
Monday 3 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 3-6-2024 — World Bicycle Day

3rd June, 2024: World Bicycle Day.

Heigh Ho … it’s Monday … !

And yes: I’ve off to my weight management group in the morning.

And a hygienist’s appointment in the afternoon.

There are times I hate living at the bottom of a hill … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        3rd June is World Bicycle Day.   A bicycle-like vehicle on water is what: a hydrocycle, a water cycle or pedalo?

Q2)        Which ‘U’ is a one wheeled, bicycle-like vehicle?

Q3)        A trandem bicycle was auctioned in 2018.   The bike belong to whom: the Goodies, the Marx Brothers or the Mary Whitehouse Experience?

Q4)        A Chukudu is a hand made bike: from the Democratic Republic of Congo.   What’s it made from: wood, aluminium or bonded polyurethane?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Does a kick bike have pedals?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        2nd June, 2022, saw the UN change the spelling of Turkey: at the government of Turkey’s request.   How is the name now spelt?   (Those of us on phones may have trouble getting special characters: you may need to press and hold a letter.)
A1)        Türkiye.

Q2)        The Coronation of Elizabeth 2nd took place, on 2nd June, 1952: becoming the first British coronation to one televised in the process.   Whose was the second British coronation to be televised?
A2)        Charles 3rd’s.

Q3)        2nd June is Decoration Day.   Where: Canada, the USA or Mexico?
A3)        Canada.

Q4)        2nd June is the feast day of Saint Elmo: also known as Erasmus of Formia.   The fort named for him is where: Sicily, Corsica or Malta?
A4)        Malta.

Q5)        Finally … ?   2nd June is Civil Aviation Day. Where: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria or the Democratic Republic of the Congo … ?
A5)        Azerbaijan.
Here’s a thought …
“Life is like riding a bicycle.   To keep your balance you must keep moving.”
Albert Einstein.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   (You can press and hold the ‘U’ button to get ‘Ü’, Mum!)

        Pere sounds like quite a power house, Olga!   And that’s a LOT of donated blood!

        I don’t if it’s fun, Debbi, but it could well be a challenge!   From what I can remember of the interviews I seen with Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson?   It’s a bit like writing a flowchart, than a regular plot.   Paragraph 1 is the starting point: 
        “You are in a room.   There’s a door to the east, another to the west, and a treasure chest in the middle.   You can:
  • Go through the East Door: go to Paragraph 90
  • Go through the West Door: go to Paragraph 53
  • Open the chest: go to Paragraph 29.”
        The plot will change, depending on what choice you make: and what’s in the other rooms§!
        Actually, I can just see a hard-boiled appealing to you, Debbi.   Paragraph one could have you sitting in your office: and rolling a six-sided dice.   If you roll one, or two, a beautiful woman walks in.   Three or four, a handsome young man.   Five or six, a hood walks in and waves a gun at you!

§        As a further example, say you want to go through the East door?   You’ll find Paragraph 90 says: 
“The east door is locked.   Do you:
  • Go through the West Door: go to Paragraph 53
  • Force the East Door open: go to Paragraph 7
  • Open the chest: go to Paragraph 29.”


  1. Q1) a hydrocycle

    Q2) Unicycle

    Q3) the Goodies

    Q4) wood

    Q5) No (I didn’t realise they made them for adults. I always joke I’ll get one for my mother, who is getting slower and slower, but perhaps I should... Although I suspect they aren’t very steady either).
    I lived for quite a few years at the top of a hill (almost. There was a house further up and that was it) and I can tell you it isn’t fun either. Especially when it snows and it gets icy...
    Good luck with the weight management session, Paul. And I'll keep you posted on the blood donation. I asked Pere to keep me updated, as they will have to pull the data and check how well they did in the next few days.

  2. 1 Pedalo
    2 Unicycle
    3 The Goodies
    4 Wood
    5 No Pedals

  3. Yes, like a choose your own adventure book:

    1. a hydrocycle
    2. unicycle
    3. the Goodies
    4. wood
    5. no

    No mention of the Penny-farthing? :)


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