
Sunday 21 April 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st April 2024

21st April, 2024.

Right … it’s Sunday morning, again!

Which means … ?

Well, not a lot … bar that fact it’s going to be a quiet day.

I do know I’ve spotted something in the news.

Apparently, a woman in Hertfordshire is a tenant of my landlords: and received a small amount of compensation … after being overcharged on her services charges.

The figures she gave for hers?

Were similar to mine.

I was paying £44 a week, last year.

And now paying a fiver.

Hmmm … 

I don’t think I’d get anything from Clarion, on that front.

Not even so much as information on how to apply.

But … ?

I may as well send them an email: to see what happens.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, Debbi‡putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Which former Soviet republic voted for independence on 21st April, 1991: Armenia, Belarus or Estonia?

Q2)        Up until independence, the country had been a what: a US state, a union republic or a special administrative region?

Q3)        21st April is Kartini Day.   Where: East Timor, Indonesia or Laos?

Q4)        21st April is National Tea Day in the UK.   The tea commonly drunk in the UK is what: black tea, green tea or white tea?

Q5)        Finally … ?   21st April is the traditional feast day of Saint Beuno.   He’s the patron saint of diseased what: cattle, sheep or pigs?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        20th April is the UN sponsored, Chinese Language Day.   The Zhonghua Zihai, Hanyu Da Cidian and the Hanyu Da Zidian are all Chinese whats?
A1)        Dictionaries.

Q2)        Les McKeown died on 20th April, 2021.   Les had been lead singer of which Scottish band: the Sensational Alex Harvey Band, the Bay City Rollers or Hootie and the Blowfish?
A2)        The Bay City Rollers.   (They were definitely a bit poppy)

Q3)        Jessica Lange was born on 20th April, 1949.   Her first film appearance was in the 1976 version of which monster movie: King Kong, Godzilla or The Mummy?
A3)        King Kong.

Q4)        20th April, 2023, saw the first launch of the Starship launcher.   The ship was built by which company: SpaceX, Blue Origin or Virgin Orbit?
A4)        SpaceX.
Q5)        Finally … ?   For the very first time in history, 20th April, 2020, saw the price of what fall below zero: gold, oil or tea?
A5)        Oil.
Here’s a thought …
“They’re gonna be my f****** passport to playing wizards in my seventies.”
James McAvoy, born 21 April 1979, speaking about his eyebrows.
A song …

And a bassline … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You dad definitely sounds like a personality, Olga!   Mind you, I get the impression if you go anywhere, you’re going to be behind a lorry.   We get a lot of Dutch flower deliveries, here: the lorries are huge, and always in front of the bus!   (What WOULD your dad say?   :D )
        Oh, and apparently?   Google thinks that phrase is Portuguese!

†        Hello, Mum!

‡        Oh, it’s from the Vercotti Brothers sketch!   Debbi, your tanks are not safe!   (No hedgehogs were harmed in the making of that sketch.)


  1. 1 Belarus
    2 Special admin region
    3 Indonesia
    4 White tea
    5 Sheep

  2. JUST so everyone knows?

    The next ten question sets will be on 1st, 2nd and 13th of May: and be able Staffordshire, David Beckham and the comic book strip, Strontium Dog.

    Hopefully, the answers are short!

  3. Q1) I am utterly confused by this question. There was a general vote in March, and a few of the republics boycotted it (including the Baltic republics, Armenia, etc.), but from the data I find, most of them declared independence later, and as to a vote on the 21st of April of that year, I cannot find it, but perhaps you have a different source.

    Q2) a union republic

    Q3) Indonesia

    Q4) black tea

    Q5) cattle
    It will be a bit of a run of 10 questions... And the sentence is definitely not Portuguese. Bless them! I agree about lorries, although, when I lived in a rural area, I often got stuck behind tractors or lorries moving animals around (so they are slow and normally smell...)

  4. Oh, God ... okay then. :)

    1. Armenia
    2. a special administrative region
    3. Indonesia
    4. black tea
    5. cattle

    Ouch. :)


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