
Wednesday 26 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th June, 2024.

26th June, 2024.

It’s official: yesterday was Tuesday, and today is Wednesday!

And … ?

I’ve managed to have a phone appointment with my GP.

We’ve managed to sort out a few things.


The low blood pressure is partly due to the diabetes: but being amplified by the heat.

Hence the blurred vision and dizzy spells.

They’ve seriously stressed keeping hydrated: especially in this hot spell.

They’ve also confirmed a mental health referral has been made: but could take until 2025 to turn up.

It’s important, rather than urgent: so I’m not too concerned.

But, obviously?   And as far as I’m concerned?   The sooner the better.

As an additional point … ?

I’ve ALSO been prescribed Mounjaro: as a replacement for the Ozempic I’m using.


There’s plenty of this stuff!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Olga‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        26th June is the UN sponsored International Day in Support of the Victims of what: Torture, Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking or Discrimination?

Q2)        26th June is the UN sponsored International Day Against what: Torture, Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking or Discrimination?

Q3)        The Universal Product Code, or bar code, was first used on 26th June, 1974.   It’s oblong.   The more recent QR code is what shape: oblong, square or circular?

Q4)        Hollie Arnold was born on 26th June, 1994.   She’s a Paralympic what: shot-putter, discus-thrower or javelineer?

Q5)        Finally … ?   26th June is Independence Day, where: Madagascar, the Maldives or Malta?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        25th June is Independence Day in Croatia.   It marks the country’s independence from where: Russia, Bulgaria or Yugoslavia?
A1)        Yugoslavia.

Q2)        Croatia is a what: republic, theocracy or monarchy?
A2)        Republic.

Q3)        Croatia’s coast is on which sea: the Mediterranean, Adriatic or Sargasso?
A3)        The Adriatic.

Q4)        What’s Croatia’s capital: Umag, Vukovar or Zagreb?
A4)        Zagreb.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Croatia’s current currency: the Kuna, Euro or Ƶloty?
A5)        The Euro.
Here’s a rhetorical question …
“How close is Bullwinkle to a real moose?”
Chris Isaak, born June 26, 1956.
A song …

And yet another version of “It’s a Fine Day” …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        How about Door-essa’s, Debbi?   Door-arinas?   No, hang on, a Door-arina would be a Royal Russian female Door, wouldn’t she?
        Oh, did I mention I’ve picked up a copy of The Celestial Toymaker, one of the re-animated Hartnell stories??   It could be interesting … 

        It sounds like the sub-contractors might have delivered to the wrong address, Olga!   That happens a lot, here, as the buildings are very similar.   I’ll end up with stuff for over the road, they’ll end up with stuff for here, and both of us will end up with stuff for the flat two buildings down!   And I think some of the drivers are more used to Cyrillic script, rather than Latin!
        Well … we’ve got a remedy for the blood pressure, Olga§: but yes, dizzy spells and slightly blurred vision have been involved.   The fact I’ve kept bottled water in the ’fridge, helps, there!   And my medication’s changed, again: this time I’ve got Mounjaro.   How long it will be, before this runs out, I don’t know.
        Pass my regards to your mother for me, please, Olga: it sounds like she’s got a lot on the go!

§        Apparently?   Standing on my toes for a few minutes also helps: it gets the blood circulating, apparently.


  1. 1 Torture
    2 Drug abuse & Traffking
    3 Square
    4 Javlineer. Is that a word
    5 Madagascar

  2. Q1) Torture

    Q2) Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

    Q3) oblong

    Q4) javelineer

    Q5) Madagascar
    Thanks, Paul, and good luck on the medication. Anything that involves moving the legs helps the blood go back to the heart, so perhaps you could get one of those under desk cycling things as well. (I tried a normal pedalling contraption, but the problem is that because of the circular movement, unless the desk is very high, it doesn't work. There are some where you pedal forward, rather than up, but they do take a bit of space. Going for a short work or doing some exercising, even if it is gentle, will also help, I am sure. I know I've mentioned it, but there are plenty of youtube fitness videos that are mainly to do with walking, and some chair exercises as well, for all fitness levels.
    I don't think my mother realises what is going on very much, but as long as she can do the usual (well, less and less these days) is OK so far.
    Oh, by the way, I'm a big fan of Chris Isaak. I discovered him through Twin Peaks.

  3. Stay we;;, Paul. Drink lots of fluids. It's hot out there.

    1. Torture
    2. Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
    3. square
    4. javelineer
    5. Madagascar


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