Saturday 18 May 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18th May 2024

18th May, 2024.

Right then … it’s Saturday … 

And … ?

Frankly, the next episode of Doctor Who’s on, tonight.

The Steven Moffat penned episode, “Boom”.

I have to confess: that landmine Ncuti Gatwa’s standing on, looks familiar!


Familiar or otherwise?

I’ll be doing a re view of the episode: which will hopefully go live, tomorrow.

My most recent Star Trek Discovery review?

Went live, yesterday.

I hope it does well!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        18th May, 1991, saw Helen Sharman become the UK’s first woman in space.   She flew with the Soviet space agency.   Britain’s most recent astronaut candidate, Dr Rosemary Coogan, is due to fly with whom: NASA, the ESA or JAXA?

Q2)        May 18 is a film from which country: South Korea, North Korea or Vietnam?

Q3)        Louis 2nd was crowned on 18th May, AD872.   Was this his first, second or third coronation?

Q4)        18th May is Independence Day in Somaliland.   Is it internationally recognised?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Bahrain marks its independence from the UK on 18th May. How many Independence days does Bahrain have: four, five or six?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        17th May, 1960, saw the birth of Simon Fuller.   During the 1990s, he managed which girl band: the Saturdays, the Spice Girls or the Sugababes?
A1)        The Spice Girls.   (“I rily rily rily wanna zig a zig ahhh.”   Apparently.)

Q2)        17th May, 1902, saw the discovery of the Antikythera Mechanism: off the coast of a Greek Island.   The device is seen as an ancient, analog what: clock, computer or TV set?
A2)        Analog computer.

Q3)        Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza Time Theatre was founded on 17th May, 1977.   The chain was founded by Nolan Bushnell, who had also founded what: Atari, Timex or Sinclair Research?
A3)        Atari.

Q4)        Henry St. Claire Fredericks Jr was born on 17th May, 1942.   He’s better known how: Taj Mahal, Red Fort or Lakshmi Temple?
A4)        Taj Mahal.

Q5)        Finally … ?  Bill Paxton was born on 17th May, 1955.   He played Bill Henrickson in which series: A Bright Shining Light, Frasier or Big Love?
A5)        Big Love.
Here’s a thought …
“Genius is another word for magic, and the whole point of magic is that it is inexplicable.”
Margot Fonteyn, 18 May 1919 – 21 February 1991.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Ah!   Those Wednesday meetings sound almost exactly like PMQs, Olga!   I’d imagine they’re as much of a bear-pit — and as entertaining! — as the British equivalent!   And, yes: Spanish parliamentary procedure sounds a lot like the UK’s.   A lot of laws get extras added on in the same way.
        I’m assuming the Cortes has an equivalent to the House of Commons and the House or Lords, yes?   The Lords is where a lot of extras get added!
        Getting the paperwork organised is exactly the problem I’ve got, Olga: the council want information I won’t get until AFTER the deadline!   But yours sounds a lot worse!

†        You know, Debbi, about the only thing I remember seeing Burton in, were 1984, and The War of The Worlds.   And I didn’t exactly see him, in The War of The Worlds!
        Oh, you’ve got an incoming package!
        Those hats get everywhere!


Mum said...

2 Sth Korea
3 1st
4 Yes
5 4

Olga said...


Q2) South Korea

Q3) second

Q4) No

Q5) I have no idea of the answer to this question. According to the article from Wikipedia (and other entries I’ve read) they declared the independence on the 15th of August, but usually celebrate it in December, so I’m not sure what the reference is...
We have el Congreso de los Diputados (where the PM and the opposition usually fight and most big policies are created) and el Senado, where the laws have to go afterwards (nothing to do with titles or anything like that, although, unfortunately, we have plenty of those as well). Basically, in the general elections the people vote both, senadores y diputados. At the moment, things are complicated, because Sánchez is the PM but he doesn't have the majority of votes (his is an "uneasy" coalition with includes the two pro-independence Catalan and Bask parties). In the senate, the Popular Party (right wing, but not extreme, or well, not openly extreme right, we have VOX for that) is in the majority, so they tend to delay everything as much as they can, but the laws go back to the congress of diputados and eventually they get through. It's a delaying strategy, nonetheless.

Debbi said...

You should see him in Where Eagles Dare with Clint Eastwood. Great action movie!

1. the ESA
2. South Korea
3. third coronation
4. no
5. four