
Wednesday 6 March 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th March 2024.

6th March, 2024.

Yep: it’s Wednesday!

And … ?

It’s the day the government — in the shape of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt — announces this year’s budget.

I don’t know what he’ll announce.

But can only hope he retains the Cost-Of-Living payment.

I — and thousands of others — have found that money damn useful.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

The day also saw Olga‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        6th March, 2018, saw Forbes Magazine name who as the world’s richest man?

Q2)        Comedian and actor, Alan Davies, was born on 6th March, 1966.   He’s the longest running panellist on which British TV show?

Q3)        Singer, Agnes, was born: on 6th March, 1988.   She’s from where: Finland, Sweden, Norway or Denmark?

Q4)        6th March is the feast day of Saint Chrodegang, an early Bishop of Metz.   Where is Metz: France, Belgium or Luxembourg?

Q5)        Finally … ?   6th March is Independence Day, where: Gambia, Ghana or Guinea?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Judge Dredd first appeared in 2000AD.   On 5th March of which year: 1976, 1977 or 1978?
A1)        1977.

Q2)        He lives and works in Mega-City One.   Mega-City One is what’s left of where: the east coast of the USA, the west coast of the USA, or Texas?
A2)        The east coast of the USA. Mega-City Two was on the US west coast.   Texas City was Texas!

Q3)        Mega-City One’s most popular politician, and late Mayor, was Dave the what: Budgie, Orangutan or Cow?
A3)        Dave the Orangutan.   (The character started out as an unnervingly accurate sports pundit: and eventually assassinated for the insurance.)

Q4)        Dredd has often worked with a judge who shares her name with a chocolate bar.   Who is that Judge: Judge Alison Cadbury, Judge Julia Fry, Judge Barbara Hershey or Judge Edna Rowntree?
A4)        Judge Barbara Hershey.

Q5)        Finally … ?   One of Dredd’s deadliest enemies is an ‘alien super-fiend’ called Judge … what?
A5)        Judge Death.

Here’s a thought … 

“People say that if you’re famous you give up the right to privacy.   That’s bull.   I’m an actor.   I’m not a celebrity.”
Alan Davies, born 6th March, 1966.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   (Dave was an orangutan, Mum!   And Rico was Judge Dredd’s evil twin brother!)

        I don’t think Dave was much of an inspiration for the Librarian, Debbi: Dave was far easier going!   I don’t think 2000AD was much of an influence on the Disc, either.   Granted, Dave§ was introduced a year after the Librarian: but Judge Dredd — and 2000ad — was introduced in 1977, six years before The Colour of Magic was first published.   I’ll be honest, I think Sir Terry had Fritz Leiber’s Swords series in mind, when writing The Colour of Magic: Bravd the Hublander and the Weasel seem obvious homages of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser.   And Ankh-Morpork, in that first novel, seemed an obvious nod to Lakhmar.
        They’re very dissimilar: Dad’s Army compared to a satirical Hill Street Blues.   (Judge Death’s really not the same as the Discworld Death: Discworld Death is doing a job, and like people: making sure they get to where they’re going as painlessly as possible.   Judge Death likes killing people … … )

‡        I hope that clears up, fast, Olga¶!   I can only hope you have a better time of it than some of the characters in Dune!   (The main character’s father is fitted with a poisonous tooth: so he can try and kill the villain.   I’m not reassuring you, am I … ?)

§        Dave the Orangutan started out as a sports pundit, Debbi: successfully predicting the aeroball results.   Then got himself nominated for mayor.   Quite why I’m thinking of Jesse Ventura, I don’t know!   (Dave was assassinated … for the insurance …)

        And then there’s THIS tooth, Olga!


  1. I couldn't watch the last video, Paul, but, somehow I think it might be better this way. I didn't have a very good afternoon and evening yesterday, but I was surprised that I managed to sleep and not be too disturbed by the pain. I woke up looking like a hamster, at least half of my face. I am trying to take things slowly, but to complicate matters, a relative (who'd been unwell and living at a nursing home for a while) died yesterday and we're awaiting information about funeral arrangements. I'll try to join in tomorrow if the day looks a bit more settled, but I'll keep you informed.
    Take care and I hope the news from Jeremy are good, but based on what he's done before, I'm not too hopeful.

  2. 1 JEFF Bezos
    2 QI
    3 Sweden
    4 Belguim
    5 Ghana

  3. Ah! Okay. Wow. You really know your ... various fictional worlds. :)

    I still think the coincidence is interesting, even if not intentional or meaningful. :)

    1. Jeff Brazos, I mean Jeff Bezos (grr ...)
    2. QI (quite interesting!)
    3. Sweden
    4. France
    5. Ghana

    I'm also thrilled to see that you can buy my books online from Waterstones!

    I should arrange a signing there! :)

  4. I've just got to share this with you. It's from Substack and it's both hilarious and depressing.

    We have so much in common! :)


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