
Tuesday 4 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-6-2024 — When Two Tribes Go To War.

4th June, 2024: When Two Tribes Go To War.

Well … 

It’s Tuesday … !

Which means I’ll be Jude sitting, later.

There’s a possibility of rabbits, I know that!


Oh, now that’s sad!

A child was found abandoned, earlier this year: one named Elsa by medical staff, as she was found in very cold temperatures.

In news, today … ?

It turns out Baby Elsa is a full sibling of two other abandoned children — known as Harry and Roman — found in 2017 and 2019.

Those two earlier children have been adopted: Elsa herself, is in foster care.

I can only hope the children’s birth parents are found.

They obviously need help … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        “Two Tribes” was released on 4th June, 1984.   By which Liverpudlian band: Frankie Goes to Hollywood, OMD or the Mighty Wah!?

Q2)        The song was on which record label: Stiff, ZTT or Decca?

Q3)        Who produced “Two Tribes”: Mutt Lange, Tony Visconti, Trevor Horn or George Martin?

Q4)        The song was written by band members, Holly Johnson, Peter Gill and Mark O’Toole.   Which of them was the band’s singer?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The song was number one in the charts for how many weeks: nine, ten or eleven?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        3rd June is World Bicycle Day.   A bicycle like vehicle on water is what: a hydrocycle, a water cycle or pedalo?
A1)        A hydrocycle.

Q2)        Which ‘U’ is a one wheeled, bicycle-like vehicle?
A2)        A unicycle.

Q3)        A trandem bicycle was auctioned in 2018.   The bike belong to whom: the Goodies, the Marx Brothers or the Mary Whitehouse Experience?
A3)        The Goodies.

Q4)        A Chukudu is a hand made bike: from the Democratic Republic of Congo.   What’s it made from: wood, aluminium or bonded polyurethane?
A4)        Wood.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Does a kick bike have pedals?
A5)        No.
Here’s a thought …
“The single was a phenomenal success in the UK, helped by a wide range of remixes and supported by an advertising campaign depicting the band as members of the Red Army.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the song.
And a playlist§ …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hmmm … would a mobility scooter be of any help, Olga?   You can build up a bit of speed in them!
        And I’ve had some good news: I’ve lost four hundred grams: keeping off crisps helps!   As does walking up that hill, as much as I hate it!   I’ve got to do it is again, though, next week: twice!   So I know what you mean about snow and ice: Warley Hill gets nasty.

        Hello, Mum!

        Yeah, they’re pretty much the same sort of thing, Debbi: I didn’t realise there was a US equivalent!   Well … beyond the solo adventures for RuneQuest and Tunnels and Trolls.
        Hang on, a penny farthing?   Oh, well, if you insist … !
        “You are in a room.   There’s a door to the east, another to the west, and a treasure chest in the middle.   You can:
  • Go through the East Door: go to Paragraph 90.
  • Go through the West Door: go to Paragraph 53.
  • Open the chest: go to Paragraph 29.
  • Ride the penny-farthing that’s just turned up: go to Paragraph 37.”
        On a more serious note, Debbi, I’ve mentioned the Penny Farthing in one of the earlier Bicycle Day teasers: but can’t remember which one!

§        At the time?   The Annihilation mix, with Patrick Allen’s messages — “If your grandmother should die whilst in the shelter … ” — on them seemed funny: ironic, even.   Having heard the originals — in both Threads, and the original Protect and Survive films? — many years later?   I think they’re scary!


  1. Just as a last thought, Debbi?

    Post trial, I though of this quote from Going Postal:

    “What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.”

  2. 1 Frankie goes to Hollywood
    2 ZTT
    3 George Martin
    4 Holly Johnson
    5 9

  3. Q1) Frankie Goes to Hollywood

    Q2) ZTT

    Q3) Trevor Horn

    Q4) Holly Johnson

    Q5) nine
    Well done on the weight front! My mother can walk, but she's just getting slower and slower, and hills are a problem. (And although the hills here are not massive, Barcelona is pretty hilly, so we have to plan carefully where we go as many of the places imply a climb). I need to get used to allowing for much more time to do anything with her, even going to the local shops walking takes several hours.
    Jordi and his wife have given up on the holidays and postponed them until September. They might take a few days off later, but not too far. The operation went well, but she was in a lot of pain, and eventually wasn't discharged home until after the weekend, when they were expecting to be home on Saturday. Now it's a matter of taking it easy and working towards recovery, which at her age has to be taken at a slow pace. Fingers crossed it all goes well.
    All the best to your nephew.

  4. Now, there's a Terry Pratchett thought. :)

    Brilliant writer!

    And I remember the song!

    1. Frankie Goes to Hollywood
    2. ZTT
    3. Trevor Horn
    4. Holly Johnson
    5. nine

    And about "Dot and Bubble"--FinePlace or whatever sounds an awful lot like Facebook. :)

    And, yes, the girl who sacrificed the celebrity to save herself? Not companion material. :)

    Could be interpreted as clique-ishness in the way of spoiled teenagers or racism against human and/or black humans. Could be all of that.

    As I recall, the (female) Doctor ran into discrimination in certain time periods when women had no power. Of course, she thwarted or persuaded those guys, because she was so much smarter than them.


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