Monday 13 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 13-5-2024 — Strontium Dog

13th May, 2024: Strontium Dog.

Yes: it’s Monday … and it’s not a bank holiday!


That means I’m up early: to get to my weight management group.

Given last Monday was a bank holiday — which meant that week’s meeting was cancelled — I’m curious to see how I’ve done.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

 Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Strontium Dog was first published on 13th May.   Of which year of the 1970s?

Q2)        The strip was originally published in which British comic: 2000ad, Starlord or The Beano?

Q3)        The main character’s name was what: Johnny Alpha, Ronnie Beta or Sidney Delta?

Q4)        The character works for the Search/Destroy Agency.   In other words, he’s a futuristic what: policeman, bounty hunter or tax man?

Q5)        The character is a human mutated after a nuclear war.   The war involved bombs that used what: Ruthenium-106, Strontium-90 or Caesium-113

Q6)        The character has a partner he works with.   A partner called what: Wulf, Hans or Gruber?

Q7)        The Gronk works with the Strontium Dog.   As a what: medic, accountant or cleaner?

Q8)        Our hero often works with Middenface McNulty.   Middenface is from where: England, Northern Ireland, Wales or Scotland?

Q9)        Strontium Dog was first drawn by Carlos Ezquerra.   Ezquerra famously co-created whom: Judge Dredd, Dr Who or Dennis the Menace?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The character was created by which comic book writer: Stan Lee, John Wagner or Alan Moore?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        12th May, 2024, is Mother’s Day in the US. When was the 2024 Mothering Sunday, in the UK?
A1)        10th March. (Indeed, I asked the question, here)

Q2)        Florence Nightingale was born on 12th May. Of which year of the 1820s?
A2)        1820.

Q3)        British actress, Faith Bennett, was born on 12th May, 1903. She transport what, during World War 2: planes, trains or automobiles?
A3)        Planes. She was an early member of the Air Transport Auxiliary. (As far as I know? She flew Spitfires.)

Q4)        Lily Renée was born on 12th May, 1921. She was one of the first female artists to work on the Golden age what: comics, movie posters or kitchenware.
A4)        Comics.

Q5)        Finally … ? 12th May is the feast day of Saint Crispoldus of Bettona. Where is Bettona: Italy, France or Spain?
A5)        Italy.
Here’s a thought …
“The series takes place in an imagined future after the Great Nuclear War of 2150.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Strontium Dog.
A song …

An earworm …

And a possible clue … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’ll be honest, Olga, I’ve not heard the British entry, this year: I never found Olly Murs appealing.   And it sounds like the UK audience agreed with me!   (I still say the Irish entry should have won, this year.)

†        The first Who song I heard, Debbi, was “Pinball Wizard”!   Elton’s version!   Those boots of his were ridiculous!
        Glad to hear the packages got through.   And yes: from the little I know, Patrick McGoohan was … quite assertive!


Olga said...

Q1) 1978

Q2) Starlord

Q3) Johnny Alpha

Q4) bounty hunter

Q5) Strontium-90

Q6) Wulf

Q7) medic

Q8) Scotland

Q9) Judge Dredd

Q10) John Wagner
This sounds very familiar, and I've never read the comic. We must have covered some of this at some point...

Keith Gainham said...

A1) 1978
A2) Starlord
A3) Johnny Alpha
A4) Bounty Hunter
A5) Strontium 90
A6) Wulf Sternhammer
A7) Medic
A8) Scotland
A9) Judge Dredd
A10) John Wagner (and Carlos Ezquerra as it was co-created) 👍🏻

Mum said...

1 1978
2 Starlord
3 Jonny Alpha
4 Bounty Hunter
5 Strontium 90
6 Gruber
7 Medic
8 Scotland
9 Judge Dredd
10 John Wagner

Debbi said...

Yeah, that's an understatement. :)

1. 1978
2. Starlord
3. Johnny Alpha
4. bounty hunter
5. Strontium-90
6. Wulf
7. medic
8. Scotland
9. Judge Dredd
10. John Wagner

I think I hit them all. :)