
Thursday 8 February 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th February 2024.

8th February, 2024.


It’s officially official.

It’s, officially, raining out!


I was thinking of picking up a bag of vegetables.

But, on the other hand?

The monsoon we’ve got out there, is putting me off!



It has to be said, I’m glad it wasn’t this damp, yesterday.

That’s when I had to have more blood taken: for more testing.

Remind me — next time I have to do these — to ask what some of them are: they took seven whole pits!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everybody scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        8th February is Prešeren Day.   Where: Slovenia, Slovakia or Serbia?

Q2)        It marks the country’s national what: poet, playwright or architect?

Q3)        8th February is the feast day of Ælfflæd of Whitby.   Ælfflæd’s Whitby is in which modern English county: North Yorkshire, East Yorkshire or South Yorkshire?

Q4)        8th February is Propose Day.   Where: India, China or Brazil … ?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Who was stolen — possibly by terrorists — on 8th February, 1983: Red Rum, Shergar or Goldfinder?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        7th February, 1979, saw Pluto move inside of which planet’s orbit: Neptune’s, Venus’ or Earth’s?
A1)        Neptune’s.

Q2)        7th February is Independence Day in Grenada.   It marks the country’s independence from where: Germany, France or the UK?
A2)        The UK.

Q3)        The 2014 Winter Olympics started: on 7th February, 2014.   In which country: Russia, Japan or China?
A3)        Russia.

Q4)        Disney’s second feature length film debuted: on 7th February, 1940.   Which film was it: Snow White, Pinocchio or Fantasia?
A4)        Pinocchio. Cue the music!

Q5)        Finally … ?   7th February, 1991, saw the IRA attack where: 10, Downing Street, the House of Commons or MI5’s HQ?
A5)        10, Downing Street.

Here’s a thought …
“A simple story filmed with limited sets can often be more effective than a costly extravaganza, provided it had depth, and allows the audience to identify with the character.”
King Vidor, February 8, 1894 – November 1, 1982.
And a soundtrack …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Cute is one thing, Olga — they do look like budgies, after all! — but causing trees to fall over!?   Sounds worrying!   The phrase “wrong king of trees” is going to stick in my mind, now!

        That’s OK, Debbi: I know you had OT, yesterday!


  1. Q1) Slovenia

    Q2) poet

    Q3) North Yorkshire (It is a beautiful place, although I’ve never seen Dracula there).

    Q4) India

    Q5) Shergar
    We have a lot of pigeons and keeping them under control is bad enough, but they don't build anything heavy. These ones are much more resourceful and clever, and at the moment, with the drought, the trees are under enough strain as it is. A big palm tree fell down killing a young woman months ago, although I know they are checked regularly (although there are so many it must be difficult to keep on top of everything), but there was a spat of tress falling in Madrid as well, a year or so back, and I'm not sure they ever discovered why (and they definitely get more rain there). I hope the test results are good, but yes, it always looks as if they were taking tonnes of blood, but the tubes hold very little blood, to be fair.

  2. 1 Slovenia
    2 Poet
    3 North Yorkshire
    4 India
    5 Shergar

  3. I did indeed. Gotta keep swinging my arms! :)

    1. Slovenia
    2. poet
    3. North Yorkshire
    4. India
    5. Shergar


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