
Monday 24 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-6-2024 — Counting Coup

24th June, 2024: Counting Coup.

La la … !

Monday, Monday!

Yes: it’s Monday, again.

And I’m off to my weight management class.

Hopefully, I’d’ve lost the two hundred grams that I gained, last week.


If you’re following the UK’s election news … ?

You’ll probably realise there’s a lot going on.

Including the minor — ha! — scandal: of various Tory party members who’ve been caught placing bets on when an election would be … a suspiciously short time before the election was announced.

More suspects were announced, today.


I’m still laughing my head off!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Olga‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        24th June, 2023, saw Yevgeny Prigozhin launch an attempted coup.   Against which country’s government: Germany’s, Russia’s or Ukraine’s?

Q2)        Who was that country’s president?

Q3)        Prigozhin led the what group: the Wagner Group, Sibelius Group or Tchaikovsky Group?

Q4)        The group was a group of what: catering staff, mercenaries or tailors?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The group — and the country they were rebelling against — were involved in an invasion of where: Latvia, Belarus or Ukraine?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Joséphine de Beauharnais was born on 23rd June, 1763.   She was Empress of where: France, Germany or Spain?
A1)        France.

Q2)        She was Empress because she was whose second wife: Napoleon 1st’s, Wilhelm 1st’s or Ferdinand 2nd’s?
A2)        Napoleon 1st’s.

Q3)        23rd June, 1314, saw the start of the Battle of Bannockburn.   Who lead the Scottish forces at Bannockburn: Robert the Bruce, Eric the Red or Norman the Hairy?
A3)        Robert the Bruce.

Q4)        21st June is the UN sponsored International Day of what: dance, yoga or Trees?
A4)        Yoga.

Q5)        Pancho Villa captured Zacatecas: on 23rd June, 1914.   During what: the Brazilian Civil War, Mexican Revolution, Guatemalan Rebellion or the Estonian War of Independence?
A5)        The Mexican Revolution.

Q6)        Finally … ?   Vancouver Island was hit by an earthquake on 23rd June.   Of which year of the 1940s?
A6)        1946.
Here’s a thought …
“In a video released on 23 June 2023, Prigozhin claimed that the government's justifications for invading [a country] were based on falsehoods, and that the invasion was designed to further the interests of […] elites.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the event.
A possible clue …

And an earworm¶ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        “Wolf in the Fold”’s a classic, Debbi: and it gets a mention in that video!
        It was a fascinating watch, wasn’t it?   And a bit different for that channel: they usually do investigations of the Dalek props!
        It’s been years since I’ve seen Time After Time … !   Only Warner’s singing — in “Cold War” — was scarier.   (You DO know he plays Lord Downey — the head of the Assassins — in Hogfather?   Terry Pratchett had only heard of the Irish spelling of the name … !)

‡        I’ll keep my fingers crossed, Olga: hopefully the day will go well, what ever happens!

        That is still one of the odder covers … !


  1. 1 Russia
    2 Putin
    3 Wagner group
    4 Mercenreries
    5 Ukraine

  2. Q1) Russia’s

    Q2) Vladimir Putin

    Q3) the Wagner Group

    Q4) mercenaries

    Q5) Ukraine
    Thanks, Paul. It was a long and tiring day, and we had a bit of a second part today, but (fingers crossed) it should be done now. The event I covered for the radio wasn't very well attended, but it being a bank holiday today, I think a lot of people went away or were doing something else. In any case, the people who came seemed to enjoy it.
    I hope the meeting goes well. And well... scandals and politics seem to go hand in hand. I was going to say these days, but I suspect these days we get to hear more about it than in the past. Before it was easier to get away with it, but... there is manipulation and fake news, although those aren't new either, only the way they reach us is.

  3. Warner had one helluva presence, didn't he? And a voice! :)

    And just so you know, I love the new Doctor's sheer energy. Almost reminds me of Sylvester McCoy, who was a bundle of energy himself. And my favorite after the amazing Tom B! :)

    1. Russia's
    2. Vladimir Putin
    3. the Wagner Group
    4. mercenaries
    5. Ukraine

    Check out my latest video. You'll recognize the photo! :)

    Be seeing you! :)

  4. I don't know if you got the last set of answers, so here goes again.

    1. Russia's
    2. Vladimir Putin
    3. the Wagner Group
    4. mercenaries
    5. Ukraine

    Be sure to check out my video. With a certain photo in it. :)


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