Friday 10 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th May, 2024.

10th May, 2024.

It’s official: it’s Friday.

And … ?

I have to confess: I’m feeling somewhat saddened.

Back in the day, I worked at a local pub, called the Essex Arms.

One that — even to this day — is noted for live music.

When I worked there?

The place had a lot of very good bands play: including the legendary Wilko Johnson.

And the equally legendary Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts: the only band — during my time there — to cause a stage invasion.

That was an evening!

One of the others?   Was Nicky Moore’s Blues Corporation.

Nicky, formerly of Samson?   Was one hell of a singer: and had the white blues voice.

I say ‘was’, as I looked him and the band up, last night: after realising I’d not transferred over a couple of his LPs to my new Mac*.

I was devastated to find he’d died of Parkinson’s Disease in August, 2022.

I’m saddened, devastated and lord knows what else: I can only imagine how his family are feeling, even now.

The man was a talent.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Debbi‡ and Mum§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        10th May, 1975, saw Sony introduce what what type of video recorder: VHS, Betamax or the V2000?

Q2)        10th May, 2022, saw Elizabeth 2nd miss the State Opening of Parliament.   Who read the Queen’s Speech in the Opening: Charles 3rd, Camilla or Sophie, Duchess of Wessex?

Q3)        10th May, 1881, saw Carol 1st, crowned.   As king of where: Romania, Hungary or Bulgaria?

Q4)        Prior to 1969, 10th May was the feast day of Job, the Biblical figure.   The Book of Job is in which part of the Bible: the Old Testament, the New Testament or the Apocrypha?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Western Hemisphere’s (then) tallest building was completed: on 10th May, 2013.   Where is it: New York, Paris or London?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The United States House Committee on the Judiciary started impeachment proceedings: on 9th May.   Of whom: President Nixon, President Washington or President Kennedy?
A1)        President Nixon.

Q2)        9th May in which year of the 1970s?
A2)        1974.

Q3)        Glenda Jackson was born on 9th May, 1936.   She was, until 2015, MP for which constituency: Hammersmith, Hampstead and Kilburn or Harborough?   (This question took about four takes, when I did the video version!)
A3)        Hampstead and Kilburn.
Q4)        9th May is the feast day of Saint Beatus of Lungern.   He’s usually depicted fighting a what: a lion, dragon or a panther?
A4)        A dragon.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Rapper, Dennis David Coles, was born on 9th May, 1970.   He’s better known as which member of the Wu-tang Clan?
A5)        Ghostface Killah.
Here’s a thought …
“Who in Ireland could have too much respect for organised religion?   We’ve seen it tear our country in two.   My mother was a Protestant.   My father was a Catholic.   And I learned that religion is often the enemy of God, actually.”
Bono, born 10 May 1960.
A song …

And an earworm¶ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Thankfully?   I still had the LPs on my old MacPro: transferring them over was an easy job.

        It went well enough, Olga.   All I have to do, now, is wait for the results: and for the diabetic review.   I’ll be honest, I’m wondering if my sugars are up.   We’ll see.

        That must have been one hell of a graduation, Debbi!
        Oh, you might appreciated this.   I watched an episode of Have I Got News For You, yesterday.   Much was made of Donald Trump falling asleep at his trial.   There was a lot hysterical laughter when one of the panellists said “He’s doing it because he’s anti-woke” … !

§        Hello, Mum!

        I never knew if Nicky was a Buddhist.   It’s not exactly the first thing you talk about, setting up a bar whilst a band’s putting their stage kit together.   But the chant in the song — Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō — is from Nichiren Buddhism.


Mum said...

1 Betamax
2 Charles 3rd
3 Hungary
4 Old Testament
5 London

Olga said...

Q1) Betamax

Q2) Charles 3rd

Q3) Romania

Q4) the Old Testament

Q5) New York
Sad news indeed. It is always weird when you find out that somebody you knew and appreciated died some time ago and you never learned about it at the time. It is not as if you could have done anything about it, but it feels even sadder.
Take care. (Oh, tomorrow I'm covering a local festival, very close to my house. It goes on all day and evening, but I'll try and go in the morning. I might be a bit late, but I hope I'll manage to check the teaser. It's an odd weekend. We have Catalan elections on Sunday and I also have one of the monthly walks planned for Sunday morning, so if I don't appear much, I'm probably out and about).

Debbi said...

That's a good one! :)

1. Betamax
2. Charles 3rd
3. Romania
4. the Old Testament
5. New York

That guy could sing, couldn't he?

Also, nice guitar work!