Thursday 30 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-4-2024 — International Potato Day

30th May, 2024: International Potato Day.

It’s Thursday.

You’d noticed, hadn’t you?

And, frankly?

I’ve just looked out of my window: and found it’s not raining … 


Let’s hope it stays that way: I’d hate to get drenched, heading for the shops!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        30th May is the International Day of the Potato.   According to who: the United Nations, European Union or the Communist Party of North America?

Q2)        The potato’s technical name is the Solanum what: tuberosum, tubular or tubercular?

Q3)        The potato is a what: tuber, flower or leaf?

Q4)        According to Wikipedia?   Early potatoes was cultivated where: Loch Ness, Lake Titicaca or the Mediterranean?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Tattie scones are traditionally made and eaten, where: England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        29th May is the International Day of UN … what: organisations, peacekeepers or scientists?
A1)        Peacekeepers.

Q2)        29th May is the feast day of Saint Bona of Pisa. She’s a patron saint of whom: snooker players, flight attendants or shepherds?
A2)        Flight attendants.

Q3)        Tan Zhongyi was born on 29th May, 1991. She’s a champion what: backgammon player, chess player or Go player?
A3)        Chess player.

Q4)        Riley Keough was born: on 29th May, 1989. She played Anne, in which 2012 film: Magic Mike, Yellow or Kiss of the Damned?
A4)        Kiss of the Damned.

Q5)        Finally … ? Rhode Island joined the USA on 29th May. Of which year of the 1790s?
A5)        1790.
Here’s a thought …

“Fear is a strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.”
From Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett.

And an song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        It certainly is, Olga.   Did I mention Bobby spent about five minutes, licking my ear?   Then my other ear?   And then washed my hair?   That was a strange experience!

‡        Wales … or possibly Inverlair Lodge!
        At any rate, Dr Who is s crowded market, Debbi.   Unless you fancy covering the movies, at some point?   (There’s 2k and 4k versions on blu-ray, Debbi: the 2k versions on blu-ray in the US, but not, seemingly, the 4k version.).   But The Prisoner?   There could be room!
        Oh … go any of your cats lick your ears?   Bobby’s odd!


Nik Nak said...

That’s a thought, Debbi … did I mention I had a copy of GURPS The Prisoner

That may be an interesting place to start …

Olga said...

Q1) the United Nations

Q2) tuberosum

Q3) tuber

Q4) Lake Titicaca

Q5) Scotland
Today's subject made me think of this song. The subtitles don't seem available, at least in the two versions I'm sharing (they were a Catalan group but also sang in Spanish, so I share both). I also share the lyrics in Catalan, just in case. But in summary (they were singers but always singing funny songs), Darwin was mistaken and man descends from the potato. And they go on to give the reasons for it. They were singing in Franco's era and had to be clever to avoid censorship. They did manage to get away with quite a few things, most probably because the censors had very little sense of humour...
I hope the weather is goo today

Mum said...

1 UN
2 Tubular
3 Tuber
4 Lake Titicaca
5 Scotland

Debbi said...

That videogame sounds mildly terrifying. :)

What a great phrase Pratchett could turn! Potatoes of defiance! I love it!

1. the United Nations
2. tuberosum
3. tuber
4. Lake Titicaca
5. Scotland

Have I ever mentioned that I wrote a parody of Macbeth with a hardboiled detective protagonist? I mention haggis in it. I should also throw in some tattie scones! :)

Debbi said...

Your cat looks like a light-colored version of ours.

We have a long-haired black cat now. His name is Max.

So far, he hasn't licked my ear, but he does like to play with my backpack. :)