
Wednesday 15 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-5-2024 — Viva Las Vegas

15th May, 2024: Viva Las Vegas.

Right … it’s now Wednesday … 

And frankly, I’ve caught up with my sleep!

Which is definitively nice.

I’ll see if I can get more sleep … after my nephew goes home.

He’s due to spend the evening, today.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum, four.

The day also saw Olga‡ leaving us a message.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Las Vegas was founded on 15th May.   Of which year: 1904, 1905 or 1906?

Q2)        The city calls itself the what capital of the world: the entertainment capital, tyre capital or medical capital?

Q3)        The city’s in which US state: California, Nevada or Oregon?

Q4)        Fremont Street, the Strip and Downtown Las Vegas, contain a lot of what: casinos, civil servants or urban farms?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Vegas is also known as what city: Sex city, Slave city or Sin city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Tardar Sauce died on 14th May, 2019.   She was better known as who?
A1)        Grumpy Cat.

Q2)        Mark Zuckerberg was born on 14th May, 1984.   He’s the CEO of Meta, the company that owns what: Apple, Facebook or X?
A2)        Facebook.
Q3)        14th May, 1957, saw petrol rationing end in the UK.   It ended as what was over: World War 2, the Suez Crisis or the reign of Elizabeth 2nd?
A3)        The Suez Crisis.

Q4) 14th May, 1944, saw the birth of George Lucas.   He was the producer of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.   Who played Indiana Jones in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny?
A4)        Harrison Ford.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Jack Bruce was born on 14th May, 1943: a year before George Lucas. What instrument did Bruce play, in Cream: drums, bass or guitar?
A5)        Bass.   Ginger Baker was the drummer: Eric Clapton played guitar.
Here’s an opinion … 
“Las Vegas is a three-ring circus with a hangover.”
From Friday, by Robert A Heinlein.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.
Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   See you tonight!

†        That’s exactly what I thought, Debbi!   (I’ve got this week’s edition of I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue on in the background: complete with a chap called Richard Cole§.   His Reverence’s singing voice sounds a LOT like Christopher Lee’s!)

        Just as an extra twist, Olga?   It seems the research was funded — in part — by Ozempic’s makers.   I’ve got mixed feelings.   I’m glad it’s been shown to have additional uses: but feel Novo Nordisk have funded it as an investment … and will benefit from more free advertising!
        At any rate … ?   Good luck with today: I hope the test, and everything else, go well!

§        Just so you know, Debbi, he’s a retired Church of England vicar, gay activist … and the pianist from the Communards.   Yes, that IS him in their version of “Don’t Leave Me This Way”.


  1. Q1) 1905

    Q2) the entertainment capital

    Q3) Nevada

    Q4) casinos

    Q5) Sin city
    Thanks, Paul. Tomorrow we're going to see the nurse again so she can start the assessment regarding my mother's level of dependency, and I might get classed officially as her carer (and that might be helpful in the future). It will probably be a long process, and she still needs to have a blood test and get her medication checked next month, so we shall see...

  2. 1 1905
    2 Entertaiment
    3 Nevada
    4 Casinos
    5 Sin City

  3. I'll have to give them listen.

    1. 1905
    2. the entertainment capital
    3. Nevada
    4. casinos
    5. Sin City

    Rick and I stayed at Circus Circus on the Strip, because Hunter Thompson described it so ... vividly in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. It's just like Heinlein described the city. :) Surreal.


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