difference the online currency converter showed me.

The UK price for my model was some £650: about $840 dollars, at the time of writing.

The US price, $599?   Worked out at some £475!

I believe US prices don’t include sales tax, the US equivalent to VAT*, that UK prices have to include.

But even so: that difference is quite astounding!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga‡, Mum§ and Debbi¶ putting in their answers: with everybody scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Mehmed 2nd inherited the throne: on 3rd February, 1451.   Of where: the Chinese Empire, Ottoman Empire or British Empire?

Q2)        As ruler of that empire, what was Mehmed’s title: Emperor, Sultan or Khan?

Q3)        Mehmed was known as Mehmed the what: Coward, Conqueror or Careful?

Q4)        1453 saw Mehmed name the capital of his empire.   Which city was it: Bursa, Constantinople or Nicomedia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Mehmed’s dynasty were whom: the Osmans, the Julio-Claudians or the Pahlavis?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        2nd February is World Wetlands Day.   According to whom: the European Union, United Nations or the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation?
A1)        The United Nations, or UN.

Q2)        The theme for this year’s day is “Wetlands and Human” … what: wellbeing, health or economy?
A2)        Wellbeing.

Q3)        Wetlands are protected by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat: signed in the city of Ramsar.   Where isRamsar: Iran, Iraq or Israel?
A3)        Iran.

Q4)        Wetlands are flooded, or saturated, with water: which helps keep the soil anoxic.   In other words, short of what: oxygen, nitrogen or hydrogen?
A4)        Oxygen.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Estuaries are wetlands fed by tidal water.   And water from what: lakes, ponds or rivers?
A5)        Rivers.

Here’s a thought with square brackets …
“Mehmed 2nd [ … ] was twice the sultan of the [ … ] Empire from August 1444 to September 1446 and then later from February 1451 to May 1481.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Mehmed 2nd.
And a documentary …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Assuming I’ve got the calculation right?   The VAT on my new Mac mini was roughly £108†.

†        The UK’s current, standard, VAT rate is twenty per cent (20%).   Therefore any price you see in the UK that includes the standard rate of VAT is 120% of the actual price: the fraction of a price that’s the tax is therefore 1/6th (20/120) of the total price.   Given that, the real price of my Mini was £542: some $680.   Still higher than the US prices.   Why?   I don’t know: I’m assuming exchange rates — and import/export tariffs — account for some of that.
        I worked at Stratford VAT office, back when the office handled the VAT accounts for Leyton Orient FC, and Metal Mickey: for enough time to pick up some basics.

‡        If I remember things correctly, Olga?   Here in the UK, you don’t have to charge — or pay — VAT on second hand goods.   I would assume you’d not have to pay the Spanish equivalent: but don’t know for sure.   (VAT is a left-over from Britain’s EU membership: the government has kept it, because it’s cheap to run.)
        You may or may not have to send back technology, Olga.   It does date rather fast, and not every company has a refurbished store.

§        Hello, Mum!   Are we still on for today … ?

¶        Yeap: five out of five, Debbi!   Just as a weird co-incidence, today?   I was listening to Radio Four’s Open Country: the whole episode was about the wetlands in Norfolk.


  1. Q1) The Ottoman Empire

    Q2) Sultan

    Q3) Conqueror

    Q4) Constantinople

    Q5) the Osmans

    No, is not the VAT, but it's similar to some of the perks you might get "in kind" at work, that you are supposed to get taxed on (count towards your earnings). I remember one of my bosses got a car from the hospital and that was supposed to be included, and the same applied to mileage and things like that.
    The Sales Tax in the US is different in each state, and I remember I found it very annoying, because you never had any idea how much the price of anything was going to be. I'm sure the people who were used to living there knew, but, to begin with, it was very confusing when you went shopping, you prepared the money, and they charged you more...
    Oh, we do have the VAT here as well, as you say. Here it is called IVA

  2. 1 Ottoman
    2 Sultan
    3 Conqueror
    4 Constantinople
    5 Osmans

  3. I was going to say that your question about estuaries was easy for me to answer, because the Chesapeake Bay is an estuary. Maryland has lots of rivers and streams, but no natural lakes. There's a big one in Western Maryland (Deep Creek Lake), but it was engineered.

    1. Ottoman Empire
    2. Sultan
    3. Conqueror
    4. Constantinople
    5. the Osmons

    Did you know that if you search on "the Osmons", you'll get the Wikipedia page for the Osmonds? :) Well, it's true.


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