
Saturday 20 April 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th April, 2024.

20th April, 2024.

Right … it’s Saturday.

And … ?

I caught a TV show … on Thursday!

Yes: I’ve caught another episode of Star Trek Discovery: and released a review, last night!

Feel free to thoroughly enjoy it!


Talking of TV?

I’ve just seen this piece float across my Facebook feed.

It seems AppleTV+ are to make a version of William Gibson’s Neuromancer: one of my favourite novels.

Hmmm … 

I must admit, I’m nervous about that: and only hope the producers do a version that’s authentic to the original text.


No, I didn’t know who he was, either.

Not until — on Thursday — he stood outside the New York court where Donald Trump is being tried, threw lots of pamphlets around, covered himself in something flammable … 

And then lit a match.

Apparently, in protest at both President Biden and former President Trump: and at US government attempts to launch “ …an apocalyptic fascist world coup”.

I can’t help the think the man was a bloody idiot!

Or was … unwell … !

Or, at least, extremely misguided.

I sound harsh, I know.

Justifiable, I think.

Setting fire to yourself — especially over something as trivial as a conspiracy theory* — is an unbelievably stupid thing to do.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡, Debbi§ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        20th April is the UN sponsored, Chinese Language Day.   The Zhonghua Zihai, Hanyu Da Cidian and the Hanyu Da Zidian are all Chinese whats?

Q2)        Les McKeown died on 20th April, 2021.   Les had been lead singer of which Scottish band: the Sensational Alex Harvey Band, the Bay City Rollers or Hootie and the Blowfish?

Q3)        Jessica Lange was born on 20th April, 1949.   Her first film appearance was in the 1976 version of which monster movie: King Kong, Godzilla or The Mummy?

Q4)        20th April, 2023, saw the first launch of the Starship launcher.   The ship was built by which company: SpaceX, Blue Origin or Virgin Orbit?

Q5)        Finally … ?   For the very first time in history, 20th April, 2020, saw the price of what fall below zero: gold, oil or tea?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Sierra Leone became a republic on 19th April.   Of which year of the 1970s?
A1)        1971.

Q2)        The change saw Siaka Stevens named as Sierra Leone’s what: president, prime minister or Cardinal-Archbishop?
A2)        President.

Q3)        What’s Sierra Leone’s capital city: Bo, Freetown or Waterloo?
A3)        Freetown.

Q4)        The country’s parliament has one chamber.   In other words, it’s what: unicameral, bicameral or trilateral?
A4)        Unicameral.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Sierra Leone’s currency: the pound, shilling or leone?
A5)        The leone.
Here’s a thought …
“I’ve run the marathon several times, so I definitely don’t look like the Great Ancestor!”
George Takei, born April 20, 1937.
A song …

And an earworm¶ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        There were a couple of cases in the 1960s: a US citizen protesting the Vietnam War, and a Vietnamese Buddhist monk protesting the persecution of Buddhists in South Vietnam.   They seem rational in comparison.   The photos of the monk’s death?   Are famous … and unnerving.   He seemed quite calm about burning to death.

        Yeah: the whole family seems colourful, Olga!   Apparently?   Alexander 6th was Valencian, if that’s any help.
        I’ll keep my eyes peeled for you: it sounds like the day’s going to be busy.   But let me know if anyone reads from William Gibson, please!   Neuromancer could possibly make the day sound odd!
        Oh, it’s easy remember.   But I’d imagine pronouncing it would be like pronouncing ‘scone’.   After all, is ‘leone’ pronounced ‘lee-ON’?   ‘LAY-on’?   ‘lee-OWN-ee’?   ‘lee-OWN’?   You can imagine, can’t you?

        Hello, Mum!

§        Phew!   I’m glad to hear it, Debbi!   These things are always worrying!
        Did you hear about the chap in New York, Debbi?   Who set himself on fire?   I … well, I think you’ve got my point.
        Chinese Watch?   It sounds like I’ve missed a Monty Python sketch, there, Debbi!   Unless you meant this … ?

¶        That had to be the strangest performance on The Tube.   And possibly the unwisest.   After all Michael Jackson could tell you about the dangers of hair gel near fire.


  1. Q1) Dictionaries

    Q2) the Bay City Rollers

    Q3) King Kong

    Q4) SpaceX

    Q5) oil
    Yes, I know he was from Valencia. One of my father's sayings (he had one for almost every occasion) was "Velencianet i home de bé no pot ser" (he was from Galicia, but he spoke Catalan as well, and the saying would be something like: "Being Valencia and a good person is impossible". I am sure people from Valencia wouldn't agree, but he drove coaches and he always complained about the lorry drivers from Valencia. Of course, there were many lorries from Valencia full of oranges, lemons and other vegetables and fruit, I guess mostly on their way to the rest of Europe, so always in his way, as he saw it).

  2. 1 Language
    2 Bay City Rollers
    3 King Kong
    4 Space X
    5 Oil

  3. Actually, I was thinking of this one:

    At around the 19 or 20 second mark, Michael Palin picks up the phone.

    That scene never fails to crack me up. :)

    1. dictionaries
    2. the Bay City Rollers
    3. King Kong
    4. SpaceX
    5. oil

    "The watch! The Chinese watch!"

    "Bye. ... Mother."

    LOL!!! Dinsdale! :)


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