
Sunday 7 April 2024

Star Trek Discovery — Season 5 Episode 2 — “Under The Twin Moons” — A Review

6th April, 2024: the Announcement!

Which … it’s officially official.

It’s early on Saturday evening.

Or late afternoon.

Depending on whether you think it’s afternoon or evening … when it’s still daylight out!

At any rate … ?

Dinner is officially being cooked.

The soundtrack for the original version of The Omen is playing in the background.

And — by the time you read this? — I will have seen “Under the Twin Moons”, the second episode of Star Trek Discovery’s fifth season.

Right … back, tomorrow … 


Episode 2 — “Under The Twin Moons” — opens with a summary of the last episode.

Then shifts: to show us Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) dictating her personal log: explaining her new found doubts about her purpose, and wondering if finding the Progenitor device will give her new found direction.

Whilst thinking about this … ?

Michael is joined by Saru (Doug Jones): who is equally as concerned by their mission, but brings good news.

Repairs to the USS Discovery?   Are almost complete.

And on a personal note?

Saru is looking forward to one last mission: before he leaves Starfleet and gets married.

There’s just one last job Captain Burnham has to do before the Discovery, flies.

She — and Captain Rayner of the Antares — are to face an enquiry led by President Rillak (Chelah Horsdal).


Post titles?

We find the enquiry’s result has been postponed: until after the Discovery’s mission has been completed.

And Admiral Vance (Oded Fehr) has assigned has an extra pair of hands to the Discovery: Cleveland ‘Book’ Booker (David Ajala), Captain Burnham’s former lover.

Vance?   Thinks Book, and his connection to the courier community, could be help in the Discovery’s hunt.

Something the Captain agrees with.

And something she tells her ex, in person.

Along side the basics of the Discovery’s mission.

Captain and crew are on a treasure hunt for a diary.

They’re hoping to find some powerful technology.

They going to find clues on a graveyard planet called Lyrek.

Oh … and it’s Saru’s last mission …

This … ?

Is going to be interesting …


Now … what DID I make of this episode … ?

What did I make of the basic premise?

Have I seen something like it, before?

What did I think of Saru leaving the Discovery crew … ?

Of Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) being retired?

What on Earth did I think of two episodes dropping at one?

Let’s start with the last point first, shall we?

The first two episodes dropping on opening night?

I grew up at a time when TV shows were shown one night a week: over the course of however many weeks.

That’s partly why I write my TV reviews, once a week: it’s the broadcast schedule I’m used to.

Once a week is fine: especially if there’s other things to watch or do.

So, for me … ?

The first two episodes being published on the same night … ?

Something that will be repeated when the new series of Dr Who starts on 11th May?

Isn’t something I’m comfortable with.

As good as I’ve found these first two episodes?

That schedule makes my hobby of reviewing TV shows a touch more difficult!


It won’t be a feature of future entries in the Star Trek franchise: we’ll have to see.


Now … Saru, leaving the crew … ?

That’s surprising: but … ?

I’m expecting the character to stick around for this series: in either a reduced capacity, or in a different one.

After all?   The character is due to marry T’Rina of Ni’Var: and to enter Federation diplomatic service.

So … ?

The fact we get to see Saru living up to his nickname of ‘Action’ Saru was quite something.

We get to seem him doing stuff: and it’s about time!

I’ve only ever seen him offering wise advice: so a Kelpian action hero is a good change.

We also find something else.

We find that Captain Rayner has been formally retired by Admiral Vance: after the Captain’s performance at President Rillak’s enquiry.

That’s also after Rayner has helped Tilly and Adira (Mary Wiseman and Blu del Barrio) solve a very sticky problem.

So … ?

By the end of “Under The Twin Moons”, we have a character who has nothing to do, has a difficult relationship with the main character … 

But — in a move that seemed obvious to me from the moment Vance tells us he’s forcing Rayner to retire — is immediately hired by Captain Burnham as her new Number One.

Yes: I saw that coming.   As I suspect you did.

But … ?

As wonderful a character as Saru is, Captain Burnham — and we — now have a first officer who’s going to give the boss an argument!

The potential for drama will be quite something.


What else can I tell you … ?

The basic premise, the basic idea of “Under The Twin Moons” is fairly simple.

The team … are on a treasure hunt!

The series has already shown us a strange circular symbol: one that seems to be at the heart of the mystery.

This episode sees Captain Burnham and Saru finding an ancient artefact on Lyrek.

It’s only after talking things through with her crew, that Captain Burnham asks the Discovery’s computer to replicate a solid version of the symbol, that she and Lieutenant Commander Stamets realise that the thing is a map to where the Progenitor devices are … 

And that the remaining pieces will complete the map!

That’s where I realised what the rest of this series will be.

A treasure hunt!

That … ?

That simple fact … ?

Is going to keep me glued to the rest of the series.


It’s ALSO got me thinking of something else.

Or, at least, reminded of something else.

Have you seen any classic Dr Who?

The original run, that went from 1963 to 1989?

The classic show’s sixteenth season is known as the Key to Time series.

As it sees the Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and Romana (Mary Tamm) having to find the six, hidden, parts of the Key, assemble the thing, then prevent the villainous Black Guardian from causing unspeakable chaos!

The sight of Captain Burnham putting the two parts of the map together?

Immediately put me in mind of that classic series!

It also got me thinking of something else.

The last of the Key to Time stories was called The Armageddon Factor.

Which struck me as significant.

As the villain of the piece has worked out all he needs to do is find the last piece of the key, wait for the Doctor to turn up with the other five … and steal them from our hero.

Two episodes into Discovery’s last season, I’m wondering this: will L’ak and Moll do the same thing?

Will the villainous pair find the last piece of the map, wait for the USS Discovery to show up with the rest, and then try and steal them?

I guess we’re going to have to wait and see.


As a last note?

Yes, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this episode: as much as I did its predecessor.

While I have mixed feelings about two episodes dropping on the same day, while I feel sad that this fifth season is the last for Star Trek Discovery, both “Red Directive” and “Under The Twin Moons” are strong episodes: and show us writing, a story arc, and a cast, on the top of their game.

As much as knowing this will be the last series?

I’m intending on watching it up until the last episode: and hope you’ll be joining me for the journey.

I will be taken that next trip, when I watch the third episode, “Jinaal”: on 11th April: next Thursday.

I’ll have my written and video reviews up by Friday, 12th April.

I’ll see you then!
“Under The Twin Moons”

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