
Tuesday 25 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-6-2024 — Croatia.

25th June, 2024: Croatia.

Right, then: Tuesdays!

You’d not think they’d be busy: would you … ?

Well … it’s not … 

Except, of course, today?

I’m expecting a phone appointment with my GP.

They’re a little concerned: as, the last time I had my blood pressure checked, it was a touch on the low side.


We’ll be able to do something about that, that won’t involve stockings!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi† putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        25th June is Independence Day in Croatia.   It marks the country’s independence from where: Russia, Bulgaria or Yugoslavia?

Q2)        Croatia is a what: republic, theocracy or monarchy?

Q3)        Croatia’s coast is on which sea: the Mediterranean, Adriatic or Sargasso?

Q4)        What’s Croatia’s capital: Umag, Vukovar or Zagreb?

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Croatia’s current currency: the Kuna, Euro or Ƶloty?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th June, 2023, saw Yevgeny Prigozhin launch an attempted coup.   Against which country’s government: Germany’s, Russia’s or Ukraine’s?
A1)        Russia’s.

Q2)        Who was that country’s president?
A2)        Vladimir Putin.

Q3)        Prigozhin led the what group: the Wagner Group, Sibelius Group or Tchaikovsky Group?
A3)        The Wagner Group.

Q4)        The group was a group of what: catering staff, mercenaries or tailors?
A4)        Mercenaries.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The group — and the country they were rebelling against — were involved in an invasion of where: Latvia, Belarus or Ukraine?
A5)        Ukraine.
Here’s a thought …

“Croatia […] is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the country.

A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        That’s always the way with Bank holidays, Olga: you never know what you’re going to get!   Well … beyond telling you Sunday night pub quizzes do well, if the next day’s a day off.   At any rate, it sounds like the day went well enough.
        There’s an old saying that seems to apply to political scandals: “Same sh*t, different day”.   Or “Same sh*t, different jail”, depending on where you heard it!   Feel free to quote me, Olga!   (I think there were probably the same amount of scandals in earlier years: it’s just that the technology makes reporting them, easier!)

        I think we got both versions, Debbi§!   :D
        Energy is possibly understating it!   Is it just me, though: or do the Scottish Doctors seem vaguely musical.   (McCoy played spoons in his first episode, Ncuti sings, and a certain Mr Capaldi played guitar.)

§        Oh, I caught the video, Debbi: I hope you find a piano!


  1. 1 Yugoslavia
    2 Republic
    3 Adriatic
    4 Zargreb
    5 Euro

  2. I hope they can sort the low blood pressure issue, Paul. Although it is better than the opposite, it can be risky if you stand up quickly and it can make you feel dizzy.
    I got a bit stuck today trying to do lots of things again. (We had an appointment at the doctor's for my mother, and after changing one of her medications, now she has to have a chest X-ray, an echocardiogram, and try some inhalers). Then I had to go to the radio station to edit the news item from Saturday, and I was supposed to get a product delivered (from Amazon Vine), but, somehow it says they have delivered it, but they never did. So it is interesting and we shall see what has happened. (In their defense, it wasn't Amazon who delivered it, but Correos Express, that would be a subcompany of our equivalent to Royal Mail). And then I had to go shopping with my mother.
    Hopefully, tomorrow I'll join the teaser. Not sure about Thursday, because I have a class with Jordi in the morning, and I have another piece of news to cover in the afternoon (it is the international day of blind-deafness, and a local association is celebrating it with a party).

  3. We have one. It's an electric keyboard!

    I could start a band called The Door-ettes? :)

    1. Yugoslavia
    2. republic
    3. Adriatic
    4. Zagreb
    5. Euro


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