
Wednesday 5 June 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th June 2024.

5th June, 2024.

Right … I was officially looking after my nephew, yesterday.

And … ?

Yes: Bobby the Cat made  an appearance!


If that glowy-eye photo doesn’t get turned into a meme, I’m a duck!



I’ll happily admit to being a Dr Who fan.

And one that’s feeling saddened, this morning.

At receiving news that William Russell — who played Ian Chesterton in the first episodes of the show — has died at the age of 99.

The man will be much missed.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        5th June is the UN sponsored International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated what: fishing, farming or mining?

Q2)        It’s also the UN sponsored World what Day: World Environment Day, World Sustainable Agriculture Day or World Fart Day?

Q3)        The most populated city in Texas was incorporated: on 5th June, 1837.   Which city is it?

Q4)        The Allied Control Council took power: on 5th June, 1945.   Where: Germany, Italy or Japan?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Lake Bodom Murders took place: on 5th June, 1960.   In which country: Finland, Denmark or Sweden?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        “Two Tribes” was released on 4th June, 1984.   By which Liverpudlian band: Frankie Goes to Hollywood, OMD or the Mighty Wah!?
A1)        Frankie Goes to Hollywood.

Q2)        The song was on which record label: Stiff, ZTT or Decca?
A2)        ZTT.   (The initials stood for Zang Tumb Tuum.)

Q3)        Who produced “Two Tribes”: Mutt Lange, Tony Visconti, Trevor Horn or George Martin?
A3)        Former Buggle, Trevor Horn.

Q4)        The song was written by band members, Holly Johnson, Peter Gill and Mark O’Toole.   Which of them was the band’s singer?
A4)        Holly Johnson.   Peter Gill was the drummer, Mark O’Toole, the bassist.   (You can hear Gill, O’Toole and guitarist, Brian Nash, on “One February Friday”: from the b-side of “Two Tribes”.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   The song was number one in the charts for how many weeks: nine, ten or eleven?
A5)        Nine.   Part of what kept it there?   Was the number of 12” versions.   I believe chart compilers have since changed the rules on whether such mixes count.
Here’s a thought …
“I will not see it!
Tell the moon to come,
for I do not want to see the blood
of Ignacio on the sand.
I will not see it!”
From a translation of Llanto por Ignacio Sanchez Mejias, by Federico García Lorca, 5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   Trevor Horn was the producer, Mum: he was the singer in the Buggles.

        You mother has my sympathies, Olga§!   I’m at the bottom of a hill, myself: and it’s a chore, getting up them!   If you can offer both her, — and Jordi and his wife — my sympathies, I’d appreciate it!
        I think we can say Jude had a good afternoon, yesterday.   Mind you … he was saying the cat was licking his chin, yesterday.   There’s always something!   That cat really needs to be turned into a meme!

‡        I thought that quote would appeal, Debbi!   I can remember the book it’s from, Going Postal, at the busstop, and reaching that quote … and laughing my head off.   I got a few strange looks!
        “Dot and Bubble” is going to be discussed for a long time, I think.   Like I said in the reviews, I preferred “Boom”, and “73 Yards”: but that doesn’t mean “Dot and Bubble” isn’t good!   I suspect it’s going to be discussed for many years to come.    (As I recall?   The Mutants, and Colony in Space, get similar discussion.   The first is supposed to be a metaphor for de-colonisation, the latter a riff on corporate greed.   Then there’s The Sunmakers!   Academics must love this stuff!)
        She certainly did!   I possibly need to sit down with a few more of Jodie’s episodes.
        Apparently, the script was originally pitched during Matt Smith’s run: but Steven Moffat turned it down, as the show couldn’t afford it.   I can’t see the discrimination aspects working with Smith: but could with Capaldi’s Doctor.   Good ol’ fashioned ageism … … … 
        As one last thought about “Dot and Bubble”?   I noticed FineTime’s residents didn’t mention the homeworld’s name.   I’m wondering if it’s Skaro.   There’s at least one bunch of blond übermensches on Skaro … 

§        The strange thing about that photo, Olga?   One eye seems to have a green tinge to it: the other, yellow.   Quite what’s happening, I don’t know!


  1. 1 Fishing
    2 Enviroment
    3 Houston
    4 Germany
    5 Finland

  2. Q1) fishing

    Q2) World Environment Day

    Q3) Houston

    Q4) Germany

    Q5) Finland
    You're definitely right about the cat... I'm sure a witch or a wizard would happily adopt him. He has the right look for it.

  3. So sad to hear about William Russell. 99 years old! Wow!

    1. fishing
    2. World Environment Day
    3. Houston
    4. Germany
    5. Finland

    Farewell, Ian ... to paraphrase one of the Doctors.


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