
Tuesday 14 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th May, 2024.

14th May, 2024.

Arrrghgh!   It’s Tuesday!

And … ?

I posted a review of “The Devil’s Chord”, last night.

I hope you enjoy it: I was up all night, making that!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Keith†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga, Keith and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on nine.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Tardar Sauce died on 14th May, 2019.   She was better known as who?

Q2)        Mark Zuckerberg was born on 14th May, 1984.   He’s the CEO of Meta, the company that owns what: Apple, Facebook or X?

Q3)        14th May, 1957, saw petrol rationing end in the UK.   It ended as what was over: World War 2, the Suez Crisis or the reign of Elizabeth 2nd?

Q4)        14th May, 1944, saw the birth of George Lucas.   He was the producer of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.   Who played Indiana Jones in Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Jack Bruce was born on 14th May, 1943: a year before George Lucas.   What instrument did Bruce play, in Cream: drums, bass or guitar?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Strontium Dog was first published on 13th May.   Of which year of the 1970s?
A1)        1978.

Q2)        The strip was originally published in which British comic: 2000ad, Starlord or The Beano?
A2)        Starlord.

Q3)        The main character’s name was what: Johnny Alpha, Ronnie Beta or Sidney Delta?
A3)        Johnny Alpha.   (Johnny was born ‘John Kreelman’, but changed it to Johnny Alpha when he left home.   His father, Nelson Bunker Kreelman, was a fascist politician who persecuted mutants, including his own son.)

Q4)        The character works for the Search/Destroy Agency.   In other words, he’s a futuristic what: policeman, bounty hunter or tax man?
A4)        Bounty hunter.   (The bounty hunters’ nickname — ‘strontium dogs’ — is an in-universe play on the agency’s initials.)

Q5)        The character is a human mutated after a nuclear war.   The war involved bombs that used what: Ruthenium-106, Strontium-90 or Caesium-113
A5)        Strontium-90.   (Hence the name of the strip!)

Q6)        The character has a partner he works with.   A partner called what: Wulf, Hans or Gruber?
A6)        Wulf.

Q7)        The Gronk works with the Strontium Dog.   As a what: medic, accountant or cleaner?
A7)        Medic.   (“Oh, my poor heartses!”)

Q8)        Our hero often works with Middenface McNulty.   Middenface is from where: England, Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland?
A8)        Scotland.

Q9)        Strontium Dog was first drawn by Carlos Ezquerra.   Ezquerra famously co-created whom: Judge Dredd, Dr Who or Dennis the Menace?
A9)        Judge Dredd.

Q10)        Finally … ?   The character was created by which comic book writer: Stan Lee, John Wagner or Alan Moore?
A10)        John Wagner: writing as T. B. Grover.
Here’s a thought …
“If you’re talking [my instrument], it’s very, very simple: James Jamerson, Paul McCartney, Jaco Pastorius, me.”
The ever modest Jack Bruce, 14 May 1943 – 25 October 2014, when asked about good players.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        We have, Olga: the creative team on Strontium Dog and Starlord also worked on 2000AD and Judge Dredd.   The strip itself is now in 2000AD: as the result of a merger in 1978.
        Oh, do you remember me mentioning Ozempic, Olga?   The diabetes drug that helps you lose weight?   Reports, today, say it’s also useful for preventing strokes and heart attacks.   I bet I’m still going to have to wait for it!

        Thank you for coming, Keith: it’s always nice to see a new face, here.   I hope you enjoyed yourself:  and that your Strontium Dog page is doing well.   Did you Hera Ezquerra died a few years ago?   And Kevin O’Neill?   That’s a hell of a loss!
        Feel free to float around the blog and the YouTube channel: there’s something for everyone!

        Hello, Mum!

§        That you did, Debbi!   The next ten question set’s on the 27th: it’s the Christopher Lee set.


  1. 1 Grumpy Cat
    2 Facebook
    3 Suez crisis
    4 Harrison Ford
    5 Cream

  2. I saw the reports as well. I think you're right, though.
    Sorry, it's been (and it will carry on being) a busy day. I had class with Jordi, because he couldn't make it yesterday, then I had to go to the doctor with my mother, and we have to go back on Thursday afternoon (and then next month after some blood tests). And this afternoon I have to go to the radio station to edit a piece of news about Saturday's festival, so it's all go. And I have a terrible headache, so sorry. I hope I can catch up tomorrow, but we shall see.
    Take care.

  3. Oh, well ... Christopher Lee deserves no less! :)

    1. Grumpy Cat
    2. Facebook
    3. the Suez Crisis
    4. Harrison Ford
    5. bass


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