
Saturday 2 March 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-3-2024 — Kherson.

2rd March, 2024: Kherson.

Right then … … 

It’s officially Saturday … and … ?

The day when the minimal advertising I could afford — on the laptop I’m trying to sell — ends.

Hopefully … ?

I’ll be able to sell it, with the ads.

If not … ?

I may have to sell it to CeX: which won’t exactly get the best price!


Elon … Musk … !

Did you know he was one of the people who founded OpenAI: the not-for-profit group that first made ChatGPT, the open source AI chatbot?

I certainly didn’t.

It turns out he did.

So … ?

News has broken: that tells us Mr Musk is now complaining that — since the group’s tire-up with Microsoft — the company’s turning into a profit driven corporation.

And suing as a result.

I’m VERY aware Elon’s one of the richest people on the planet.

And can appreciate his concerns that OpenAI stays a not-for-profit company that makes open-source software.

But a rich man complaining others are making themselves richer seems a little off.


Oh … 

Just as a last thought about Elon*?

He’s recently bought a Windows 11 based laptop.

And had to set up a Microsoft email to set it up.

I’m tempted to say “Welcome to my world”: except I’ve had a Mac for the past two decades.

At any rate?

He’s complained about it on Twitter/X.

To Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft.

That’s one HELL of a tech support call!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Kherson was captured, at the end of a battle: on 2nd March, 2022.   By whom: Russia, the USA or Romania?

Q2)        Kherson is in which East European country?

Q3)        Kherson was liberated by its country’s army on 11th November of which year: 2022, 2023 or 2024?

Q4)        The city is the administrative centre of a what: oblast, county or autonomous community?

Q5)        Finally … ? Kherson was flooded, recently.   After the destruction of a what: a dam, river or reservoir?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        1st March is Saint David’s Day.   Saint David is the patron saint of which Welsh county: Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire or Radnorshire?
A1)        Pembrokeshire.

Q2)        Saint David is also the patron saint of Naas.   Where is Naas: Powys, Carmarthenshire or Kildare?
A2)        Believe it or not?   County Kildare, on the island of Ireland.

Q3)        The saint was supposed to have been the bishop Mynyw.   Mynyw is now called what?
A3)        St Davids.   (If, like me, you don’t speak Welsh?   ‘St Davids’ is a lot easier to pronounce!)

Q4)        Saint David’s got connections to which abbey: Whitby Abbey, Westminster Abbey or Glastonbury Abbey?
A4)        Glastonbury Abbey.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Is Saint David’s Day a bank holiday?
A5)        Currently?   No.

Here’s a thought …
“The battle ended on 2 March 2022 with the capture of the city of Kherson and a pocket of land on the right bank of the Dnieper river by [invading] forces.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Battle of Kherson.
And a video clue … !

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        If Elon’s problems with Microsoft continue, he may be tempted to buy it.   I don’t think he’s got the money.
        A quick Googling tells me Elon’s worth $2.10 billion.   An equally quick Googling tells me Microsoft’s worth $3 trillion.   It’s possibly one of the few things he couldn’t afford.

        Yeah, I’ve seen that article, Olga: those typewriters were, and are, eye watering bits of kit!   The double pigeon looks intimidating, to say the least.   Using a brush seems more attractive: but what do I know?
        I’ll be honest, Olga: I could NEVER understand cricket, or the games appeal!   One of the days, I’ll have a word about it, with an old friend called Neil: he’s a huge fan!   But good luck to the teams!
        I THINK I’ll need luck: I’ve just been contacted by another slightly iffy one: who’s offering extra to ship.    And seems VERY eager … 

        Hello, Mum!

§        Oh … Bless you for saying so, Debbi!   And, just as a bit of pointless trivia?   You’re supposed to where a daffodil or leek, on Saint David’s Day.   Or — if you’re a lady — one of those very 
Welsh hats … 

Welsh Hat.


  1. Q1) Russia

    Q2) Ukraine

    Q3) 2022

    Q4) oblast

    Q5) a dam

    I'll keep you posted on the cricket front. The local government here, in Barcelona, asked people to propose projects and to vote for those projects, and the cricket ground was one of the proposals that got voted in. The idea is that it is not exclusively a cricket ground but can also be used for some other minority sports, but the population from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh has been increasing, and they've got together and got the votes going. Good for them, is all I can say. There was an old football pitch not in use in Montjuïc (the hill were most of the Olympic Games' events took place) and that's what they've transformed, so I'm curious to see what they've done with it. I remember my father used to go to that pitch years back.
    I hope the adds help. My cousin used to use eBay for his equipment, but I'm not sure if he still does. I've never tried it myself. I don't think I'd have the patience. My friend Iman, who lives in Paris, has tried Vinted (mostly for clothes, but she's sold other stuff as well) and told me it went quite well in general, but she had some problems as well, with people saying the stuff was damaged, when it seems they did the damage themselves. If you are a regular seller that is a problem, because those sites work based on feedback... There are no good old fashioned notice boards anywhere locally to just put a notice up? Just a thought? I know when I lived in Penistone I used to see ads pinned for all kinds of things: furniture, cars,...
    I read the issue Elon Musk had with his laptop. As if people wouldn't know who he is and he didn't make his money out of tracking people and trying to sell them things. As you say, kettle and pot come to mind...

  2. 1 Russia
    2 Ukraine
    3 2022
    4 Oblast
    5 Dam

  3. Well, this day hasn't turned out like I expected.

    I'm preparing for the Tax Man! Ah!!!

    Cue the Beatles:

    1. Russia
    2. Ukraine
    3. 2022
    4. oblast
    5. a dam



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