
Tuesday 5 March 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-3-2024 — The Return of Dredd.

5th March, 2024: The Return of Dredd.

Yep, it’s officially Tuesday: and I’m now a year and a day older than I was, yesterday.

I’m … 

Grateful for all the best wishes: and for the donation to the birthday fundraiser I’ve organised on Facebook.

But I’m also grateful the fuss is over for another year!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on seven.

The day also saw Trevor§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Judge Dredd first appeared in 2000AD.   On 5th March of which year: 1976, 1977 or 1978?

Q2)        He lives and works in Mega-City One.   Mega-City One is what’s left of where: the east coast of the USA, the west coast of the USA, or Texas?

Q3)        Mega-City One’s most popular politician, and late Mayor, was Dave the what: Budgie, Orangutan or Cow?

Q4)        Dredd has often worked with a judge who shares her name with a chocolate bar.   Who is that Judge: Judge Alison Cadbury, Judge Julia Fry, Judge Barbara Hershey or Judge Edna Rowntree?

Q5)        Finally … ?   One of Dredd’s deadliest enemies is an ‘alien super-fiend’ called Judge … what?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        New Hampshire ratified the Articles of Confederation on the 4th March.   4th March of which year of the 1770s?
A1)        1778.

Q2)        It was one of the original Thirteen what?
A2)        Thirteen Colonies.

Q3)        It’s known as the what State: the Granite State, Pumice State or Basalt State?
A3)        The Granite State.

Q4)        What’s New Hampshire’s capital: Manchester, Nashua or Concord?
A4)        Concord.

Q5)        What — by population — is New Hampshire’s largest city: Manchester, Nashua or Concord?
A5)        Manchester.

Q6)        The state holds the second Caucus in the US Presidential election cycle.   Which state holds the first?
A6)        Iowa. Democrat and Republican primaries have started this year.   At the time of publication, Nikki Haley had won her first — and possibly only — such caucus.

Q7)        New Hampshire’s General Court is the state’s what: Supreme Court, legislature or governor’s mansion?
A7)        Legislature.   (If I remember correctly? ‘General Courts’ is also the literal name of the Spanish Parliament, in English.   It sounds better in Spanish!)

Q8)        Mary Baker Eddy was born in New Hampshire, in 1821.   She was the founder of which religion: Christian Science, Scientology or the Divine Order of the Royal Arms of the Great Eleven?
A8)        Christian Science.

Q9)        J. D. Salinger lived in Cornish, New Hampshire for many years.   His best known book is The Catcher in the … what?
A9)        The Catcher in the Rye.

Q10)        Finally … ?   New Hampshire is part of which region: England, New England or Nova Scotia?
A10)        New England.   (England’s in the UK: Nova Scotia’s in Canada.)

Here’s a thought …
“In this city, we’ve got a saying: once is coincidence, twice is a booking offence!”
From Volume 5 of Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        New Hampshire joined the Union in 1788, Olga¶.   The 1778 date was when the state ratified the original Articles of Confederation: a list of those dates can be found here, and here.   (The different dates give me a bit of flexibility on when I write a set: especially for those thirteen colonies.)
        Cheers, Olga!   I can only hope renewing the Facebook message helps sell the laptop!

‡        Old England, Debbi¶?   I bet he was a Canadian in disguise!   And cheers, Debbi!   (I don’t feel a day over 56 … … )

§        Cheers, Trevor!   I’d completely forgotten about that fund raiser!

        Oh, JUST in case … ?   The song I’m typing to, today, is “Wordy Rappinghood”.   That STILL sounds odd, blah years after I first heard it … !


  1. 1 1977
    2 East Coast
    3 Cow
    4 Judge Hersey
    5 Rico

  2. Hi, Paul. I've just been to the dentist to have some work done (an implant, as one of my teeth broke months ago, and it took this long to heal), and I'm feeling it. I didn't expect to bother me much, but I'm not up to a lot at the moment. In theory, it might be 3 or 4 days, but I hope to be back tomorrow and join in...
    Oh, and good for the birthday. Fingers crossed for the laptop.

  3. Ah, 56! I remember it fondly. :)

    1. 1977
    2. the east coast of the USA
    3. Orangutan
    4. Judge Barbara Hershey
    5. Death

    Is it me or does this series seem to draw inspiration from Terry Pratchett? :)

    An orangutan judge? Or librarian? :) It is a librarian, right?

    And Death as an "alien super-fiend" judge? Well, the world isn't flat. And it's not held up by elephants on the back of a turtle, so ... it's all good! :)


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