
Wednesday 17 April 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-4-2024 — Malbec World Day.

17th April, 2024: Malbec World Day.

It’s Wednesday!


Well … 


It’s hump-day, after all.

Which means we’re traditionally allowed to be grumpy for the day!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Debbi‡putting in their answers: with Olga and Mum scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        17th April is Malbec World Day.   Malbec is a what: grape, orange or apple?

Q2)        It’s used to make what: red wine or white wine?

Q3)        The fruit is one of six varieties used to make wine from where: Bordeaux, Chablis or Provence?

Q4)        Standard sized wine bottles contain how much wine: 750 millimetres, 1500 millimetres or 3000 millimetres?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Malbec World Day is marked on the 17th, as that’s when President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento decided to celebrate his country’s wine.   Which South American country was it … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th April, 1457 BC, was the date of the Battle of Megiddo: the world’s first reliably recorded battle.   The site of the battle is in which modern country: Israel, Lebanon or Syria?
A1)        Israel.   (The valley the site is in is listed as being in Israel: although the article, currently, says it’s in the region of Palestine.)

Q2)        The city of Megiddo is better known under its Greek name.   What is that name?
A2)        Armageddon.

Q3)        That latter name is used for a battle at the end of the world, and is mentioned in a book of the Bible.   Which book: the First Book of Maccabees, the Epistle to Philemon or the Book of Revelation?
A3)        The Book of Revelation.   From the little I’ve read of Revelations?   It strikes me the author’s a bit too fond of mushrooms.

Q4)        The Canaanites were on one side.   Who were they fighting: the Egyptians, the Nubians or the Moabites?
A4)        The Egyptians.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Battle saw the first recorded use of what: chariots, composite bows or javelins?
A5)        Composite bows.

Here’s a quote from Wikipedia …
“The name ‘Malbec World Day’ translates from the Spanish ‘Día Mundial del Malbec,’ meaning ‘Malbec throughout the world’”.
From the Wikipedia entry on the day.
A song …

And an earworm§ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hang on, I’m Pete, again, Olga?!‽   It’s the hot weather, isn’t it?
        At any rate … ?   Cheers, Olga!   It’s not much of a loss: but it all helps.   I do know I’m going to have to ask about the Ozempic, again: that had a more noticeable weight loss effect.
        I know what you mean about socks, as well: I have to aim for thick ones, as well: it helps keep my feet warm, and protected.   Now I think of it?   Would a pair of steel toe capped boots/shoes be something to wear?   (I had several pairs: as they were helpful when/if I stubbed my toes on a barrel.   You notice that!)

        Hello, Mum!

‡        It’s a rather tired old line, Debbi … !   But no, it doesn’t get used!   There’s a copy of the episode on its way over.   I think I’ve got a copy of Threads, as well, if wanted: that is incredibly powerful.
        Oh, Μεγιδδώ?   Is just the Greek spelling of Megiddo.   From the little I’ve found out, of the years?   The Greek is Armageddon: Wiktionary tells us it’s ‘ Ἁρμαγεδών’ in the Greek alphabet.
        Oooh … !!!!!   Do we get a video of the trike trip?   (Not that I’m going to ask for dashcam footage … but the dashcam footage could make for a Youtube video!)

§        The older I get?   The more I find playing music helps me write.   But not a playlist: no.   These days, I find putting one song on repeat, to be better: it gives me something to listen too, but not something I find distracting.


  1. 1 Grape
    2 Red
    3 Bordeux
    4 750
    5 Argentina

  2. Q1) grape

    Q2) red wine

    Q3) Bordeaux

    Q4) 750 millimetres

    Q5) Argentina
    I'm afraid it's the Tuesday effect, Paul. Because it's the day when I blog I end up responding to a lot of comments, including those by Pete, who unfortunately lost his beloved dog not long ago.
    Funnily enough, talking about steel-toed shoes, there have been some coming up on Amazon vine, and I looked at them (as these days they tend to look more like standard trainers, with reinforced toes and soles, though, but pretty standard looking)but there were none in my size, although I'll keep my eyes peeled. One never knows...

  3. We bought a small helmet cam, but couldn't figure how to use it. :)

    We ended up returning it.

    I do have some footage Rick took. Hopefully, I'll do something with it.

    1. grape
    2. red wine
    3. Bordeaux
    4. 750 millilitres (litres, right?)
    5. Argentina


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